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Veteran Driver VII
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About TheVitoszPl

  • Birthday April 1

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    United Kingdom
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  • EU Garage Location
    Norway: Bergen

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  1. Suggestion Name : Report button. Suggestion Description : You could have a report button if a player is being inappropriate or saying something bad so you could report him and make him get a ban or kick. Any example images : No. Why should it be added? : It would make the servers more clearer and more appropriate for example a player that is 9 years old is playing ETS2MP and other guy who is 30 years might be talking about some stuff that may abuse him or upset that 9 years old player.
  2. Hi there, I have a small problem when i want to talk i press V and te trailer brake comes on how can i change the speaking button Regards
  3. Still it would be useful to track the player down if you want And how would a player get abused by it ?
  4. That dosent look for player it looks for service station
  5. Hello there I need help ! How can i find a player on the ETS2MP MAP by putting the name and it will show me.Is this possible?
  6. Please could you use this format Suggestion Name: Suggestion Description: Any example images: Why should it be added?
  7. +1 I really like it It would increase the realism and it would also make the players rest for a bit. But I think the time frame has to be worked on Before uploading this mod.
  8. -1 Why should the developers do something for you when you can do it yourself ? Just upgrade to a 64-Bit if you computer say's yes you can
  9. A very big fat -1 in fact it was put in like 2 weeks ago .If you have a problem just mute them or report them they will get a ban and you wont.The report button is for something.Next time just mute the players who keep on ramming So easy just one step.
  10. -1 It would take the realism away as I never seen a truck with a camera when you hit reverse.As someone said you would have the camera on the back of truck not trailer.Furthermore it could only help you how much meters you have to reverse until you hit the wall.Not for parking it would be even harder. I think it won't be put in as it reduces realism as I said before
  11. +1 Good shout mate But the time frame needs a bit work i think
  12. +1 Very good It would prevent from people trolling,blocking,ramming and lots more and if you got below 5 you csnt get the mod that would be fantastic,It would also save a lot of time and jobs to the admins.
  13. +1 I like it It would be easier to press TAB as you would type /players in and crash into someone because you driving and texting especially on the keyboard when it is hard to write and drive.
  14. +1 Good shout mate It would be a great idea if you could do that especially when your in Rotterdam and there is about 60 people or more and its lagging very bad because of beacons.But if we could have this mod or update we wouldn't get collisions and less lags and mostly there would be a massive reduce in crashes. Good job man
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