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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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About bullseye007

  • Birthday 10/09/1998

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  • American Garage Location
    Arizona: Phoenix
  • EU Garage Location
    France: Calais

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  1. what version do we downgrade it to lol
  2. What about "Pilot"?
  3. Hello, I used to play this game a couple of months ago and now I'm back and I love the new car, but why can't I put a Police Accessory? I saw a person with the accessory, but how?
  4. Hello, I don't really favor the voice chat feature, because I talk to my friends through teamviewer meetings. Is there any way to disable this?
  5. Just trying to help the admins, and help the people who forget. I see a lot of people including me get kicked for ghost driving. I barely see admins around, saying no ghost driving.
  6. This Applies to Euro Truck Simulator 2, and American Truck Simulator. Name: Chatbox message about Ghost Driving Description: There should be a message in the chatbox if a person lights are not on at a certain time. Images: Why? Sometimes I forget about my lights and get kicked by an admin about it, because my brightness level is 100% so sometimes I don't notice. This is just like the weather conditions output in the chatbox. Example: [TruckersMP] Please turn on your Lights to prevent Ghost Driving.
  7. My profile picture is hawt

    1. Jamie69


      How can you see out of that Windshield ;)

    2. Save
  8. +1, it does freeze the game, but only for about 2 seconds, and everything is fine.
  9. Don't you think they're going to do this? I mean the game did release about 2 weeks ago, but it's kinda rushing them, because they have other important things to do, they will get to this.
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