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Summer hasn't arrived in my country yet, but I intend to take a vacation from my job and go to the beach or travel to another state. It's very hot here at the moment, it feels like summer already, but we're entering spring. 🙂 

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Idiomas: Português e Inglês | Discórdia: _amexz_


Bem-vindo e boa condução! 🚚🚧

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My Family and i did go to a small holiday trip this summer but overall i rarely do domething big in the summer. In germany summer is awfull because its not only just hot, there is high air humidity. I always play on my PC with an towel over my head so i dont sweat under my headphones while haveing my fan on 😂 My room gets so warm because of my pc and other electronic so if it´s cold i barely need my heater 🤣

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Hello @.daniel-,


First of all thank you for taking the time to ask this question and write this topic with community on forum. 


Honestly this summer I went to a mountain place and other moments I stayed at home playing Ets2. I really like spending my days on the PC playing TruckersMP usually. 




TruckersMP Veteran Player 



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First of all thank you for taking the time to ask this question and write this topic with community on forum. 


I just worked in the summer. Last year was my last vacation.


Stay Healty

Nur weil andere die Regeln brechen, tust du das auch? Seien Sie schlauer! Gute Fahrt.




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If you have any questions, feel free to DM me. 


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TruckersMP Community Moderator

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