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blocking, crashing, red light jumping on eu #1


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Hi all



I am typing this to share thoughts on people not respecting server eu #1 when they are on it. I must say its not everyone but there are a lot of people doing it and the items I am on about are blocking, crashing with intent to piss people off and red light jumping.


It has come to my attention that people don't think that these things matter as it is just a game but for a lot of people its more then that in fact it has be come a hobby and they care if the get from point A to point B with out any damage, fines or bad scores and I honestly understand that.


there are 2 EU servers to choose from thanks to the admin team. So we can go on EU #1 for laid back fun where you stick to the rules with the odd heavy foot moment when you forget the limit change (proper GB problem lol) but otherwise a good game.




you have server EU #2 where you can drive like a mad head not giving a hoot of anyone other then your self


please put what you think as I would love to see what other people have to say

and don't forget to like the comment if you agree

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Think of it this way : Those who piss people off, need to be in the same server with the actual people they piss off, otherwise, all the trolls would be in the same server and have no one to piss off.


Take it as a fact, where you have serious drivers, there's bound to be trolls to piss them off, can't have one without the other.


Doing the Multiplayer Hardcore Challenge on the Europe #2 Server - Currently level 15

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This is why I'm saying if you're wanting to race, go and play another game.


This game was made for serious driving.


None of the trucks in this game were made to race - they were made to drive and haul cargo. Even the 7xx HP engines were not designed to race - they were designed to haul things like this:




If you want to race - go and play Asseto Corsa, Grid or Need for Speed. Heck, there's even some truck racing games out there with real racing trucks (found here: http://www.gameformulatruck.com/en/)


Just let the people who take this game seriously play in peace.

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but why call speeding ''racing''? it just doesnt makes any sense to me.


speeding is just fun,overtaking eachother is extra interactions (just like it happends irl may i point out)

I dont get the people who say with speedlimiter its a simulator and without its a racegame.how can you call it a simulator with bairly traffic and bairly a challenge.you can litteraly watch tv while driving caus the road infront of you is anyway empty.


its simelare too irl, if speedlimits are very low then people get bored and will find other things too do.cellphones,tablets,newspapers,... let people drive a bit faster and they focus on the road instead making it way more safe.


anyway that was a bit offtopic there,ontopic:


record and report on forums mate,thats the best you can do.if you do it and 2 or 3 more record a person torlling around he might be removed from our comunity.and every troll that gets banned is one less on the road :D


but yeah as mentioned above me red light jumping is alowed as long as you give way too people with green light.


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How can I take any game seriously that has Volvedes and Scanault trucks in it...? :D :D


Sorry for totally offtopicin this, been busy with work, but if you mod your own truck to do this, can others see it?


Thanks to scaNIaCK for PMing the anser to me! The answer is yes for anyone else wondering! (PS I dont know if I can delete this message or not so I'm gonna let whatever happen to this post happen)

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What I hate no matter what server is trucks just pulling out with out looking just last night had about 3 or 4 trucks pull out of yards or parking lots with out a thought if anything is coming and only by driving and thinking every other driver is a idiot and expect them to do something stupid and be ready for it do you ever make it to the end of your trip (this is also how to survive in rl driving as well) I have avoided load of crashes by just being ready for it ie always slow a little and check at lights even if you have a green and always expect that truck is going to pull out right in front of you ;)

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Read that again....


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I dont get the people who say with speedlimiter its a simulator and without its a racegame.


Past "experiments" with the speedlimiter has shown that without the speedlimiter in place, more players will drive faster, resulting in more accidents. Couple that with the fact that trolls will hit you at maximum speed (warp 8) and will run for their lives afterwards.


Just take a look at the EP corner on CCTV and you will notice that most players can't even make a turn at 3mph.


Given the chance to drive at 140km/h, many will, because they can. Because it's a game and don't really care about who's trying to play as a simulator. Because frustration kicks in and some trolls just want to watch the world bun. Because potatoes !


I can't imagine someone serious being ok with the whole "let's run red lights and drive at max speed" mentality.


Sooo...yeah... my 0.02$


Doing the Multiplayer Hardcore Challenge on the Europe #2 Server - Currently level 15

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"If" I run red lights in game I treat them as 4 way stop.


If speeding I only go max 75mph.  This way I know I can stop if need. Going to Rotterdam 65mph or less depending on server population.


For hybrid trucks mine is ok powered for realistic feeling lol

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