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  1. Been hearing some players when they talk on the CB it sounds like they are actually using a crystal radio. Been racking my brain to figure out what programs they are using.
  2. The VTC system is ok, but it can be better if you could add an "auto-tag" pending on your VTC, and skin for your truck, trailer or pilot car, if it can be posible, pending on your VTC too. The idea for the skin is that you as the Owner of the VTC can upload a DDS texture to TMP servers, and in game you go to the service and add your skin to your truck, and another hired driver can go to service and use the skin too. This idea is the same as Minecraft skins functionality.
  3. Suggestion Name: IDEA about punishment system Suggestion Description: I think we need to: - Punishment History deletion after at least 3 years by Moderator Leaders or admins per player request. This fact will be saved as trial flag. History will get back after bannig player with this flag. Trial flag will be deleted automatically after 180 days. This also will delete history pernamently with no return - Merge appeals and report page like example below: When somebody reports, you can see that on new page, where you can give your appeal or explain something, even before moderator reply. On this page, you will can report somebody else or browse old reports from and to you with more comfort. Any example images: there is no example Why should it be added?: think it would benefit for players that was troll kids, but now are mature and fair-playing users what wants to join some VTCs or recruit to moderators team and it will make reports system clearer and more comfortable.
  4. Clever unterwegs Die FoxLog-Group ist eine virtuelle Spedition mit aktuell etwa 30 Fahrern. Tagtäglich sind wir im Euro Truck Simulator 2 und American Truck Simulator unterwegs, im Multiplayer ebenso wie im Singleplayer. Seit unserer Gründung am 3. Juni 2019 nutzen wir zur Auftragsabrechnung und Speditionsverwaltung die bekannte Software SpedV. Wir verbinden das gemeinsame Spielen in freundlicher und familiärer Atmosphäre mit einer großzügigen Belohnung der individuellen Leistung und Aktivität. Mit unserem eigenen Rang- und Belohnungssystem würdigen wir den Beitrag jedes Fahrers zum Erfolg der gesamten Spedition. Dabei lassen wir allen Fahrern so viel Freiheit wie möglich. Das Privatleben geht selbstverständlich vor. Es gibt bei uns keine Auftrags- oder Kilometer-Vorgaben und jeder entscheidet selbst, was er wann und wo fährt. Auch ob man lieber alleine fahren möchte oder die Gesellschaft auf unserem Teamspeak oder Discord sucht, ist jedem selbst überlassen. Einsteigen kann man bei der FoxLog-Group direkt ohne Probezeit als Fahrer, Subunternehmer oder Konvoi-Fahrer. Einzigartige Vorteile ein eigenes Rang- und Belohnungs-System viele Freiheiten und wenige Vorgaben Einstieg ohne Probezeit regelmäßige Konvois von klein bis groß attraktive Aufstiegsmöglichkeiten ein nettes und fähiges Team kompetenter Support für SpedV und ETS2/ATS Disposition für den SpedV Kontormodus eine neu gestaltete Website eine eigene Firmenlackierung für ETS2/ATS direkte Zuweisung eines LKWs deiner Wahl eigener Teamspeak- und Discord-Server Voraussetzungen Erfahrungen mit ETS2 und/oder ATS Geistige Reife regelmäßige Aktivität (abhängig vom gewählten Job) respektvolles Verhalten defensive Fahrweise im Multiplayer Weitere Infos Möchtest du mehr über uns erfahren? Haben wir dein Interesse geweckt? Dann besuche gerne unsere Website unseren Teamspeak ts.foxlog-group.de unseren Discord oder unser Instagram-Profil Wir freuen uns auf dich! Dein Team der FoxLog-Group
  5. ➤ 「」Hakkımızda : Türk Logistics® 24 Temmuz 2016'da TeknoOcak tarafından; sanal Türk şoförleri / sürücüleri bir araya getirmek ve Türk milletini simülasyon camiasında en iyi şekilde temsil etmek amacıyla kuruldu. Ekibimizin istekleri üzerine 24 Temmuz 2019 tarihinde VTC siteminde yerini alarak alımlarını açmış ve kısa zamanda tecrübesi ile bir çok başarılı etkinliğe imza atarak adından sıkça söz ettirmiştir. Kökenleri itibariyle; 7.yılını tamamlamış ve kendini kanıtlamış sağlam, aile bağlarını her şeyden önde tutan bir ekibiz. Hakkımızda daha fazla şey öğrenmek için websitemizi ziyaret edebilirsiniz. ➤ 「」Neden Biz ? Tecrübeli yönetim kadrosu Düzenli ve kaliteli konvoylar Yazılım ve donanım alanında profesyonel destek Singleplayer ve multiplayer destekli eklentiler (Mod) Özel Discord Zengin Varlığı (Tracker) TruckersMP Özel Kullancı Arayüzü (Custom UI) ➤ 「」Gereksinimler : +17 yaşınızı doldurmuş olmalısınız. Tüm harita dlc'lerine sahip olmalısınız. ETS 2 veya ATS için en az 100 saat oynama süreniz olmalıdır. Maksimum 3 yasaklanmanız olabilir. Discord kullanımı ve mikrofon gereklidir. ➤ 「」Bağlantılar : 「」Website : https://turklogistics.tr.gg/ 「」Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/turk.logistics/ 「」Steam : https://steamcommunity.com/groups/turk-logistics 「」Discord : https://discord.gg/6rXpnmt 「」TruckersMP VTC : https://truckersmp.com/vtc/1156 ・Güvenle Taşır ! ・Hayatın her anında lojistik, lojistiğin her alanında Türk Logistics®
  6. VSB Transport zoekt chauffeurs. VSB Transport is een gezellige VTC waar we graag samen convoy rijden en onze passie voor trucks / simulators delen. Wij werken met Trucksbook om het zo realistisch mogelijk te spelen! (Link: https://trucksbook.eu/company/37467) Heb je interesse om onze VTC te joinen? Aarzel niet en meld je gelijk aan via onze discord! (Link: https://discord.gg/DMWRtU6) We hopen je snel te zien! Met vriendelijke groet VSB Managment
  7. >>Holland International Transport<< Wij zijn een relatief nieuw bedrijf in de trucking wereld en zijn nu op zoek naar enthousiaste chauffeurs om ons team te komen versterken! Na een aantal jaar voor andere werkgevers te hebben gewerkt, hebben wij besloten de handen ineen te slaan en voor onszelf te beginnen. Hier is na wat vallen en opstaan Holland International Transport uit ontstaan. Onze main focus is respect, kwaliteit en plezier. Dit verwachten wij van iedereen ten alle tijden. Zowel op de weg als over de communicatie middelen. Iedereen is bij ons welkom zolang men zich volwassen gedraagt en spreekt. Wij zijn actief zowel in Europa als in Amerika en hebben hierin geen verplichtingen. Tevens organiseren wij regelmatig konvooien of andere activiteiten en heb je altijd de mogelijkheid om een paar collega's op te trommelen om samen te rijden. Daarnaast bieden wij aan iedereen de mogelijkheid jezelf te ontwikkelen en door te groeien binnen het bedrijf en moedigen wij input en ideeën van werknemers aan. Jij bent graag onderweg, levert je vracht op tijd en zonder schade af en voert de kleuren van Holland International met trots! Je bent het visitekaartje van het bedrijf en zo gedraag jij je dan ook. Je werkt goed zelfstandig maar rijdt ook graag samen met collega's. Je denkt mee met het bedrijf en hebt ambitie om door te groeien! Wij vragen van jou: 3 maanden ervaring Geen actieve rijontzegging (ban) Volwassen gedrag Spreekt goed Nederlands Hands-on mentaliteit Meedenkend en ondernemend Bereid tot het gebruik van Trucksbook logger Bereid tot het gebruik van Discord Spreekt dit je aan? Voor meer informatie of om te solliciteren kun je terecht op onze VTC pagina of via Trucksbook. Bedankt voor je tijd en hopelijk tot snel! TruckersMP: https://truckersmp.com/vtc/6906 Trucksbook: https://trucksbook.eu/company/50344 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Holland-International-Transport-108735587288645 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSn03pdClYJExcOtGkZupMw
  8. VIVA Nederland WIE ZIJN WIJ? Viva Trucking Nederland is een ATS en ETS2 transportbedrijf als geen ander. Wij zijn een community die de manier veranderd hoe virtueel vrachtvervoer vandaag is. Wij nemen chauffeurs aan van over de hele wereld die zijn gedreven om hun vrije tijd in het bedrijf te steken. Onze missie is een plaats te maken waar chauffeurs op ATS en ETS2 samen kunnen komen om een vriendelijke gemeenschap van alle culturen te creëren. Onze chauffeurs komen altijd als eerst om daar zeker van te zijn moeten wij zorgen dat wij verantwoordelijkheid, respect, vertrouwen en initiatief tonen naar alle leden. WAT MAAKT ONS ANDERS? - 7000+ Geregistreerde chauffeurs sinds 2016. - 41+ PRIJZEN Gekregen van de TMP community de afgelopen jaren. - VOORAL PROFESSIONEEL VTC met onze eigen gemaakte skins, speciale technologie en geweldige staff. - ERKEND BIJ KNIGHT TRANSPORT Trots erkend bij 1 van het grootste US transportbedrijf. ONZE DRIVERSHUB Om onze concurrenten voor te blijven, hebben we honderden euro's geïnvesteerd in het maken van een kwalitatieve software en internet functies voor onze chauffeurs. Onze Drivershub, Live Driver Tracker en Auto Logs zijn nog maar een paar voorbeelden van de vele technologieën die wij hebben gemaakt. VIVA is de enige VTC in de community dat die technologieën niet aan een derde partij uitbesteed , wij gebruiken alleen onafhankelijke ontwikkelde systemen. Voor meer informatie bezoek onze website. SPECIALE DIVISIES Viva Trucking Nederland's speciale divisies is iets uniek binnen VIVA dat ervoor zorgt dat chauffeurs een leuk extra kunnen verdienen d.m.v. divisie bonussen. Er zijn verschillende divisies o.a. open trailer, cool, gevaarlijke stoffen, biomassa en Zware Vracht. Dit is enorm populair en een enorme leuk toegevoegde extra binnen de VIVA community. SLUIT JE VANDAAG NOG BIJ ONS AAN! Mis deze ervaring niet en kijk op https://vivatrucking.com/nederland of klik op deze link om meer te weten te komen over de sollicitatie's. Voor elke vraag kan je ons contacteren op [email protected] www.vivatrucking.com/nederland
  9. Виртуальная транспортная компания по игре Euro Truck Simulator 2, специализирующаяся на перевозке самых различных грузов и доставляющая заказы от северной части Норвегии вплоть до юго-восточной части Италии. Компания имеет собственную ранговую систему, систему отбора и модификацию в Steam Workshop. Список сотрудников ВТК Сообщество ВКонтакте Trucksbook Приглашение на Discord-сервер #НАШИ ПРЕИМУЩЕСТВА# #ТРЕБОВАНИЯ# # Возраст 15+. Делаем редкие исключения # Менее четырех блокировок TruckersMP и отсутствие текущих блокировок на момент подачи заявки. # Обязательное наличие микрофона и аккаунта Discord. # Энтузиазм, желание играть и адекватность #ПОЯВИЛОСЬ ЖЕЛАНИЕ ВСТУПИТЬ?# Если да - подавай заявку в нашу компанию! Мы гарантируем, что каждая заявка будет детально разобрана и не оставлена без внимания. Возможно мы ждем именно тебя! ЗАПОЛНИТЬ ЗАЯВКУ НА ВСТУПЛЕНИЕ
  10. I think that an in-game VTC Manager should be added to TMP it would work Similar to the TAB button and bring up an overlay. except this would be a VTC Management window with different options and also a variety of things to do within the VTC that would be accessible by all VTC members including drivers! Now whilst this could have many options added to it (during future updates) this would be VTC friendly by allowing many things to happen! How to prevent abuse of this system: ONLY VERIFIED VTCs SHOULD HAVE ACCESS VTC Staff manager system (VTC Ranking system run by the owner of VTC with ability to add and remove ranks for their drivers IE: Admin, Mod, Driver, Social Media Manager etc) What the system could bring: This system could bring a variety of cool things these couple of opinions being a small amount of them. Custom VTC Skin that would stand out to other drivers More active VTC Community (VTC Manager required) Job Dispatcher and many many more in future updates This could help VTCs grow and become a lot more active in the world of TMP Questions? How would a VTC get there skin uploaded to TMP and how would members be able to use them? The in Game VTC Manager would allow its founder to register a skin with the game admins if they are a verified VTC. This asking a admin to upload a custom VTC skin for use by any members that are in the VTC on the website (yes the in-game VTC Manager would be linked to the website as an alternative yet linked option) How would this be implemented? IDK its not up to me which is why this is just a suggestion What would the benefits be? you can use an ingame VTC Manger to post recruitment post (Globally/Locally) to recruit players every 10/30 mins this growing all VTCs in size and numbers you can also use this to post convoy details to get a few outside players to join a convoy and make it bigger and get more numbers if people get interested Please note: THIS IS JUST A SUGGESTION, THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT IT WILL BE ACTED ON AND IMPLEMENTED, THIS JUST OPENS UP A DISCUSSION OF AN IDEA FOR IN-GAME EXTRAS FOR VTCS AND MANY MORE POSSIBILITIES WITHIN THE TMP WORLD AND COMMUNITY.
  11. Hello truckers! I found an idea to improve the TruckersMp server and having a RolePlay side has it all! Let's start ... Description of suggestion: My suggestion basically allows the boss of each company to check the status of employees and their journey. I basically summarize a system that allows to see the information of the employees such as: Trip, Time of departure, Time of arrival, Companies, Amount won, etc ... This will give a fairly RP side to the game and allow to pay the employees thanks to the money that employees have earned ie if the mission is 1000 € low they will earn 750 € because 15% will be for the boss and the boss will decide to make a transfer to the employee in question roughly one system like http://virtualtruckingmanager.com/ but no longer develop Why should it be added ?: Because it will give a realistic side to the game by forcing people to make cards for their bosses to earn money is clearly better and RP and fun! Drooxy
  12. Международная виртуальная транспортная компания «Imperial Trans Company» специализируется на грузоперевозках различной сложности по территориям Европы, Польши, Франции, Англии и Скандинавии, Италии и Америки! В нашей команде исключительно профессиональные водители мира ETS2/ATS, способные выполнить доставку любой сложности в любую точку игрового мира. Мы на постоянной основе проводим внутренние конвои, мы всегда в пути! Высокая квалификация наших водителей подтверждена временем и сотнями тысяч пройденных километров! В нашей компании вас ждут большие конвои, различные мероприятия! Наша Компания отличается высокой дисциплиной, качеством выполнения грузоперевозок и взаимопониманием между водителями компании и администрацией. Если ты ответственный, компанейский и считаешь себя профессиональным водителем, либо хочешь им стать, то добро пожаловать в ряды сотрудников «Imperial Trans Company»! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Наши преимущества: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Правила компании: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Информация о наборе сотрудников: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Руководство компании: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Контакты: Открытая группа vk.com Официальный сайт компании Сервер Discord Сервер TeamSpeak3 TruckersMP VTC page Для вступления в компанию необходимо заполнить заявку на вступление ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- © VTC Imperial Trans Company
  13. Виртуальная транспортная компания, занимающаяся грузоперевозками по Европе и Америке. В нашей компании вас ждут большие конвои, веселое общение, различные мероприятия! Вступить в компанию может любой желающий. Однако стоит учесть, что мы предъявляем жёсткие требования как для кандидатов на вступление, так и к самим сотрудникам! Только в нашей компании вы сможете научиться грамотному вождению в мире мультиплеера. Если ты весёлый, ответственный, компанейский и тебе наскучило бороздить просторы мультиплеера одному, пристраиваясь к неизвестным попутчикам, то добро пожаловать в ряды сотрудников компании "Интегра"! Чтобы стать нашим сотрудником, необходимо заполнить заявку. Чем же наша компания выделяется среди прочих? ПРОМО-РОЛИК: Руководство: Сотрудники: Вы можете увидеть список наших сотрудников по ссылке - https://goo.gl/btvDE9 Правила ВТК Интегра: Как попасть в основной штат компании? Очень просто! Необходимо заполнить заявку по ССЫЛКЕ Информация для сотрудников Наши контакты: Убедительная просьба игрокам мультиплеера Euro Truck Simulator 2, если вы заметите нарушения со стороны наших водителей, напишите в данной теме (с доказательством). If you notice one of our drivers breaking driving rules, feel free to post a proof in this thread. Copying of any information is prohibited © VTC Integra, 2014-2017 Копирование любой информации с данной темы без согласования ЗАПРЕЩЕНО © ВТК Интегра, 2014-2017
  14. Are you looking to join a great VTC that offers Discord Nitro as a reward? Are you also looking to join a no stress, no requirements VTC? Then RevGaming is the number 1 VTC for YOU. After launching recently, we have many staff opportunities including convoy control and driver manager; do you want to fill this roles? Why not apply today! However, if you’re interested in doing lots of miles, then we also cater for that too! We use Trucksbook, meaning there’s a competitive aspect to being here too. We would love to be within the top ranks in the UK and I’m sure you would be too. So if you’re a serious driver, you’re also welcome here! But we are still a No stress, No Targets VTC so you will never be pressured to do anything. What makes us stand out? • We offer Discord Nitro or ETS2 / ATS DLCs as a reward • We don’t have a monthly requirement. • We have weekly convoys, no DLC needed. • We have custom paintjobs and skins Right now, Applications are open and we can't wait to welcome new Drivers in our Company and on our Discord Server For more information, please visit our Homepage https://revgaming.co.uk/, our VTC on the TruckersMP website https://truckersmp.com/vtc/757, or our Trucksbook page https://trucksbook.eu/company/41122 If you have any questions left, please feel free to ask them here or contact us on Discord (Geo#1111 or Linciano#9362)
  15. Suggestion Name: Bans public for VTC Suggestion Description: An option to allow people in the VTC able to see users bans Any example images: N/A Why should it be added?: Some users might not want there bans visible to everyone but some companies have public bans as a requirements Regards, Coolio85
  16. [COMING SOON] We're just making some updates, standby. → Website: http://valtoxgaminggroup.com/ → Discord: http://discord.gg/valtox
  17. Transpoint Transportation Inc. We are actively looking for new drivers to join our Family. We have no minimum mileage restrictions. Play as often as you like. We do monthly giveaways. We have responsive dispatchers and contract loads. TTI is one of the oldest VTC. We like to have fun and keep on trucking. Feel free to ask any questions. https://discord.gg/WMPE39B Truckbooks Company page https://trucksbook.eu/company/56397
  18. GTR VTC,我们来自中国,成立于2016年11月29日。目前,我们有300多名运动员。我们参加了许多国内外的大型活动,组织和参加了许多官方的MP活动。众所周知,中国是一个拥有千年文化的国家,也是无数卡车爱好者。我们致力于成为最好的卡车爱好者。欧洲卡车模拟器2 VTC也欢迎所有对欧洲卡车模拟器2感兴趣的玩家加入我们。 如果您想加入GTR或了解更多信息,请查看以下链接: •我们的网站:http://www.gtrets2.com/ •Bilibili(例如YouTube):https://space.bilibili.com/352280782/ •蒸汽:HTTP://steamcommunity.com/groups/gtr-vtc •QQ:https://jq.qq.com/?_wv=1027&amp;k=5k2lquS 从游戏到现实,从平凡到非凡,让每次遭遇都成为我们不可或缺的一部分--GTR
  19. Suggestion Name: VTC with 2 owners Suggestion Description: In the current VTC system there can only be 1 owner, there should be an possibility of adding more owners if the company has so. Any example images: none Why should it be added?: It would be easier for the owners to manage the company and it would make them equal, in the current system you can only see one person as an owner and the others need to have a different role.
  20. Salve camionista, noi siamo gli Italian Road Masters! Il nostro obiettivo è quello di raggiungere le vette più alte della classifica mondiale di Trucksbook, divertendosi e lavorando come una squadra. Esattamente come una squadra, ci aspettiamo che tutti diano un contributo con un minimo di 15.000 km mensili. Ogni camionista è libero di guidare al proprio ritmo in base ai propri impegni, semplicemente chiediamo di essere partecipi in azienda. Se sei interessato, mandaci la tua richiesta ma soprattutto raggiungici su Discord che vogliamo parlare con te! Gli unici requisiti che bisogna avere sono: - Avere un account Discord - Avere un account di Trucksbook - Avere una connessione che permette di giocare a TruckersMP senza problemi Vieni a trovarci su Discord: https://discord.gg/jHj95uH5UF Pagina Trucksbook: https://trucksbook.eu/company/56567 Pagina TruckersMP: https://truckersmp.com/vtc/4520 Visita la nostra pagina Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/roadmastersita/
  21. Galactic Warrior Enterprise was founded by Stevenaramos on November 16th, 2016, we serve North America & Europe & International. We currently have 10 Drivers and counting. The current Co-Owner of this company is CaptainSmoke. We are always Hiring and our parent of our company is Galactic Warrior Empire Nexus, they have provided us an logo! We use both Virtual Truck Logs and Trucksbook for electronic load logging. We haul all loads both local and long distance that are up to and over 30,000+lbs (13,607+kg) [15+T]. The Company Manager is TBA. Our Subsidiary is Galactic Warrior Convoys and all convoys that we host will be there plus here is the site: https://galacticwarriorconvoys.wordpress.com/ Divisions Human Resources - Responsible for Applications, Interviews, Convoys Planning , Events Planning and dealing with complaints that are on drivers. Pilot - Responsible for helping out the Heavy Haul and Specialized Freight Divisions and Helping out with planning and unplanned Convoys. Driving Examiner - Responsible for Examining the Student Truck Drivers and Letting Human Resources know if they are ready to be promoted to Driver I. Dispatch - Uses a CAD system to keep track of drivers up to exact location. Convoy Control - Works closely with HR and mainly is available on planned convoys and also is automatically lent out to our subsidiary. Media Team - Responsible for Photos and Videos of the VTC. Freight Divisions General Freight - Responsible for doing various freight that don't require experience, automatically granted at Driver I. Bulk Freight - Responsible for delivering freight in bulk quantities. Specialized Freight - Responsible for delivering freight that requires experience. Heavy Haul - Responsible for Delivering both Overweight and Over Dimensional Freight, may require assistance from a pilot. Dry Van Freight - Responsible for delivering freight that requires a dry van. Flatbed Freight - Responsible for delivering freight that requires a flatbed. Tanker Freight - Responsible for delivering freight that requires a tanker. Refrigerated Freight - Responsible for delivering freight that requires a reefer. Hazmat Freight - Responsible for delivering Hazardous Materials, requires experience. Programs Owner/Operator Translator What We offer We offer an toxic player free environment keeping toxicity down to a absolute minimal to none Contact: [email protected] Application Requirements Must Have No Bans/Punishments Older than 3-6 Months Must Not Be Currently Present in another VTC Apply at https://gwevtc.wordpress.com/ Past Events Gift Giving Event - December 2017 Operation Big Sur - May 2018 Heavy Haul Division at work after Special Transport was released. ©2016 Galactic Warrior Enterprise®™ 2019 Galactic Warrior Empire Nexus
  22. To all the wonderful members of TruckersMP, I proudly present Quality Express VTC to you! Quality Express was founded in August 2018 by Marius and DenQuaads. Our main focus is to give all our members the true trucker experience, and also give them the community of their life. Our community is caring, serious and dedicated, but we never forget to have fun. Since our launch we have been invited to various events across the TruckersMP community, and we are planning to attend more events in the future. Our drivers are active and friendly, so you will make new friends for life in no-time joining the VTC, you will neither have any trouble finding anyone to drive with. This is some of the things you can expect as a member of Quality Express: -Our professional Convoy Crew will make sure our bi-weekly convoys goes smoothly. -Drivers Hub and our own tracking system (in development for now) -A dedicated staff team that will be there to assist you in any way. -Active management, almost 24/7 support. -Driver of the week announcements. -A great friendly community. -Professional colleagues. -Prizes and giveaways. Requirements: -You should be able to communicate properly in English. -You must have at least 50 hours in ETS2. -You must be 15 years of age or more. We are now searching new members from all around the globe to join the team. Are you seeking the true trucker experience? Join the team today, you will not regret! Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/e6ZNCeK Website: https://qualityexpressvtc.eu
  23. ~ Miller Transport Group ~ Quick Introduction: The Miller Transport Group is a multiplayer division of the well-established single player VTC Miller Transport. As a single player company we have been open for over a year and we will have been open for two in April 2020. We have developed alot and the management team itself has strived for a sense of realism and professionalism whilst aoviding becoming a very serious VTC. We are very laid-back and are always ready for a laugh and we hope to bring this to our multiplayer divison. Requirements: Must be at least 15 years old. Must have a legal copy of ETS2. Must have a good sense of humour. Have a discord account. Be active on Discord. Contact Information: Facebook TruckersMP VTC Page Youtube
  24. 卡车司机中国 中文称为欧卡中国车队联盟,联盟由兄弟协会小组发起 并管理,联盟成员由欧洲卡车模拟2各车队和各类型散人团队组成,目 前联盟成员车队有40余家。车队联盟成立于2017年6月28日,期间多次 代表中国车队参加过国际联运,联盟每个月都会组织不同类型的区域性 大联运,截至目前参加人数最多的一次达到300人以上! 2019年10月5日,联盟第15次大联运圆满结束。 ================================================== ================================================== ================================================== ============================================= 哔哩哔哩(Bilibili) 视频链接1:YuChen制作版本 视频链接2:YanHui制作版本 西瓜视频(西瓜视频) 链接:YuChen制作版本 视频上传:RK *【125】*末情 ================================================== ================================================== ================================================== ================================================== ================================================== ================================================== ================================================== ========================================== TruckersCHN第十六次大联运将在2019年11月9日古董。若想与我们RK车队一起参加。 欢迎加入欧卡2联机交流二群:913435393。晚上7.30准时发档。11月9日的大联运期待着你的到来。 -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- 若有其他参加联运的车队,也可以将参加车队人员名单(以文本形式)发至邮箱:[email protected](收到并答复,并表示感谢) 我们将在视频片尾公布(如上图所示)!谢谢合作
  25. Lakeside Transport VTC Redefining the future in virtual trucking Why work at Lakeside Transport: An amazing place and atmosphere to work Benefits for driving in the VTC Chances to join an amazing and forever expanding staff team About us: Lakeside Transport is a well established VTC in the TruckersMP community. We began this amazing adventure on the 19th September in 2015 with the intention of giving people who are new to Euro Truck Simulator 2 or TruckersMP an insight of the VTC world. Today our intentions have changed and we know believe although we are small with only 15 drivers, that we can change and redefine the standards for virtual trucking in the future. We ensure to make sure that our drivers get the best experience possible of virtual trucking. We are an old VTC, however a very promising one! Join us today! Why? Because we're something more than just a VTC. Join us and experience virtual trucking like no other level. Staff positions: Event team, Media team, Development team, Human resources team and more! There is always one posititon that suits your specicality. Not only driving, but you could help us make Lakeside a better place for everyone. Convoys and events Although we're small we try and do at least 1 convoy every month! The essential core value of a VTC is indeed driving as a group. From this moment on, you will always have someone to drive with. Tier & division system (ranking) Rather than just using tracking technologies and leaving drivers to drive by themselves, we strongly encourage driving together and attend convoys! The more you drive, the more you deliver, the more expectations you exceed, the better you progress through our unique tier system. We also seperate into two divisions in each tier, short and long haulage, so there is always a rank to satisfy. Mileage requirements Weekly mileage requirements are now a thing of the past! With us you get monthly mileage requirements to complete, which also is dependant to your tier and division so you'll never be expected too much of! Technologies With our professional fleet of drivers and management we believe that they deserve the best in the technologies avaliable to them! So below you can find the technologies for the relevent thing, i.e logging, communications, etc Tracking/logging: Virtual Truck Log (VTLog) Trucksbook (TB) Communcations Discord Our fleet Lakeside Transport believes that to complete their duties, a driver must be provided with a vehicle which is more than capable of completing the task, which is why we use the following vehicles: Scania (R (old/new), S, Streamline, etc) Volvo (FH and FH16) Iveco Highway DAF XF (all models, old/new) Mercedes Actros (all models Renualt (T range, premium, magnum) MAN (All models) Peterbuilt 389 & 579 (US) Volvo VNL (US) Kenworth W900 & T680 (US) International Lonestar (US) So with all of this avaliable to you why would you even question going anywhere else? We look forward to hearing from you soon! Useful information: Website: https://lakeside-transport.wixsite.com/welcome Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/faAN636 TruckersMP page: https://truckersmp.com/vtc/2583 Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/LakesideTransport Email: [email protected]
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