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  1. hi ive been struggling to enjoy promods multiplayer due to large amounts of Chinese players and their chaotic ping, so i would like to see if people agree with me and support the idea of China getting their very own server/servers
  2. Hello, strange one I've not had before on TMP. I have a profile specifically for the ProMods TMP server, have used it for years. I hadn't been on ETS2 for a while and fired it up after updating to 1.50 and updating TMP etc. Loading my profile shows the World map misaligned, a common issue but not usually on TMP? I have searched and can't find anything with this specific issue on TMP, most results for base game. Can anybody advise on what to look at? It's an original level 90something profile, never had other MODS or anything. I'd upload pics but I can't get past the file size limit, even after shrinking to 500x300 and minifying...
  3. Hello, I am making a video about the busiest route in Promods, and I would like to know if anyone knows how it originated, was discovered, etc. primarily the beginnings of this route. Why is it that other similar routes don't have the same number of people daily? I am genuinely interested in knowing a lot. This is my first post to generate discussion.
  4. Hello forum, As $ubject says. I have Promods Canada loaded in my profile but when I connect to tmp, it will refuse to load the mods; FWIW here is the list of files in the mod/ directory: raloh@nethreen /cygdrive/c/Users/raloh/Documents/American Truck Simulator/mod $ ls promods-ats-assets-v125a.scs promods-ats-map-v125a.scs promods-ats-def-v125a.scs promods-ats-models-v125a.scs Is it a problem of file names?
  5. Hi. Today I tried the challenge of driving double trailers in Kirkenes road to the quarry. Since I know it is not permitted in Promods Server, I chose to drive in Promods Arcade, since there aren't collisions between players. I have been kicked anyway. The question is: why? There aren't collisions therefore no one blocks each other... Why should I get kicked? I mean, I can try that in single-player, of course, but what's the reason I can't drive in that road also if the collisions are disabled?
  6. I can't login to Promods I follow all the steps and nothing happens when I press accept what can I do about it?
  7. Hello I have a question, I have heard from someone. That if you come in the quarry in Kirkenes (ProMods) of MS stone that you have priority is this true or is this just a recommendation. Or do those who come from the City have priority. Or how do you see that?
  8. Description: so I know why in the ProMods server why there is that restriction, but it feel out of place in the PM arcade server, since there is no collisions anyways, why should we be restricted still? Should it be there in the first place for that server? Image of what it is right now (will be in a google disc link as a single ets2 screenshot is over 500kB) : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aaxqlp-_jAhJCMXl4wLjg65eeoILgvs1/view?usp=share_link Why it should be "added" (technically, removing something) : well, as i said, there aren't any collisions to start whit in the arcade servers, so why prohibit something if the only that could be hurted is yourself
  9. Is it possible to play on the ProMods server using ProMods version 1.9.1?
  10. Guest

    Promods crashing

    For some reason Promods is crashing (100% of the time) when the map is opened and zoomed in or out, it's happened at the least 8 times now. It doesn't happen on non-promods servers and it doesn't happen whilst in single player either. I've file checked with steam and it's fine, i've file checked with the TMP launcher and that's fine, i've even redownloaded the promods files (including the Middle East files) and the crashes stil happen. I kinda need the map so I can set custom routes. Any help with this would be fantastic as it's really annoying.
  11. When opening the game through the launcher everything is fine until I select the ProMods server. When I do the game just freezes on the server screen. I tried joining the base game server and everything works fine. What should I do?
  12. today I downloaded Promods for ETS2, tried it first on singleplayer ETS2 on a new profile and everything worked flawlessly. Then I started the game trough TruckersMP and the mods weren't there, tried loading the new profile I created to test the mod and nothing, tried creating another new profile and nothing, tried with my main profile and nothing. The mods manager doesn't detect anything, it's empty how to fix?
  13. Hi, I have since recently have my game crash when trying to load my profile when loading into the promods servers (scs map works fine just like promods on singleplayer), i have redownloaded the tmp launcher and reinstalled it just like reunzipping both promods and promods me from my allready downloaded files. Any suggestions on how to fix this or what could be causing this are greatly appreciated thanks in advance, vincent123456789016
  14. I believe there's an issue on the job dispatcher when you try to use Karesuando (Sweden) as the Source City. I've tried using different Destination Cities and all gave the same error. Only when I changed to another Source, the dispatcher generated the job. This is probably due to the recent release of the ProMods 2.60 servers. Can you look into it?
  15. PromodsV2.57 中文与英文【 DLC 地图,涂装 】 中文与英文互译 红色为:( PromodsV2.57 网红矿山 以及雪山 必要的DLC )
  16. ProMods not found One or more required files of the ProMods map modification could not be found in your Euro Truck Simulator 2\mod folder This message appear after I replace ProMods v2.57. I'm pretty sure that they're no missing file in my folder. Before TruckersMP support ETS2 1.42 I was using ProMods v2.56 it was fine. I did try ProMods v2.57 in singleplayer it totally works fine. This is login screenshot https://1drv.ms/u/s!AjBccQ1rluWmy1RxJ2-4u4ip767A?e=MhK2xQ This is Euro Truck Simulator 2 mod folder https://1drv.ms/u/s!AjBccQ1rluWmy1XYJHTrD3ZX7WhU?e=LqTfsx
  17. Hi there. Was playing on TMP ETS2 Promods server, and noticed a lot more lag than usual. The experience is similar to floating back and forth while driving, with frame rates as low as 28fps. This would be playable if it were a smooth 28fps. My usual frame rate is 60fps prior to the latest updates. I experience more of this lag while in the in-cab view (Viewpoint 1), but still notice it in Viewpoint 6 too. This only started occurring as of the latest TMP updates - previous versions I did not have this issue Specs: Dell XPS 8910. i7 6700 3.4-4.0GHz, 32GB DDR4 2666MHz, GTX 1070 8GB, Windows 7 Pro SP1. I know my computer is not at fault, as I was playing recently (i.e. within the last few days) with no issues I am using the latest Steam Client for Windows 7, TMP client with patch version, ETS2 version, Promods 2.56. Disabling DLC's and/or mods also does not solve the issue, and I have verified all my files are correct. My in-game settings are also optimal for my system, and were working fine prior to the latest updates. [EDIT] - SOLVED BY REINSTALLING TRUCKERSMP CLIENT.
  18. La TGO organise un convoi le Lundi soir ! Nous vous attendons nombreux le Lundi 8 Mars 2021 à 21h sur promods pour rouler tous ensembles. Le départ se fera à 21h30. ---------------------------------------------------- Trajet : --------------------------------------------------- BYDGOSZCZ (Pologne) --> LVIV (Ukraine) Nous nous retrouverons tous à 21h à l'entreprise Biedronka à Bydgoszcz puis nous partirons en direction de Lviv (Nestlé). La distance du convoi est de 965 kms. ---------------------------------------------------- La cargaison : ---------------------------------------------------- Nous transporterons dans une remorque bachée du Lait (milk) ---------------------------------------------------- Information du convoi : ---------------------------------------------------- - Etre sur la Cibi 10. - Faire le pleins de carburant avant de partir et regler votre GPS sur eviter les autoroutes. - Aucune publicité autorisée sous quelque forme que ce soit, sauf autorisation du staff. - Les entreprises doivent doivent respecter leur emplacement communiqué par l’équipe au préalable. - Tout le monde doit suivre les indication de l’équipe et le trajet du convoi. - Pendant le convoi, vous devez avoir un camion et une remorque (Pas de double remorque ni de voiture) . - Les dépassements son interdit et vous devez rester dans l’ordre donner au préalable. Si vous perdez votre place vous resterez à la fin du convoi - merci de respecter aussi les règles de truckersmp. L’équipe de la TGO et ses partenaires souhaite vous voir nombreux à leur convoi. bonne route à tous et à très bientôt
  19. GLOBALNY TRANSPORT EUROPEJSKI Mamy przyjemność zaprosić na konwój solenizantów Nairobi i Cris . Informacje dotyczące konwoju: Data: 14.03.2021 r. Godzina zbiórki: 19:00 Godzina wyjazdu: 19:30 Ładunek: do 15t Miejsce początkowe: [FR] Reims (Stein Bruch) Miejsce docelowe: [PL] Rzeszów (Warsztat-Plac Manewrowy) Serwer: Promods Discord: https://discord.gg/tyAYcH8 REGULAMINA: 1. Każdy uczestnik konwoju jest zobowiązany do przyjechania z naprawionym i zatankowanym programem. 2. Na miejscu zbiórki zbiórki plików wejściowych - poszukiwawcze. 3. Odstęp miedzy innymi uczniami nie mniejszy niż 100m 4. Zakaz wyprzedzania bez wcześniejszej zgody pilota 5. Gdy dojedziemy na miejsce gasimy zestawy. 6. Nie wtrącamy się komuś w rozmowę. 7. Maksymalna prędkość 95-105 KM / H (Autostrada) 70-80 KM / H (Landówki) 50-60 KM / H (Miasto) 8.Zakaz wczytywania się podczas konwoju. 9.Zakaz reklamowania firmy podczas konwoju. 10. Brak znajomość regulaminu nie zwalnia jego przestrzegania go. Reims Start Trasa Koniec Rzeszów ORGANIZATOR: KONWÓJ TYLKO I WYŁĄCZNIE DLA ZAPROSZONYCH FIRM:
  20. Cześć! Wczoraj zainstalowałem najnowszą wesje promods, chciałem pograc na truckers mp (oczywiście wchodzę na Simulation Promods) ale wyskakuje komunikat z brakiem modów. Na singlu działa normalnie. Pls pomocy
  21. Hello everyone I have big problem, i cant play on promods server because everytime push notification "promods not found....". I dont know what can i do, i have the newest promods files, all downloaded from official page and i can play normal on singleplayer. I can play in other servers multiplayers so its dont problem with eurotruck, all my files its not zip, all is scs. files, i check this. I have other modifications but when i kick this mods its same, i cant play too because "promods not found". Next problem can be with def file, when i download file without special transport its same "promods not found" so i think that its not problem with def file. What can i do, why promods is good on single but i cant play multiplayer?!!?
  22. Wir die Inter-LOGISTIK Sicherheit bringen seit dem 05.06.2020 euch sicher ans Ziel Wir machen Sicherheit aus Leidenschaft Die Rainbow Express will gern ein Geburtstagkonvio ereignallten und hat uns als Absicherungsunternehmen gehören diese Konvoi abzusichern Die Fahrerin Lisa-Lena hat geburstag und zusammen mit dem Rainbow Express und ihren Partner und co. diesen Tag gehört Über die Teilnehmerzahl wissen wir noch nicht genau wieviele kommen. Informationen zur Veranstaltung Wann Freitag, 19.03.2021 Treffen ab 18 Uhr Abfahrt um 19.00 Uhr Server: EU3 ProMods Schutz IL-SEC Veranstaltungsplanung Treffpunkt: Stadt Dublin Ziel: Londonderry Pause: Galway Länge der Strecke: 977 km Link zur Route: folgt Link zur Einladung: https://trucky.events/event/detail/lisa-lena-geburtstagskonvoy-5fefbb25badc1 VERANSTALTUNGSREGELN - Keine Werbung jeglicher Kunst stirbt. - Die Teilnehmer müssen ein PKW haben, aber kein Anhänger. - müssen des Konvois müssen alle Rechte auf der Strecke bleiben. - Die teilnehmenden Rechte nur zu den Konvois der Hauptstädte Rechte - Die Sicherheitsfirma kann jede Straße oder gehört. Die Sicherheitsfirma kann nur LKWs helfen - Event-Mitarbeiter können kommen oder teleportieren, wenn Sie kein Mitglied sind und die Regeln regeln. - Eventpersonal darf Skoda-Verantwortungsbedürftige. Wir haben uns über eine schnelle und positive Antwort gegeben Ihre cartman911 Spediteur der Inter-LOGISTIK [ IL] Mit Teilhaber der Inter-LOGISITK-Sicherheit [IL-Sec]
  23. Olá caminhoneiros, Recebemos muitas perguntas em nossas redes sociais sobre isso, e hoje estamos muito animados em anunciar que estamos apoiando o ProMods Canada no TruckersMP! Se você não pegou o stream, nós nos juntamos a alguns membros da equipe ProMods para um passeio através do ProMods Canadá em um servidor privado. Assista a este stream aqui, onde os Desenvolvedores ProMods responderam algumas das perguntas do chat. Algo diferente em comparação com a forma como o ProMods para Euro Truck Simulator 2 funciona no TruckersMP é que o ProMods Canada será habilitado em todos os servidores. Apesar de estar habilitado em todos os servidores, é opcional utilizá-lo nos servidores. Isso significa que, com ou sem ProMods Canada, você poderá se conectar a qualquer servidor da American Truck Simulator. Se você não tiver o ProMods Canada instalado, poderá dirigir na área de jogo base, mas com o ProMods Canada também poderá dirigir na área de mod. Como instalo o ProMods Canada para que funcione no TruckersMP? Da mesma forma como é feito com ProMods no Euro Truck Simulator 2, você precisa colocar os arquivos mod em sua pasta de mod no American Truck Simulator, como faria para instalar mods para o modo SinglePlayer. Ao iniciar o TruckersMP, os arquivos do ProMods Canada serão pesquisados e os arquivos serão carregados automaticamente (você não precisa se preocupar com o gerenciador de mod). Um guia passo a passo pode ser encontrado aqui: https://truckersmp.com/kb/1129 Onde eu faço o download do ProMods Canada? Você pode baixar ProMods Canada agora mesmo do site de nosso parceiro: https://www.promods.net/setup.php Quais DLCs são necessários para usar o ProMods Canada? Para ProMods Canadá, você só precisa ter as DLCs do Oregon e Washington Estamos ansiosos para vê-lo dirigindo pela ProMods Canadá! Desejamos-lhe uma feliz e segura viagem, - Equipe TruckersMP
  24. Hello. I just got Promods 2.50 and I wanted to use it on TruckersMP. I keep getting the error "Connection refused. You are using an invalid client. You should reinstall the mod through the launcher." I have tried removing all TruckersMP files and reinstalling it, reinstalled promods, checked file sizes & names, tried it in Singleplayer (and it worked) and also tried Sim 1 and Arcade normal TruckersMP servers which also work. Does anyone know what I can do? Pics here: https://imgur.com/a/XDqIIVp
  25. Ok i buy the promods (6 times now) i add them to game via single player (steam one) and they there active in order i follow from site, so i come out of game and i open game in multiplayer, click join promods server and, no mods found, they not even in list of mods, that just empty completely. Ive done everything i can think of, complete uninstall of game, removed all files associated with it everything, still the same. This has only happened since i added the fh dlc from steam please help im really stuck now
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