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Ramin Tanuwong [TH]

Veteran Driver III
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About Ramin Tanuwong [TH]

  • Birthday 07/24/1999

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  • American Garage Location
    California: Los Angeles
  • EU Garage Location
    The Netherlands: Amsterdam
  • Known languages
    Thai, English

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  • World Of Trucks

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  1. @Zysto I just replace ProMods with v2.56 and now it's working thank you so much
  2. ProMods not found One or more required files of the ProMods map modification could not be found in your Euro Truck Simulator 2\mod folder This message appear after I replace ProMods v2.57. I'm pretty sure that they're no missing file in my folder. Before TruckersMP support ETS2 1.42 I was using ProMods v2.56 it was fine. I did try ProMods v2.57 in singleplayer it totally works fine. This is login screenshot https://1drv.ms/u/s!AjBccQ1rluWmy1RxJ2-4u4ip767A?e=MhK2xQ This is Euro Truck Simulator 2 mod folder https://1drv.ms/u/s!AjBccQ1rluWmy1XYJHTrD3ZX7WhU?e=LqTfsx
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