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About 5xDawidx5

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  1. Done, i can join, i dont know why but topic is end. Thanks everyone!
  2. I dont know where i can do it because i tell once more, i buy and download this on steam
  3. Game is from steam and downloaded a lot time ago. Mods i have in documents (C:\Users\dawid_0flu2kv\Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\mod) and game (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Euro Truck Simulator 2). And about change name of file, i dont change any name.
  4. I do it once more, def file downloaded without special transport and its same "promods not found". Now i have file def with special transport and its same "promods not found". And next about dlc's, i have all maps dlc's and once more i tell you. I can normal play on singleplayer, dont have any bugs and other thinks.
  5. Yeah sir, I do this and this dont work too..
  6. All downloaded from official page. I can't downloaded false it because i pay 1 euro on page for download faster and easier. Now i dont know where is problem.
  7. Hello everyone I have big problem, i cant play on promods server because everytime push notification "promods not found....". I dont know what can i do, i have the newest promods files, all downloaded from official page and i can play normal on singleplayer. I can play in other servers multiplayers so its dont problem with eurotruck, all my files its not zip, all is scs. files, i check this. I have other modifications but when i kick this mods its same, i cant play too because "promods not found". Next problem can be with def file, when i download file without special transport its same "promods not found" so i think that its not problem with def file. What can i do, why promods is good on single but i cant play multiplayer?!!?
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