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  1. Ich möchte einen Vorschlag für ein neues Ban-System machen! Und zwar das man für die Schwerwiegigkeit des Verstoßes entsprechend Bestraft wird. z.B. Ich ramme jemanden und dieser bekommt 50%Schaden und kippt um, Das sind dann z.B. 3 Tage ban. Warum ich diesen Vorschlag mache? Ich fahre sehr viel die Calais Duisburg Route. Ich wurde bereits 2 mal für über einen Monat gebannt weil ich wohlgemerkt AUSVERSEHEN Unfälle gebaut habe.... Ich finde es ist Unfair das man für etwas das Ausversehen passiert 3 Monate bestraft wird.... Banned25 Feb 21:33 UTC In-Game Issued by Matt #CarLadMatt Reason : §2.5 - Reckless Driving - https://youtu.be/KSvIzdIHv70 // 3 m due to history Appealed : 0 times Server : ETS2: EU #1 Expires : 25 May 21:32 UTC Schaut euch meine SCHLIMME TAT an... Sorry aber 3 Monate für sowas? Ich hätte höchstens 1 Woche für Sinnvoll gehalten. Ich hoffe dieser Vorschlag wird Ernst genommen. Dies ist sicherlich keine Einzelmeinung!
  2. Ahoj jel jsem po cestě a najednou se uprostřed silnice řítil kamion a napral to do mě. Mám z toho i záznam ve video podobě S pozdravem, VhaderxD https://youtu.be/pnMCa_JP5yU
  3. Dans ce topic, nous allons voir comment améliorer votre ping sur TruckersMP, ainsi que vos autres jeux en multijoueur! Soyez conscient que dans ce guide nous allons modifier le registre de l'ordinateur. Si vous n'êtes pas à l'aise à l'idée le faire vous-même, alors demandez de l'aide avant de continuer. Si vous êtes prêts, alors commençons! Tout d'abord, assurez vous de bien lire attentivement chaque étape qui est écrite dans ce guide ! Nous allons modifier le registre de votre ordinateur. Il est donc très important que vous suiviez chacune de ces étapes correctement. 1. Appuyez sur démarrer et ensuite écrire: " regedit " dans la barre de recherche de programmes et fichiers. 2. Maintenant, vous devriez voir: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE". Faite un double-clique et vous allez avoir plus de choix. 3. Par la suite, rendez-vous dans: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\MultiMedia\SystemProfile" 4. À l'intérieur de: "SystemProfile" vous devriez voir une option qui se nomme: "Network Throttling Index" cliquez dessus et faites un clique droit avec votre souris et ensuite appuyez sur "change". Vous devez changer la valeur pour huit fois la lettres F = FFFFFFFF. 5. Ensuite rendez-vous dans: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces" 6. À partir de cette étape vous allez avoir quelques options, appuyez sur tous les dossiers disponibles ici. Quand vous allez trouver le dossier qui contient le plus d'éléments, c'est que vous avez trouvé celui que l'on recherche. Ici vous allez pouvoir voir votre adresse IP et plus encore. 7. Cherchez: "TCPackFrequency". S'il n'est pas présent, alors crée en un. Avec votre souris vous faites un clique droit sur l'écran, sélectionnez nouveau ensuite Dword32 et nommez le "TCPackFrequency" et appuyez sur entrée. Pour finir clique droit dessus et mettez la valeur à 1. 8. Maintenant vous allez devoir en crée un nouveau, clique droit sur l'écran, sélectionnez nouveau, ensuite sélectionnez Dword32 et nommez le "TCPNoDelay". Vous voulez aussi changer la valeur en cliquant sur le bouton droit et vous sélectionnez modifié pour être à: 1 9. Allez sur: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSMQ" . 10. Ici aussi vous allez devoir crée un nouveau "TCPNoDelay". Avec votre souris faites un clique droit sur l'écran, sélectionnez nouveau ensuite Dword32 et appuyez sur entrée. Pour finir clique droit dessus et mettez la valeur à 1. 11. Dernière étape ! Rendez-vous dans: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSMQ\Parameters". Une fois de plus on va crée "TCPNoDelay" clique droit sur l'écran, sélectionnez nouveau ensuite Dword32 et appuyez sur entrée. Pour finir clique droit dessus et mettez la valeur à 1. (* Cependant MSMQ\Parameters n’existe peut-être pas alors crée s'en un.*) 12. Vous pouvez maintenant fermer le registre ! Redémarrez votre ordinateur pour que les changements soient prient en compte. Après avoir redémarré votre ordinateur vous devriez maintenant remarquer que votre ping est moins élevé qu'avant. Si vous avez des questions ou besoin d'aides, écrivez-moi ici ou par message privé je vais y répondre le plus tôt possible ! Source:
  4. Suggestion Name: Re-Login on Game-Servers after a kick. Suggestion Description: There could be 2 variants. 1. Variant) Add in Tab a Button with "Re-Login" and you get logged in back to the server, you was previously - OR 2. Variant) Add in Tab a Button with Drop-Down menu and you can Change the Server Any example images: no one, unfortunately... Why should it be added?: Who dont know this. You are going shortly AFK to do make food or going to toilet and you was too slow and got kicked. So, you are playing now 6 hours without pause and dont want to loose the current Playtime in Steam - you are currently forced to play offline or restart the Game and loose the current playtime.It would be a nice Feature, so we dont loose our current playtime Kind regards, Maurice "MauriceLPs" K.
  5. Здравствуйте! Меня забанил навсегда в TruckersMP за то что у меня была табличка на машине "hidden police" я не знал что такую табличку нельзя использовать! Могли бы вы мне снять бан такого больше не будет! Я честно не знал про табличку снимите пожалуйста бан! С уважением Xomy.
  6. Nick: herbertbastos Fui banido por 3 dias, queria uma ajuda para recorrer ao banimento. Queria um vídeo comprovando o erro que fiz.
  7. Suggestion Name: Lowering ping to 300 for auto kick Suggestion Description: Lowering the average ping to kick people at roughly 300 to stop laggers causing issues Any example images: Why should it be added?: Whilst my connection isn't always perfect as members from AHL could testify for. When doing the AHL 1 year convoy there was a lagger that caused a lot of issues and split up the convoy. Why this should be added is to cause less hassle for people playing with a more reliable connection. For people who might complain it's due to where they live if you are in America don't use a European server if you have high ping because it makes the gameplay less enjoyable for everyone else Hope everyone reading has a good day, Thanks coolio859,
  8. Name: Duration + Speed limit ban Format: Game Suggestion Images: N/A Why: As you all know, banning is the most efficient way to repent. I had a 2 days ban, for a Y rule in convoy, which isn't apply to server rules. I found out with 38 minutes before ban expired. So we talking about a 38 minutes actual ban. The problem is weekend players ("mommy and daddy let me play between Friday - Sunday" ) A two days ban, caught in mid week, won't affect him at all. I bet he won't noticed the bans, even if he had 10 in a row for example. You can not do anything about it, because you can't pin-point a weekend player. I suggest together with the ban, insert a speed limit restriction. ban value x 15. You have a 2 days ban and 30 days with 80kmph speed limit. Some of you will say that, they won't connect to the servers anymore. I say: Where exactly do they go?
  9. so it's been a while and I've just downloaded for the frist time. now I live in Australia trying to play ETS2 MP but I keep getting kicked. Why would that be like that. can someone help
  10. Suggestion Name: Bring back the South American Server Suggestion Description: Bring back on TruckersMP a South American server to Euro Truck Simulator 2 Any example images: There used to exist a South American server, but it ceased to exist. Add just a regular server on South America so that americans can play without a very high ping. Why should it be added?: My experience on TruckersMP lately has just been a lot of lag, and being banished because of a high ping. There used to be a server situated on South America, where people from here could play without that problem, but now there are only servers situated on Europe and I see that there's a lot of people giving up from multiplayer because they can't play properly. It would be better to player from both Europe and America to have that server back.
  11. An innocent player has been banned for 4 days because "Perpetrator" was changed to the player on the reporting system by Game Moderator. I'd like to open a feedback for this but could not create new one ("You currently have a Feedback open. Please finish this one before creating a new one."). So I wrote the "feedback" in the description of the evidence video (please *show full description*). What should I do next?
  12. Is this truck reason for ban? Can you help me? https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ZQkSFf2owlte5m8osXFxyKzsAcYzmnXW https://drive.google.com/open?id=1YLwTLBR4UN0Aw8Zi6ZtqeFSyr2uJD7n8 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1OrkIvAL5MnN7xH6BXzfcC-mqNehYf6Bx
  13. Name: Flashing Icon on Map for Collision Participants Description: An introduction of blinking player dot on the minimap if two or more players collide with each other. When two or more players crash (or, one rams another) into each other (not objects, vehicles only), their dot on the minimap starts flashing for 1-60 seconds. Any example images: Reason: This allows the victim of a ramming/crash to easily figure out the player who unlawfully rammed/crashed into the victim, therefore, using /pinfo and reporting quickly. Moreover, it allows the surrounding players to take notice of the crash and prevent further hazards.
  14. Evening. I've read the rules once again and I've noticed one thing that in my honest opinion needs an explanation. According to the paragraph 2.9 of Rules, any ban issued 12 months before the current date is ignored while user is being banned. As it's written in the same line with the 6th ban rule, I'd ask whether it applies only to permanent bans, or all of them, for example if I had been banned for 3 months, 13 months ago, will my next ban be 3 months long, or will its duration be set at GM's discretion? Another example: I've had the 3rd ban issued 11 months ago, 1st and 2nd over 12 months ago, will my next ban be counted as the 2nd or the 4rd one? Thanks in advance for the answer, Wewek
  15. why am i always being kicked?? io just logged in today 2 seconds later, i was kicked for ping being too high./ sometimes its server nonesense of steam ID alreadsy in use. dont have too old a machine and 200mb broadband so what the hell, assistance please guys. starting to doubt MP alot..
  16. Buen día soy nuevo aquí y ayer, gracias a mi servidor, edita mi camión, querría saber qué es el objeto que no debo poner, que por culpa de esto voy comprando 2 camiones, desde ya muchas gracias.
  17. Ban affı geldi diyorlar. Doğrumu geldiyse eski banlarımız silinecekmi?
  18. Tırım ban sebebimi acaba ? Cevaplarmısınız.
  19. Dosya boyutu büyük olduğu için buraya yükleyemedim. Aşağıda vermiş olduğum 3 link farklı araçlar. Lütfen her birine bakarmısınız? Ban sebebi olan varmı. NOT: Hiçbirinde parlatma yoktur. volvo: http://www.mediafire.com/view/xkde7x42v7vjcxy/b.png iveco: http://www.mediafire.com/view/6jhawjy22ggj9h2/c.png karışık: http://www.mediafire.com/view/rma2e6y6asg4q3r/ets2_20190105_160925_00.png
  20. Hello everyone, I was wondering why I get kicked when taking a Dozer from the Heavy Cargo Pack on mp, I know that Special Transport DLC is not compatible and not alloud but then why do I get kicked when I take this cargo? Because I never had any problem with it...
  21. The true title was meant to be 'Why SCS and TruckersMP should have been banned from making games'. Let's get straight into it. Server issues no one actually care about. The difference between position shown on player's screen vs server's reality is many times TOO BIG (even tho both players have decent connection) Kicking or how to bully your own community. This is the reason why everyone in team of TMP should be fired. Who came up with the idea to force players to turn on their lights in strict hours although the sun's up. It look silly! Imagine that you play with wireless keyboard and mouse, you log in, realize that your keyboard ran out of juice the second you hit the road and boom, kicked! This is just stupid bullying over rules you * made up! Get your minds straight. I understand it's really important for players not to drive as ghosts but this is stupid. Limits or everyone likes cars but SCS and TMP don't care about it. Let me show you the bitter truth! You had EU1 with realism. You made EU2 with cars and unlimited speed. You realized people like it more then your * 'realism' You added speed limit to EU2 because you *can't stand that people like something else then trucking 90km/h You give us arguments that there are less accidents, of course because all the normal players QUIT WHY haven't you made EUx server just to see if people would rather drive with speed limits? BECAUSE YOU KNEW THE ANSWER If you are so sure about the accidents rate, show us charts! Come on, do it. Show me the accident rate BEFORE and AFTER speed limitation. You have none? Oh my bad, wait NO. You made your heads on something based on your subjective feelings and force it upon your community as facts and reasons you make your decisions. That's what I call hypocrisy! If your report system worked, you would have all the data I'm asking you to show, but it doesn't work so you are left behind with 2 things: Unlimited power over your own product Wrath and anger over people who enjoy driving cars (200km/h on highways, overtaking, and all the other entertaining thigs) I usually drive on CD road 200kmh with overtaking and no accidents. I can even add a video for you to prove it. It's not about speed, it's about community. Your childish attitude mirrors in your players. You force your community to play by your rules just like a little kid that wants all his little friends to play with trucks, even tho they want to play with cars. You are a shame. SCS I'd explain myself very briefly. I added a whole A4 page to their forum about what should be changed, what should be added. I'm not going to post the link here unless someone asks for it, but the answer to my ideas and suggestions (which would have been a real enrichment for both community and wallet of SCS) was unexpected and came from one of their testers: 'The game is fine as it is, I don't think anything should be added' Tell me what kind of company doesn't give a * about it's customers and only thing in it's eyes is profit and milking the same old game over and over again by creating paid DLC maps which aren't that hard to make. I doubt they pay more then 7k for one DLC to make and milk their fans in one of the worst ways. I am very angry with you, you ruined my all time favorite game just because YOU want to play it by your own way. Shame on you
  22. Hello guys I want to ask why I keep getting this message in EU2 only ? ''You have been banned from TruckersMP network'' and I go offline ? I was banned for 3 days before that problem start happening . Please HELP ! I wrote to the support but the guy told me that - ''We dont deal with ban releated issues . Please do not contact the support about this. ''. I am new to TruckersMP so I need a lot of help ! Please ! Down there is the picture of the support . Thanks !
  23. Hallo Trucker MP Team, ich habe ein Problem mit dem Volvo in American Truck MP. Immer wenn ich eine Lackierung aus dem "American Truck Simulator - Classic Stripes Paint Jobs Pack" nehme, werde ich aus dem MP gekickt mit der Aufforderung, mein Paint Job zu wechsel. Nach dem wechsel der Lackierung, kann ich dann wieder ins Spiel ohne gekickt zu werden. Diese Problem ist nur bei dem Volvo, bei den anderen Trucks funktionieren die Lackierungen. MfG Michael
  24. Ban yedim Ama ne kadar yediğimi bilmiyorum normalde bugün 15.41 de açılacaktı bu ne demek yardımcı olabilirmisiniz.
  25. Takıma başvurmayı düşünüyordum fakat 3 üzeri ceza varsa takıma başvuru yapılamıyormuş. 3 yıl geçmiş 4 cezam var ve bunların 3 tanesi kanıtsız. Bu cezaları sildirebilir miyim? Forum mesajı gereksinimi kaldırılırken ban geçmişi sayılmaya başlanmış kötü olmuş:)
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