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Gameplay Chronicle

Veteran Driver III
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  1. Name: Duration + Speed limit ban Format: Game Suggestion Images: N/A Why: As you all know, banning is the most efficient way to repent. I had a 2 days ban, for a Y rule in convoy, which isn't apply to server rules. I found out with 38 minutes before ban expired. So we talking about a 38 minutes actual ban. The problem is weekend players ("mommy and daddy let me play between Friday - Sunday" ) A two days ban, caught in mid week, won't affect him at all. I bet he won't noticed the bans, even if he had 10 in a row for example. You can not do anything about it, because you can't pin-point a weekend player. I suggest together with the ban, insert a speed limit restriction. ban value x 15. You have a 2 days ban and 30 days with 80kmph speed limit. Some of you will say that, they won't connect to the servers anymore. I say: Where exactly do they go?
  2. Suggestion Description: some convoy leaders choose to modify the hour of departure in the last moment or the cancel the trip without any user notifications. This has to change because rules are drifting and in some sectors absent. Some user interdiction (temporary convoy creation ban) and map route insertion button, will be nice(a temporary picture database for GPS route of the convoy). Any example images: Nope. Why should it be added?: site is chaotic like No mans land.
  3. and what? Play alone? No thx. Make me a full picture at [email protected] . Maybe I could help.
  4. This will be my last post. Each and one of you became nervous, not because someone hit you, but because you lose you xp and in many situations you reach your destination for nothing. I stop playing on EU1,2 and 3 because in 2/3 jobs in reach my destination damaged. Suggestion: Create a package in which, the player truck and trailer are immune to other players collision, for a small fee. (in-game purchase based on email related to truckersmp). Now, I don't know what this impose, but I think that it will great to have a weapon against trolling and bad driving.
  5. Hello again! I've been looking to your ban system. No offence, but you are disrespect your own work. You can not cover 10% of the reports from EU 1, 2 and 3. In several topics I saw comments that suggests and encourage recording and manual sending the video to an admin. This can work if everybody recording. As MCSA I won't recommend that if you have an HDD. (TTL reduced to 300 days ...ish) Your specs will go off the grid, and the game performance will be poor. (low fps if computer is rated as 7.5 or lower) Why don't you create a report system, based on server recording? You can set wide area cams all over the map. Example> Some player ram or block... on A10. I make the report. The server record constantly that road. When it gets my report, server will save that 30 seconds video, together with the proper identification of the player reported. (steamId and other). The administrator will access the video, and make a decision. After administrator close the case, the video will be deleted or place as evidence on youtube. This way, nobody will get away without the proper punishment. I know it's complicated, it will take a lot of time, but it's doable. Do this and from that 10% efficiency, you will gain 95%. (Some players choose not to report small infractions). Thank you for your time.
  6. On each game that admins are required, there are admins who use their privileges on spot... during the game... I'm not pointing anybody, I'm not talking about abuse, I'm just talking about activity. If you do your part well and still are problems, make more players admins or make a strategy for known areas with problems. (Static admin 3 - on the road admins 10.) All that being said, you have a lot of problems to solve. Nothing disrespectful here.
  7. Hi! You realize that you, ets2mp, are an monopol. I do not understand why you do not ban permanently those who commit intentional ramming or blocking. After each and every report I made, it comes back a report with no action taken. (A guy with a car sit in front of my truck and ram me repeatedly.) You should verify constantly each admin activity for the duration of his administration. Some admins, use their privileges for personal use only. Cars on ets2mp must not be available for all players on all servers. Last or not least, reconfigure server system. You can give acces to players, according to their gaming performance. ( server 1 - reckless drivers, sv 2 for - moderate...) I'm sure that you can create a script to do that. Quality before quantity. If you ban 10000 players, you still have servers full.
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