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World Of Trucks


  1. Hola. Mi duda es... ¿Si tengo mods y skins de steam puedo tener problemas con el online?. El juego online se carga bien sin los mods pero viendo el incendio que esto puede crear en el juego he decidido crearme otro perfil solo para el online. No sé si es necesario todo eso y si puedo jugar con mods en steam y luego pasarme al multi sin problemas con la mismo perfil. Mi idea es jugar con los mods ( buscando más realismo, no trampas) en el juego offline aunque no me gusta estar quitándolos y poniéndolos . Creo que este tema puede ser interesante para todos los nuevos. Parece que el online no es compatible con mods y skins de Workshop o quizá existen otras opciones. ¿y los mapas de internet? Gracias. Saludos. PD: También pretendo instalar algún mod de camiones rusos y mapas que no son de Steam. Se agradecen consejos en cuanto a este tema.
  2. Hi, i need help, since i install the client, truckersmp, the sound and mods of my truck has gone, both of them single and multiplayer, how can i fixe that?
  3. https://clips.twitch.tv/AttractiveInventiveLasagnaWholeWheat (And yes, that is me tipped over) He has a steering wheel mod, obviously not in the game. How?
  4. Ich frage alle moderatoren wann kann man moderator werden
  5. Hi, ich habe in letzter Zeit öfter mal nach einem Mod (siehe Bild) geschaut aber nichts gefunden Deswegen dachte ich das ich einfach mal hier frage Ich suche einen Tandem Wechselbrücken Mod (Repaint egal) Wie auf dem Bild zusehen mit 3 Achsen am Motorwagen und 2 Achsen an der Lafette. Am liebsten auf DAF XF 106 Basis. Ich habe wie gesagt auch schon geschaut aber leider nichts gefunden was mir zusagt. Falls jemand was weiß, würde ich mich sehr über Links freuen MfG Daniel Bild: Der Luginger (http://www.fahrzeugbilder.de/bild/Unternehmen+und+Betriebe~Deutschland~Dachser/131832/volvo-fh-500-tandem--haengerzug-von.html)
  6. How to do sticker mod show in mp ? - I want to do it but another player don't see it .
  7. i was wondering what mod are compatible with atsmp?
  8. can i use mods from workshop for more xp, no damage and momey for fast lvl to a nice truck? Are the DLC at multi? How to start? I am a newbe in this game
  9. Hey guys, Just curious and looking for some help from the community, I've found some cool mods on the workshop that enhance the graphics and make sounds more realistic was wondering if I can use them on MP as they technically don't effect anyone else's game play... Regards Top Bloke
  10. Can i use these mods on MP ? -Addon Hookups for Multiplayer ETS2 -Mod Hybrid DAF With DLC DAF For Multiplayer ETS2 I saw some players who have these mods. Can i use them without ban? https://ets2.lt/en/page/7/?s=Multiplayer
  11. I want to know if is possible to download the scout car (skoda) mod from Turckers MP And if it is possible please inform me with the download link for the mod
  12. Recently i donwloaded a new mod to the game (ets2) and now i want to know if that modification can cause me a ban Here a picture of my truck:
  13. Chers joueurs adorés, Étant donné que certains utilisateurs sont bannis en raison d'une édition de sauvegarde excessive, dont la plupart ne savent pas s'ils respectent les règles ou les enfreignent, ou s'ils sont confus au sujet des règles, j'ai décidé de créer ce sujet. J'ai rencontré certains d'entre vous dans le jeu, et certains d'entre vous me demandent si leur camion obéit aux règles que nous fournissons, je vous dis doucement d'enlever ou de garder n'importe quel objet. Dans ce sujet, je veux que chacun d'entre vous ayant des doutes, prennent une capture d'écran de leur camion ou de leur remorque et de la poster ici. S'il vous plaît, n'ayez pas peur, aucune des images envoyées ici ne sera utilisée contre vous. Si vous avez des doutes sur votre camion ou votre remorque, vous pouvez l'envoyer ici, vous aurez l'aide dont vous avez besoin. Veuillez utiliser l'un des sites Web suivants: https://imgur.com/ ou https://prnt.sc/. Sinon, vous pouvez le poster directement dans la boîte de message ci-dessous. Ceci est important pour vous tous, alors n'hésitez pas à demander si vous avez un doute, que ce soit une question simple ou non. Il est préférable de lever vos doutes plutôt que d'être banni pour quelque chose dont vous n'étiez pas sûr. Ce sujet a été traduit directement à partir du sujet original, tout doute que vous avez devrait être affiché ici : Original :
  14. 4ntolGaming


    Hello Do you know some good and working on mp mods?
  15. Hi everyone. I know a similiar topic was opened before, but i can't find it even with the searh rexult. I have the Winter Mod not installed (at the start it says me to download it), but when i enter in the game, even if i have the Winter Mod disabled in Mods, it snows. What i have to do? Thanks in advance, Simone.
  16. Guest

    Mods im ETS2MP nutzen

    Hallo zusammen, Ich habe schon bei vielen auf dem MP Server gesehen, dass sie Lampen und Lackierungen von Mods hatten. Also habe ich mir im Steam Workshop einige Mods abonniert, die im Singleplayer auch funktionieren. Im Multiplayer werden sie allerdings gar niicht im Mod-Manager angezeigt. Weiß jemand was ich machen muss, damit diese mir auch im Multiplayer angezeigt werden? MfG Kilian
  17. Can I change No. 2 and No. 3 to a No. 1 position? I am afraid of being banned
  18. I have been playing the game (American Truck Sim) for a while now, and i really enjoy playing it online. I customized my truck with i think some mods , but i know for a fact that all my mods are from the official game only and i haven't downloaded any other ones. I went to the service center and i have customized my truck and while leaving the service center i got a message saying "Kicked for Invalid Accessory Set Detected" . I have all the DLC's enabled and am not sure which one to disable plus i have tried disabling some but when i logged in it asked me to load and am not sure what to do. Please HELP!
  19. Saw a Turkish gentleman with a scania, where his headlights where cyan colored (not his lights, but the glass/plastic cover) and the sleeper v8 cabin logo was pink. He didn't speak English, so i wasn't able to ask him how. Anyone know? cheers
  20. Hello everyone, I remember back in the day there was this SDK mod to have a more enhanced FFB feeling, this also worked on TrucksMP. Are SDK mods still allowed and are there any SDK mods?
  21. I've clicked every single link on Youtube and Google, and I still cannot figure out how to get my mods working on ETS2. I tryed making saves, changing trucks and everything - doesn't seem to work, doesn't detect them in any way. Is it possible that ets2mp is attempting to load mods from different location than ets2 (non-multiplayer)? Well, I created folders everywhere, and still doesn't work. (just ate half of my remaining empty hard-drive space) Thanks in advance Here's another question What do other people see, when I equip modded truck paint? (not just color, whole new visuals/stickers/...)? If anyone tryed it, please tell me, I'm sure it will be useful for more people, not just me . (not counting official DLC visuals, of course). DO they see the visuals or just plain color? Another thanks - thirical / NicoFilippo
  22. I have recently started downloading mods for ETS2 but im not sure if I can use them on the multiplayer mod, these are the mods -Mega tuning mod -Realistic Scania interior -XP, Money and Damage mod. If not can someone tell me the mods i can use if there are any!
  23. Foot

    Mods Multiplayer???

    Wo finde ich eigentlich Mods für den Multiplayer die erlaubt sind weiß das zufällig jemand ?? MFG
  24. Hello everybody, I have a question. What mods do you have for better graphics? Or which ones do you use and can you recommend ?
  25. Hello users , moderators and all involved in this beautiful project. My question is about 1 type of mod i want to use in the Multiplayer and can anyone answer me does it affect the game. I only want to use my HD Gauges mod by nfshp , that are for all the trucks , because i can't play at 400 Scale level , my pc isn't that great and you can see a lot less things on the trucks dashboards. Though it doesn't read them .. do they really affect others gameplay ?
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