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  1. Здравствуйте! Меня забанил навсегда в TruckersMP за то что у меня была табличка на машине "hidden police" я не знал что такую табличку нельзя использовать! Могли бы вы мне снять бан такого больше не будет! Я честно не знал про табличку снимите пожалуйста бан! С уважением Xomy.
  2. Suggestion Name: New option to report players Suggestion Description: I'd really appreciate it if it was possible to click on player's name tags while having the tab open and right clicking on the screen to get the yellow mouse. Any example images: - Why should it be added?: This would be really useful to report someone in a high populated area as you can simply click on his name, as the player stands right by your side.
  3. Name: Duration + Speed limit ban Format: Game Suggestion Images: N/A Why: As you all know, banning is the most efficient way to repent. I had a 2 days ban, for a Y rule in convoy, which isn't apply to server rules. I found out with 38 minutes before ban expired. So we talking about a 38 minutes actual ban. The problem is weekend players ("mommy and daddy let me play between Friday - Sunday" ) A two days ban, caught in mid week, won't affect him at all. I bet he won't noticed the bans, even if he had 10 in a row for example. You can not do anything about it, because you can't pin-point a weekend player. I suggest together with the ban, insert a speed limit restriction. ban value x 15. You have a 2 days ban and 30 days with 80kmph speed limit. Some of you will say that, they won't connect to the servers anymore. I say: Where exactly do they go?
  4. An innocent player has been banned for 4 days because "Perpetrator" was changed to the player on the reporting system by Game Moderator. I'd like to open a feedback for this but could not create new one ("You currently have a Feedback open. Please finish this one before creating a new one."). So I wrote the "feedback" in the description of the evidence video (please *show full description*). What should I do next?
  5. Is this truck reason for ban? Can you help me? https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ZQkSFf2owlte5m8osXFxyKzsAcYzmnXW https://drive.google.com/open?id=1YLwTLBR4UN0Aw8Zi6ZtqeFSyr2uJD7n8 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1OrkIvAL5MnN7xH6BXzfcC-mqNehYf6Bx
  6. Evening. I've read the rules once again and I've noticed one thing that in my honest opinion needs an explanation. According to the paragraph 2.9 of Rules, any ban issued 12 months before the current date is ignored while user is being banned. As it's written in the same line with the 6th ban rule, I'd ask whether it applies only to permanent bans, or all of them, for example if I had been banned for 3 months, 13 months ago, will my next ban be 3 months long, or will its duration be set at GM's discretion? Another example: I've had the 3rd ban issued 11 months ago, 1st and 2nd over 12 months ago, will my next ban be counted as the 2nd or the 4rd one? Thanks in advance for the answer, Wewek
  7. Tırım ban sebebimi acaba ? Cevaplarmısınız.
  8. Ban affı geldi diyorlar. Doğrumu geldiyse eski banlarımız silinecekmi?
  9. Dosya boyutu büyük olduğu için buraya yükleyemedim. Aşağıda vermiş olduğum 3 link farklı araçlar. Lütfen her birine bakarmısınız? Ban sebebi olan varmı. NOT: Hiçbirinde parlatma yoktur. volvo: http://www.mediafire.com/view/xkde7x42v7vjcxy/b.png iveco: http://www.mediafire.com/view/6jhawjy22ggj9h2/c.png karışık: http://www.mediafire.com/view/rma2e6y6asg4q3r/ets2_20190105_160925_00.png
  10. The true title was meant to be 'Why SCS and TruckersMP should have been banned from making games'. Let's get straight into it. Server issues no one actually care about. The difference between position shown on player's screen vs server's reality is many times TOO BIG (even tho both players have decent connection) Kicking or how to bully your own community. This is the reason why everyone in team of TMP should be fired. Who came up with the idea to force players to turn on their lights in strict hours although the sun's up. It look silly! Imagine that you play with wireless keyboard and mouse, you log in, realize that your keyboard ran out of juice the second you hit the road and boom, kicked! This is just stupid bullying over rules you * made up! Get your minds straight. I understand it's really important for players not to drive as ghosts but this is stupid. Limits or everyone likes cars but SCS and TMP don't care about it. Let me show you the bitter truth! You had EU1 with realism. You made EU2 with cars and unlimited speed. You realized people like it more then your * 'realism' You added speed limit to EU2 because you *can't stand that people like something else then trucking 90km/h You give us arguments that there are less accidents, of course because all the normal players QUIT WHY haven't you made EUx server just to see if people would rather drive with speed limits? BECAUSE YOU KNEW THE ANSWER If you are so sure about the accidents rate, show us charts! Come on, do it. Show me the accident rate BEFORE and AFTER speed limitation. You have none? Oh my bad, wait NO. You made your heads on something based on your subjective feelings and force it upon your community as facts and reasons you make your decisions. That's what I call hypocrisy! If your report system worked, you would have all the data I'm asking you to show, but it doesn't work so you are left behind with 2 things: Unlimited power over your own product Wrath and anger over people who enjoy driving cars (200km/h on highways, overtaking, and all the other entertaining thigs) I usually drive on CD road 200kmh with overtaking and no accidents. I can even add a video for you to prove it. It's not about speed, it's about community. Your childish attitude mirrors in your players. You force your community to play by your rules just like a little kid that wants all his little friends to play with trucks, even tho they want to play with cars. You are a shame. SCS I'd explain myself very briefly. I added a whole A4 page to their forum about what should be changed, what should be added. I'm not going to post the link here unless someone asks for it, but the answer to my ideas and suggestions (which would have been a real enrichment for both community and wallet of SCS) was unexpected and came from one of their testers: 'The game is fine as it is, I don't think anything should be added' Tell me what kind of company doesn't give a * about it's customers and only thing in it's eyes is profit and milking the same old game over and over again by creating paid DLC maps which aren't that hard to make. I doubt they pay more then 7k for one DLC to make and milk their fans in one of the worst ways. I am very angry with you, you ruined my all time favorite game just because YOU want to play it by your own way. Shame on you
  11. Hello guys I want to ask why I keep getting this message in EU2 only ? ''You have been banned from TruckersMP network'' and I go offline ? I was banned for 3 days before that problem start happening . Please HELP ! I wrote to the support but the guy told me that - ''We dont deal with ban releated issues . Please do not contact the support about this. ''. I am new to TruckersMP so I need a lot of help ! Please ! Down there is the picture of the support . Thanks !
  12. Takıma başvurmayı düşünüyordum fakat 3 üzeri ceza varsa takıma başvuru yapılamıyormuş. 3 yıl geçmiş 4 cezam var ve bunların 3 tanesi kanıtsız. Bu cezaları sildirebilir miyim? Forum mesajı gereksinimi kaldırılırken ban geçmişi sayılmaya başlanmış kötü olmuş:)
  13. Name: Flashing Icon on Map for Collision Participants Description: An introduction of blinking player dot on the minimap if two or more players collide with each other. When two or more players crash (or, one rams another) into each other (not objects, vehicles only), their dot on the minimap starts flashing for 1-60 seconds. Any example images: Reason: This allows the victim of a ramming/crash to easily figure out the player who unlawfully rammed/crashed into the victim, therefore, using /pinfo and reporting quickly. Moreover, it allows the surrounding players to take notice of the crash and prevent further hazards.
  14. Ban yedim Ama ne kadar yediğimi bilmiyorum normalde bugün 15.41 de açılacaktı bu ne demek yardımcı olabilirmisiniz.
  15. When a player is present in hidden places This work has a ban ???
  16. Hello, I would like to know something - now I have some bans in my punishment history (from ETS2). Soon my friend gifted me the ATS. The question is: If I have like 5 bans from ETS2 alone, and I have one ban from the ATS servers, will the account be banned for permanent, or the bans are "per-game" only? Thanks!
  17. Hi there. I don't know if this suggestion would actually be accepted. Can we have a mass unban? As truckersMP now support a major update of 1.32. We should forgive all the banned players by doing a mass unban. There are obviously hundreds of players like me that are willing to change however aren't supported because of their ban. That's it. Please no hate or offence.
  18. Merhaba TruckersMP. Harika bir fikirle buraya geldim. Truckersmp'de kullanıcılar 1 report yerine 3 report ile ban yemeli düşünüyorum. Bu kullanıcılar için daha sağlıklı olabilir. Sevgiler, Kewoo
  19. Guest

    Banimento desnecessario!

    Gostaria de que fosse retirado do meu histórico de banimentos um ban que achei injusto! Infelizmente quando eu fui banido fiquei ausente uns dias (justamente os dias que estava sob a punição) ausência essa que impediu que eu notasse o banimento e só hoje que vi. O ban foi de 2 dias mas a quantidade de dias da punição não é o caso do meu protesto e sim o fato de minha ficha agora está suja, impedindo que eu me candidate a vaga de moderador (a qual já está para encerrar no dia 30/09) Solicito a revisão do meu banimento pois o video é claro em demonstrar a minha inocência. "Segue o link do video"
  20. Hi, i just wanted to know if a player gets a permanent ban and if he/she continues to play with another account, is that considered as ban evade? If it is then how can anyone report against it and what evidence is needed. [Please help]
  21. Здравствуйте, господа. У меня вопрос. Не нашёл я ответа на него на просторах интернета и решил его задать тут. Захотелось мне помогать людям в ETS. Решил посмотреть на сайте всякие варианты, как и чем помочь. Нашёл страничку где вербуют в "Саппорты" (Game Mod). Читаю - "Обработка отчетов на сайте, проверка, что все игроки следуют правилам."(Обращение сообщает сайт, проверяя, что все игроки следуют правилам.) Думаю, ну это хорошо, я бы был рад чем то помогать, а дальше такая надпись - Вы не можете подать заявку, потому что вы были заблокированы в прошлом году. (Вы не можете подать заявку, потому что вы были запрещены в прошлом году.). И вот собственно сам вопрос, получается я никогда не смогу подать заявку на эту должность?
  22. Banned 02 Aug 12:32 In-Game Issued by WTLVTC - Smalley Reason : Ramming, Reckless driving Expires : Today, 12:32 Appealed : 0 times Server : ETS2: EU #2 Why did not you inform me why she did not get up at 12:32 pm today?
  23. Hello there, I've been banned from ets2mp for around 2 weeks because we drove like idiots. We did this because we were having fun by ramming each other to see little bugs in the game and server. When we hit (accidentally and on purpose) a random stranger that drove by, he recorded us and reported us on the forum. I agree with his points, but it would be nice to have a server where we can do this stuff. Reporting people by recording it is a little cowardly because you can ramm people, and record them when they hit you back so you only got the moment they hit you. I did things that were not allowed to do, and i'm justly banned. I hope you guys can fix a server where we can drive like idiots (it is and it stays a game) so we can have a fun time on the less serious side of the game. Greets: -eiktijd- a player who loves the game from all points


    hello.i can ban only 10 player???
  25. Hola, necesito hacer una pregunta, esta relacionado con la foto. ¿estan extremo que te den un ban permanente por el solo hecho de que tengas esas luces instaladas?, porque hago la pregunta, es sencillo, de todo el tiempo que llevo en truckersmp, he pasado en frente de muchos admins y moderadores con la modificacion de la foto desde que se impuso la regla del save editing nunca me habian baneado o kickeado por esta razon, ademas en la regla de save editing no indica que en el parachoques no esta permitido las luces que se muestran en la foto, solo bocinas y balizas no se permite. Necesito ayuda por favor
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