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Veteran Driver VII
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About RaawrItsTomi

  • Birthday 08/08/1996

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    Graphics Design, Video Editing
  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: Dover

TruckersMP Information

  • VTC Name
    Stobart Trucking

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  1. Happy Birthday i wish you a very nice day! Enjoy the day with your family and friends ❤️

  2. My fav font! How did you guys know?
  3. Thank you! I love how everyone expects the testing team to test every update, when we all are testers. This is a public alpha remember?
  4. So some guys just tried to overtake me while i was getting my speed and he crashed into a truck in the other ways lane. Had fraps open but wasn't recording >_<. fun times>

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. RaawrItsTomi


      Also he didn't give me way at Felixstowe nearly rammed me while i was on the main road. Karma is a biatch :*

    3. Robi47


      I know that feeling when you don't record while you should xD

    4. Hairy Goober

      Hairy Goober

      Had that nearly happen the other day, dude was trying to overtake near Calais and I had a pingspike. Next thing I knew, he was cartwheeling end over end past me and swearing up a storm XD

  5. Thank you!
  6. You hold the right mouse button and move the mouse to the desired place, then while still holding the right mouse button click with the left button
  7. Opt out of beta updates
  8. OMG YES Thank you!
  9. Yes! Yes! Yes! Awesome work @ developer team
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