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Veteran Driver VII
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About elevatorman

  • Birthday March 12

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  • EU Garage Location
    France: Paris
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  1. Happy Birthday! ???:HaulieLove:

  2. Happy Birthday ElevatorMan??

  3. Happy Birthday elevator! ?

    When are we playing Red Dead Redemption 2 again? :kappa:

  4. Is it just me or are all the responses in threads broken? its saying [[Template forums/front/topics/postContainer is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]

  5. Thanks for the explanation.
  6. i still don't know what /fix does. i have never heard of that command till this poll started.
  7. I will try to be there. Its nice to see something cool being done.
  8. well ATS is on sale on humble bundle.

  9. well i'm a veteran driver and i only play on the U.S server for ATS and there is never a queue for that one.
  10. you can move your mouse in game my pressing tab and then right clicking. once you see the little orange arrow you just have to click on the gear on the player list. (it's near the bottom)
  11. just finished the grand gift delivery. it took quite awhile but i did it.:D 

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