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Interstate Nomad

Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by Interstate Nomad

  1. NIce perspective, but something is off with the Truck's shadow. It falls into the direction of the light...
  2. Suggestion Name: Rename server names from "Simulation" to "Arcade" Suggestion Description: Rename server names from "Simulation" to "Arcade" Any example images: N/A Why it should be added: The project update "Back To Basics" officially replaced the "Road To Simulation" project, and with that anything related to realism and simulation. The server names are therefore misleading and should be renamed to "Arcade".
  3. TruckersMP shall be known from now on as CalaisDuisburgMP



  4. While I support the idea of introducing higher fines, they won't have the desired effect as long as players are allowed to tweak their game profile and edit their money account to astronomical heights.
  5. I agree. Speed is no socery. But I admire every player who can accurately control their vehicle, for example, maneuver them through narrow entrances, park them in tiny spaces, etc.
  6. As long as TruckersMP doesn't enforce server-sided, non-tweakable player profiles, they will continue to adjust their money accounts, experience, level, etc. according to their needs. So money won't run out anytime soon.
  7. Passenger vehicles make up the majority of vehicles on the real world road. In a simulator, they help to create a more realistic image of road traffic. I'd like to see more varying traffic in TruckersMP, be it by providing different drivable passenger vehicles or by AI traffic. The Scout is a start, but hopefully not the end.
  8. A positive discipline aims to teach how to improve a behavior and therefore must be reasonable and related to the problem. In comparison, a punishment or negative discipline only (temporarily) stops a behavior. If you allow a perpetrator to continue to use the TruckersMP services, what do you actually teach, and what will he or she learn? It's like saying, "You messed up, and because of that, you may continue." I consider the chance, that such discipline changes let alone improves a perpetrator's behavior, very slim.
  9. Why so catious? Did you already forget the recent silly decisions made by the TruckersMP team? May 2022 TruckersMP Rules Update In this rules update, permanent bans due to history are disabled and the perpetrators are welcomed back to the TruckersMP services. Project Update: Back to Basics In this update, the TruckersMP team officially buries Road To Simulation and everything that Euro Truck Simulator respectively American Truck Simulator were meant to be used for.
  10. Nice to meet you! It's interesting to have a peak behind the scenes.
  11. This is in fact a flaw of the web report system and should be addressed to the Game Moderation Management via the feedback system.
  12. @Granite, superb suggestion! Additionally, the servers should be renamed as well.
  13. The F7 teleport command always works immediately and should be used in your situation. If you would rather block another player for 10 minutes by waiting for the /fix-command to become available again, then you are guilty of violating the in-game rule "§2.3 Blocking", which is punishable.
  14. Two wrongs don't make a right. Just because another player violates the rules doesn't give you the right to violate them too. It is forbidden to overtake on the right, because it is dangerous as the driver who is overtaken usually doesn't expect it.
  15. It's a mean to minimize the possibility of abuse of this comnmand by trolls and other misbehaving players, who were often found to use trucks without trailer.
  16. After the TruckersMP team invited permanently banned players back to their servers, I think it's safe to say that the situation won't get any more worse if you let banned players continue to play during their ban time.
  17. VIdeo with inappropriate title shows reckless driving players. Nothing new for TruckersMP.
  18. My most used keys are the turn signal keys, which are LMB (Left Mouse Button) - Left Turn Signal RMB (Right Mouse Button) - Right Turn Signal
  19. Are there any plans to increase the speed limit for patreons?
  20. @[OCSC Event] Antho, Players who write "rec rep ban" or the like are indirectly impersonating TruckersMP team members, as bans can only be conducted by them. Impersonation is a violation of §1.6 of the game rules, which states: Their main intention is likely to intimidate other players while distracting from their own mistakes. I always found this kind of behavior annoying and unnecessary.
  21. @AstroNumia., thanks for your interesting suggestion. You won't find many but nevertheless dedicated realism "fanatics" in this community. Being a fan of realistic simulation myself, I have created a topic about driving times, breaks and rest periods in Europe. Regarding the tachograph, I'd love to see such a feature implemented in TruckersMP. It would boost realism to a new level! I think there exist one for singleplayer.
  22. @Leon Baker, what is the status of the AI road traffic progress given in percent?
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