Truckerpilot's Achievements
February 12th will make 8 years since being a part of TMP and honestly, it's been a great 8 years being a part of an amazing community. My days on the team were filled with lots of laughter's, angry people who would get banned and appeal like they did nothing wrong lol, and a support system of other staff members unlike any other. TMP isn't just a mod its more than that it's a family. So to everyone out there even those who may not see this.
Thank you. Thank you for making the experience here a memorable one and I look forward to more adventures, new friends, and great bonds..... Happy trucking!!!
i have returned! i have missed the community in my time of inactivity i hope everyone is doing well! Looking forward to being active again!
Hope everyone is having a great day out there. Stay safe!
This old timer is back hope everyone is safe and well. Feels good to be back in the world of TMP