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Sir Smokey

Veteran Driver VII
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About Sir Smokey

  • Birthday 02/24/1999

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    All things Volvo and 24S related
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  • American Garage Location
    California: San Francisco
  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: Dover
  • Known languages
    English, Brazilian (very little..), Dutch, Swedish

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  1. Right, it's time for a well deserved explanation.


    No, 24S isn't dead. Yes, we are well over 2 weeks late with our grand unveil. Yes, we have encountered a few rather big setbacks which have caused this. Finally, yes... we did forget to update you all and we're sorry (pls don't be mad :( ).


    However, we can finally give you a few juicy details about 24S - The Grand Tour that are bound to get you very excited... or angry, who knows?

    - Website: Our website is essentially complete at this point. We've not been able to produce it the exact way we would have liked. However, it has all been made from scratch courtesy of Arran and his community Insignify Gaming. It gives you all the info you could possibly want about the event (that we can tell you at the moment) and even has a little gallery showing off our past events.

    In the near future, it'll also be the place to find all 10-11 of our routes, along with start/end times for each route.


    - Routes: All the routes we can plan out, have been planned out at this point. We are essentially just waiting on the Baltics expansion to complete the remaining routes. All our routes include at least 1 of our ''city tour'' features we introduced a couple of weeks ago.

    - Start Location: As our ets2c post says, we shall be starting 24S - The Grand Tour in Swansea this year. More specifically, a small hotel/fuel station/loop road area just north west of the city itself (pictures of the location below).


    - Event Date/Time: Due to a clash with another event and some other issues, we've had to move our event back to the 23rd of February 2019. Sadly, this will mean the event doesn't take place during the UK school half term, but it is what it is.

    It will finish fairly early in the day on the 24th of February, so there should be plenty of time for you school folks to complete any homework or restore sleep patterns.... or just procrastinate, whatever you want ;) 


    - Media/Marketing campaign: We are currently planning out our marketing campaign. Our promotional video for 24S - The Grand Tour is currently in production, but it will be sometime before it's complete. We are currently looking for some talented individuals to help us with our marketing campaign, so if you want to get involved please don't hesitate to message us!

    That's all we can really tell you for now, we hope this sheds some light on our quiet period recently. We do apologise for not being abit more regular with updates, it's been pretty interesting over the past 2-3 weeks and we simply forgot to update you all.


    Look forward to more updates soon! :D



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