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[ATS & ETS2] Unsupported game version ×


Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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About John_24

  • Birthday September 19

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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    ETS2 & ATS Sims 4, fsx steam edition, city skylines, farming simulator 17
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Los Angeles
  • EU Garage Location
    France: Paris
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  1. Happy Birthday 

  2. Seems like a lifetime since I've posted anything on TMP. I wonder if the staff scrapped the whole Ai traffic on MP idea

  3. Hi everybody, I have a tech question for those that would definitely know. 


     I just brought a faster processor for my laptop 2.66Gzhz clock speed. Do I need to upgrade the video card/graphics too?

  4. Thanks for the update
  5. Ats is now in open beta. Thus unplayable in the current version, please downgrade to 1.30 to play atsmp.
  6. I really wish and hope that 1 day special transport DLC can be added to MP. I understand the complexity however I still believe it is very possible

  7. Hey hey, everybody, I'll be in ATSMP for a while. I am currently in Oxnard if anyone wants to run a few loads with me!!!

  8. Any updates on the special transport DLC addition?
  9. I hope for a really great Tuesday!

  10. I take it that with the banner of the Special Transport DLC down, I can almost assume that it will not be supported.....Can't say that I am shocked because that one is quite complex and it would have been difficult to attempt have 2,300 player on average render the content, avoid most trolls from crashing into the escort vehicles and optimize the server for minimal lag.


  11. So basically ATSMP will pretty be on an outdated version until scs patches 1.30 which will not be for months. What a crack of bs man. I honestly believe that TMP gave this excuse just to only work on ETS2 smh. I'm done with these lame excuses and I'm done with TMP. American gamers matter too and this is their way of forcing us Americans to play ets2mp for those that love no. Very disappointed 

  12. So basically ATSMP will pretty be on an outdated version until scs patches 1.30 which will not be for months. What a crack of bs man. I honestly believe that TMP gave this excuse just to only work on ETS2 smh. I'

  13. Hey guys, there will be a convoy later today in 4 hours from this post happening in ETS2 on E3 server and then a convoy in ATS on U.S. server an hour after then ETS2 convoy ends. You guys are invited to attend and all that is asked is that players follow the game rules, no trolling, keep distance between you and keep things as civil as possible. To attend to the convoy you must have a trailer and for ETS2 meet up at Tradeaux just outside of town on the E3 server and for the ATS convoy, meet up at 42 print on the U.S. server.


    Remember guys to please, please it is very important that you keep distance between you are the driver in front of you and those that are prone to lag a bit are asked to hang in tale end of the convoy, thanks! I hope to see you guys in 4 hours from this post!




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