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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by Marc21Feb

  1. Veteran Driver III Hype. :D 

  2. When do bans disappear from your TruckersMP profile?

  3. Sooo many players on ETS2 right now, it is insane! image.thumb.png.8142c49fd46649c28d1f23fb1100f4e4.png



    1. Cbrady40 [G29]

      Cbrady40 [G29]

      Lol I remember back in May when Heavy Haul Cargo DLC came out on the Sunday they ALMOST hit 13,000 cocurrent players.

  4. 600000 KM on my DAF 106. :) NLYFJwL.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Marc21Feb


      I don't know how long you play on that profile, but I think this one is somewhere near day 1. :D Not sure though. 

    3. marco6158


      I've got quite a lot of hours in that profile but I surely have one or two profiles before that one.

    4. Marc21Feb


      That profile is 737 hours. I played the game for 1564 hours in total. :D  Also got about 150k km on world of trucks. Are you doing them jobs aswell? 6v0qNgM.png


  5. World of Trucks down for about 2 hours now for "maintance"..... FeelsBadMan

  6. What is your TMP ID? I feel like mine is really low lol. I got TMP ID: 638.... And no that isn't my ingame ID. :P 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. User_9806


      I'm registered this website, 15 Nov 2014 07:38 since 4 years! :D 

      ID: 9806

    3. Marc21Feb
  7. Good night fellow truckers... ;) WqOFq67.jpg

  8. Going to try plays.tv for recording. Do you use this aswell? And what are your opinions about it? :) 

    1. User_1347132


       I use it a lot , i have 400+ videos , its really easy .


    2. Marc21Feb




      Lol that vid.


  9. Admin pls... BabyRage vLCcm6N.jpg

    1. Marc21Feb


      Can only do 10 reports. ;)


  10. When your topic gets moved to trash before you can answer... :unsure:FeelsBadMan 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. the bored hermit

      the bored hermit

      maybe it was trash :o they normally trash it if it is not contributing so im sure they had a reason

    3. Marc21Feb


      Yeah, it was posted twice, wich is my bad. But still I would like to react to the people who said things. :P 

  11. What do you mean?

    1. NetworkComputer


      Nothing :tmp:

      What do you mean?

    2. Syntog


      What do we all mean?


    Looks like @MrCreeper needs to tell something.... :P40EqZlJ.png  

  13. Crash, crash, crash and crash...... :'(

  14. I want my money back!

  15. Keep on Trucking! 1000 Hours reached!

  16. Eu1 1 player and i can't come in...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Creatured


      it should be fixed now but the server was moved to a dedicated server now

    3. MrHarv98


      i wanna know who is that 1 player o.o

    4. McFreshi


      Probably the god of ETS2mp ;) (I'ts mwl4 :D)

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