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Cbrady40 [G29]

Veteran Driver VII
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About Cbrady40 [G29]

  • Birthday January 27

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Moncton, NB, Canada
  • Interests
    Video games, trucks, meteorology/storm tracking, computers, technology
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Colorado: Denver
  • EU Garage Location
    Luxembourg: Luxembourg
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  1. Some pictures from a drive in Nevada with Reforma mod...much better looking than the SCS Nevada imo. (was kinda heavy so was struggling to keep the 70-80 mph speed limit ?)


  2. Spoiler






    Some Pictures from driving in Washington (in the spoiler)


  3. 20190511_110039.jpg

    One of the self-serve machines at a local McDonalds here had a BSOD :lol::lol: image is sideways for some reason

  4. Does anyone know why ETS2 on my PC for a few months now has a lag spike that lasts about 3-4 seconds PRECISELY every 30 minute intervals? I would guess some form of throttling but it would be weird for it to occur every 30 minutes exactly.

    1. Cbrady40 [G29]

      Cbrady40 [G29]

      i may try that but whenever it lags there is usually no "Saving..." indicator in the corner but im not sure if its possible for it to save if theres no saving indicator or not. The game and documents are on an NVMe SSD so it shouldn't do that either way if its saving.

  5. No snow on ground here, but snow mod is added to TMP and mere hours later we get a bunch of snow (IRL) :thinking:

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