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Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by NevsArmHair


    Game crashing after canceling job well it freezes and does nothing after wating at least 10 mins also i have 1 truck 0 drivers and all garages


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Smalley


      ^^ use that and it will help you a lot as a topic stays longer than a status update :P 

    3. NevsArmHair
    4. Sunort


      Locked - there´s a post with the same topic.

  2. my brother asks if any active VTC'S are hiring any 15 yr olds but the company needs to have active members that drive 



  3. my brother asks if any active VTC'S are hiring any 15 yr olds but the company needs to have active members that drive 


  4. csgo live on twitch.tv/ezzaonyt w/ giveaways


  5. shall i do a stream giveaway if so what kind of giveaway would you guys like? csgo skins?


    1. NevsArmHair



    2. NevsArmHair


      done for tonight tho


  6. i once had thermal paste now i dont



    1. stilldre1976


      haha I like that :lol:

    2. Forraz


      I once had 50fps... now I don't

  7.  Made my brother a new truck for HET



  8. http://www.bounceradio.co.uk/listen.php on air for some trucking tunes request over fourms drop a comment with the song name to be played also shoutouts 

  9. http://www.bounceradio.co.uk/listen.php on air for some trucking tunes request over fourms drop a comment with the song name to be played also shoutouts 

  10. Live on bounceradio.co.uk a heavily growing radio station in the UK with many presenters 

  11. Tang Running express 




    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kibatsume
    3. Nameless Ghoul
    4. Subtle [HKG]

      Subtle [HKG]

      Go and play Need for Speed or Forza Motorsport if you want to race, racing is not allowed in TruckersMP.Locked.

  13. Wonderful @JarFull on CSGO Tonight ahahah 



  14. where can i get the Scout car for sp?

    1. Jrsydevil
    2. Trucking Australia

      Trucking Australia

      There are several places but be careful, those that do not credit TruckersMP will be removed. If you do find a mod that does not credit TruckersMP, please PM me or a member of the team so that it can be resolved

  15. In dyer need of a decent graphics mod that works with mp anyone got any public ones?


    1. [VIVA]SarcasmGamingHd


      I dont think there is one buddy not that works with Mp

  16. whats the ts3 ip?, Gonna complain about an admin

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Digital


      If you've appealed and an Admin has declined then you're just going have to wait until it expires. If you seriously have a problem that much then write a complain to Clarkinator.

    3. Mari'


      Hi, I invite you to my profile


    4. Sgt_Tailor




      If you want to complain about an IGA, don't come to TS3 because we can't do anything for you. If there is an issue with your appeal, send a message to @Clarkinator and he will review the appeal.




  17. http://gaming.logitech.com/en-gb/product/g810-orion-spectrum-rgb-gaming-keyboard any good looking for a new wan and its last period business ed revision fml x1010101010011

  18. http://prntscr.com/as2sp6 sending myslef logos for skins while im at school when im bored af lol study support be like

  19. lol school blocked every mp related thing ecept fourms <3

  20. yeah thats what i thought tom:o

  21. lol look forward to that 

    1. UK Truck3r
    2. NevsArmHair


      look at status updates


  22. @JManCK Bella is mine Acctually


    1. JManCK


      Eurghhhh trying not to be triggered


    2. NevsArmHair
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