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Mike Dragon

Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by Mike Dragon

  1. Bom, mas eu não falei que "todas as leis do mundo" se aplicam ao MP. Apenas a legislação Européia e Americana (que por sinal, a Brasileira pe bastante similar a ambas). No caso desse video vai ter ficar a critério do admin que pegar seu caso. Você estava a mais de 160 KM/h em uma via de 130 e ia ultrapassar pela direita em um trecho apertado. Tudo bem que o carinha ali não indicou que ia trocar de faixa mas ele pode muito bem não ter visto você chegando. Se ele olhou antes de trocar de faixa, você provavelmente ainda não estava visível, então ele fez a manobra achando que era seguro, mas como você estava "voando que nem uma bala", chegou de supetão e o pegou de surpresa. Observe que ele estava indo a uma velocidade muito inferior a sua. Chutando por alto, eu diria que se ele estivesse a 100 KM/h era muito. Já passei por situação similar em que ia trocar de faixa ou fazer uma curva e estava tudo livre mas de repente apareceu alguém do nada a milhões de kilometros por hora. Esse aqui por exemplo: Outra coisa, ali você sinalizou muito tarde. Não vou dizer que ambos estavam certos ou errados pois os dois cometeram erros, mas fato é que a colisão poderia ter sido evitada facilmente. Só posso dizer que vai depender do critério do admistrador. Mas no meu ponto de vista, o ideal teria sido você diminuir a velocidade. Nunca se sabe o que o outro indivíduo vai fazer, então dirigir defensivamente é importante. Mesmo tratando-se de um jogo.
  2. Depende da via mas o certo é fazer ultrapassagens somente à esquerda (a menos que esteja na Inglaterra onde o sentido é invertido. Neste caso a ultrapassagem deve-se ser feita à direita). Observe se as faixas no asfalto permitem que seja feita troca de pista/ultrapassagem. Se há um veículo ocupando a faixa central de uma via de três faixas e você quer ultrapassá-lo, faça-o pela faixa da esquerda. Se esle está trafegando na faixa da esquerda, certifique-se de sinalizar sua presença e intenção de ultrapassar para que ele não troque de faixa "em cima de você" enquanto você passa por ele. Dê umas piscadas com a luz alta e/ou umas buzinadas para chamar sua atenção e ele saber que você está se aproximando e quer ultrapassar. E lembre-se sempre de usar as setas quando trocar de pista. Recomendo que você dê uma lida neste arquigo sobre ultrapassagens que encontrei em uma pesquisa rápida para maiores detalhes: http://movimentoconviva.com.br/ultrapassagem-responsavel/
  3. Ultrapassar pelo acostamento é proíbido em todos os países e desde que as regras in-game de MP são em grande parte a própria legislação de trânsito Européia (ETS2) e Norte Americana (ATS), essa proibição também se aplica aqui. Se o caminhão da faixa da direita te fechar se você tentar ultrapassar pelo acostamento ele pode facilmente alegar que não te viu por você estar em seu ponto cego e/ou que ia parar no acostamento e não te viu. De um jeito ou de outro você estaria super errado nessa situação e poderia tomar um ban por direção perigosa. Se você está embalado e as duas faixas estão ocupados no momento que você se aproxima, o certo é você frear para reduzir sua velocidade. Freios existem por uma razão, você sabe! Veículos não são feitos só para correr, não!
  4. I need to work on a overdue commission (and I shall) but since I just woke up and am not "in gear" yet, I might do a delivery or two from somewhere to somewhere in France.


    I'd rather play ATS, though, as I haven't played that in quite a while but the servers are so empty. :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. antrax737


      Mhm we are all waiting for rescale :) I love how to new roads and map look like, played 3 hours of sp since rescale, but its is b e a u t i f u l

    3. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon


      Then this might clear up your doubts: http://fav.me/d8apub8


      @antrax 737

      Yeah, I'm loving the rescale as well. I just wish more people were on the servers more often, though. :\

    4. antrax737


      They will once rescale gets out of beta

  5. Some "hard" parking over here. =P


    1. antrax737


      very hard yea xP

  6. I love ATS's parking "system". I'm so glad they brought it over to ETS2! <3
  7. Well, I will go to bed. Got a busy morning ahead of me. Good night to all who are staying around for a little while more!

  8. Basically me, right now.


    1. stilldre1976


      Lol fairplay I got it up in the attic with my snes :D I got that drainpipe rocket launcher thing too somewhere haha :lol: have to get down and some play desert/jungle strike used to love that game

    2. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      I've rented Desert and Jungle Strike so many times, back in the day! XD

  9. How am I supposed to have my milk, now? D:


    Guest starring: Ants and The Dirty Dishes.

  10. Kudos to the engineer/architect who had the brilliant idea to install light posts in there. Genius.


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Penguin


      That would make the best ban appeal:

      " I wanted to verify if those were solid or not. And they are." XD


    3. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      Oh my God, Penguin. XD

    4. antrax737


      My friend tested it too :D i havent saw it yet

  11. A friend just gifted me Vive le France! and Mighty Griffin DLCs! :D Now I too can explore the beautiful land of Renault and baguettes and without seeing obnoxious Scanias with boring orange paintjobs and missing parts everywhere! Now they'll just be obnoxious.


    I haven't driven mine for about two years, now, on the very least but I took the chance to give it some of the new accessories. But as usual, keeping it as clean and elegant as possible. My Scania has got to be the least obnoxious-looking one in existence! lol






    So does that mean that after two years I am finally taking it out for a spin? Of course not! It's December. It's this little fella's time to grace the asphalt with its stock tires and low-powered engine!




    And in January (or when the Winter Mod is disabled), it will be time for this brand new, 0KM driven Iveco to show me what it can do.



    You can stay put, Scania. I like you, but we've got far too many Scanias on the road as it is. *gently pets shiny red Scania*

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      It's ok, @DavidOC93 | Killua, don't worry. I'll Iveco him when i can for both of us. XP

    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      I have Iveco tho but with Volvo 750hp and Scania 730hp engines :P

    4. FirestarteR93


      oh sorry, I thought it was you in a red iveco

  12. I can't afford it. ;-;


    1. Shovali


      50$ ?!?!!?!? 

    2. Shovali
    3. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      Not "$", it's in "R$" (R$ = Real)


      Costs more than ETS2 itself, which is currently being sold for R$ 39.99 on Steam.

  13. Guys.



    2. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      I wouldn't be surprised. They are probably waiting for the new DLC to be released so they can have everything ready at once.

  14. Oh, neat! Support for ETS2 1.26 is here. I'm just disappointed that winter hasn't come to MP yet. :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DerAmpelmann


      Single player? Is that something you can eat? :P

    3. derpatrick9
    4. Tynominally


      Its the global warning!!!!

  15. Uber has been operating in my city since September. And it's great! Though I just read the news that the soon-to-be-former-mayor of my city wants to do two things:

    1- Raise the bus fare (AGAIN)
    2- Get Uber out of the city for good under the allegation that it is a "irregular service that has no safety at all" (as he put it himself).

    In the meantime, the taxi service charges a fortune, the drivers are often rude and choose longer routes just so they can charge more, the buses are quite old and lacking maintenance (just a few weeks ago one of them lost its rear axle while driving. A bunch of passengers got hurt in the accident. It simply came off!) and all the streets in the city are choke full of huge potholes that are causing the people to spend small fortunes every month to pay for tires and suspension repairs, among other things that often break down in their cars because of those damned potholes.

    Mayor Wants Uber Out of Campo Grande

    Bus Fare Raises to R$ 3.53 on Monday

    One Decade Old Bus Loses Rear Axle

    1. The Imaginative Lad

      The Imaginative Lad

      Uber are actually really good, better than the normal taxi cabs that go round my city.

    2. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      I know, right? We're also enjoying it over here but the "folks with power" want all the money they can take from the people one way or another and have a service like Uber means that there will be less income for them. So what the solution? Improve the quality and prices so the people will feel compelled to return to the traditional services? Naaaah! Let's say they are criminals and eliminate the competition, instead!

  16. Crashes Compilation 27 is out! :)

    Thanks to @Smalley, @DavidOC93 | Killua, @HerrSwizz and @TruckBro for submitting/allowing some of their clips to be this episode. ;) 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      Silly @Kravaty not remembering that I have been taking submissions for a while now and that he knows how to contact me. =P But yeah, like Smalley said, I did post a status to remind everyone. I suppose you forgot to check it. How shameful! D: Just as a reminder in case you want to submit in the future, you'll have to bear these in mind:



      - The video must not have been previously edited and it must be a single clip (no compiled videos, please);
      - Preferably without copyrighted music, otherwise I will either have to mute it not use the video at all;
      - The video must be in 720p or 1080p. 480p might be accepted but only if it is not too blurry;
      - The video must NOT contain any watermarks. I do have my own on this series and you will already be getting your credits on the screen;
      - Please do inform what name you want to be called in the video so I can give you credit for the video clip you send, otherwise I will use your forum or in-game name (if it is visible in the clip you send);
      - Send the link to the video directly. If you just send a link to a YouTube playlist, your channel or otherwise just tell me to choose whatever I like from your channel, I will ignore it. It's not that I am being rude or snob, though. It's just that I want to save time in the sorting process;
      - Only YouTube uploads will be accepted for now;
      - I don't reply to submission PMs, so please don't feel ignored if I don't respond.
      To send me your "dashcam" footage all you gotta do is send me a PM (Private Message) over at the TruckersMP forums. That's the only way I will be accepting submissions until further notice. (Notice that I will not reply to the PM.)



      Thanks. :) What a coincidence! Hahah! I too enjoy his songs. He's got lots of good ones! ^^


      @DavidOC93 | Killua

      Thanks! :D Yeah, i did not forget the joke I made when you posted that video in a status. XD I couldn't think of anything more fitting to end that clip. =P



      Yup! I've got them separated for future use. ;) Thanks for submitting!

    3. Smalley


      I may have more :P 

    4. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      Then you know what to do! XD

  17. Crashes Compilation 27 is finished! I'll now set it to render and do the dishes in the meantime. If all goes well, I'll leave it uploading overnight and it should be available by the morning. :)

  18. Hi David! Could you confirm to me what truck you were driving in the video you sent me, please? It was a Renault Premium, is that correct?

    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Yup, a Renault Premium with a 750hp engine ;)

    2. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      Alright, thanks.

  19. Today's a pretty hot day. 29ºC but the sun is burning like crazy so it feels a lot hotter than it actually is! On my way back from downtown after picking up a computer from a client for maintenance, my car lit up the temperature warning on the dashboard. D: I pulled up immediately to let it cool down and then I noticed the radiator fan wasn't working. I waited a little bit then drove it to the nearest automotive electrician and left it there for repairs. Thankfully it is near my house so I can just walk there to pick it up later. I just hope it won't get expensive. I'm quite short in cash. :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      Damn, where were you at?  Cuiabá or Rio de Janeiro? XD Thankfully it rarely gets THAT hot in my region!

    3. Ykaro


      Rio de Janeiro :P

    4. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      I thought so. lol

  20. Submissions for Crashes Compilation are still open!


    I just finished downloading some videos I've been sent a few weeks ago and now I will head to bed. In the next couple days I will be editing together episode 27 so if you want your clip in this episode there still might be some time to send it. And if not, you can still get it featured in a future episode. Just bear in mind the following:


    - The video must not have been previously edited and it must be a single clip (no compiled videos, please);
    - Preferably without copyrighted music, otherwise I will either have to mute it not use the video at all;
    - The video must be in 720p or 1080p. 480p might be accepted but only if it is not too blurry;
    - The video must NOT contain any watermarks. I do have my own on this series and you will already be getting your credits on the screen;
    - Please do inform what name you want to be called in the video so I can give you credit for the video clip you send, otherwise I will use your forum or in-game name (if it is visible in the clip you send);
    - Send the link to the video directly. If you just send a link to a YouTube playlist, your channel or otherwise just tell me to choose whatever I like from your channel, I will ignore it. It's not that I am being rude or snob, though. It's just that I want to save time in the sorting process;
    - Only YouTube uploads will be accepted for now;
    - I don't reply to submission PMs, so please don't feel ignored if I don't respond.
    To send me your "dashcam" footage all you gotta do is send me a PM (Private Message) over at the TruckersMP forums. That's the only way I will be accepting submissions until further notice. (Notice that I will not reply to the PM.)

    1. Smalley


      I think you get the jist of where to get my videos lol. I have loads of videos on my Plays.TV but don't know what to upload to youtube. It's up to you :P 

    2. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      The problem with Plays.TV for me is that in order to download any of them, as far as I know, my only option is recording the screen while they play. :\ And that's just not practical, at all.

  21. Alright, I have made up my mind. I'm gonna keep my "tradition" and drive this little thing around the snowy roads of ETS2MP during this month of December. :) Just made a couple modifications to "modernize" it slightly but nothing too noticeable. And other than changing the transmission, all of its mechanical specs remain the same as they were when I bought it two years ago.



    Iveco Stralis Active Space

    6x2 Taglift chassis

    Left-hand steering

    420HP engine

    Allison 4500 R 6-speed transmission

    400 liters fuel tank



    Why a truck like this? Well, it's simple! Because I want.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DerAmpelmann


      How many kilometers/miles you got on that truck?

    3. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      18211 KM total (it's displayed on the dash in the second screenshot).

  22. My copy of Pokémon Sun has FINALLY arrived in the mail, this afternoon!

  23. Oh my God, I'm so happy right now!!! :D This has never happened before!



    And this is the one: https://www.worldoftrucks.com/en/image_detail.php?id=00000000002171E5&back=online_profile.php%3Fid%3D123786

    1. FirestarteR93


      Welcome to the club

  24. For the past two years I have been driving the exact same Iveco during the month of December with a Christmas paintjob. I suppose I can say it has become a tradition of mine. I haven't driven this little truck since early January of this year.


    Though now I am kind of in doubt if I should keep this "tradition" with this truck or if I should try out this new Hi-Way I bought a few months ago and never drove, instead.


  25. I'm loving that new 6-speed Allison transmission for the Euro trucks.

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