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Veteran Driver III
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About Obico

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  • EU Garage Location
    Luxembourg: Luxembourg

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  1. DOT is more like some organization that aims to crack down on defective equipments and place them out of service. I think Police would be a better term to use here. Just my 2cent.
  2. Hi Mariio,


    I saw your signature featuring a cheaper price for ATS. Is this legit? Thanks.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. HeyI'mAmethyst


      It should be a key if it's coming from G2A

    3. Dancool000


      @Wheetastic Yes its a steam key

    4. Obico


      Ok thanks.

  3. Hi Sprinter,


    Can you re-activate my "Any RL Truckers here?" thread please? I wouldn't want to start a new thread about it when everyone else can share their trucks. 



    1. FirestarteR93
    2. Obico


      Appreciate it. Thanks.

  4. Quick PSA to everyone: Make sure you uninstall the previous MP first before installing the new one. Otherwise, you might potentially get the "incorrect ETS2 version" to play the MP. That's what I did and I'm happy to say there's no problem with MP with this new update/patch now. Thanks!
  5. I did this as well. If all fails, uninstall both the ETS2 and the ETS2 MP. Re-install the ETS2 on steam first, then download the most up-to-date ETS2 Multiplayer. It works, thanks for the new update and loving the Christmas tree!
  6. Oh... I installed the new ETS2 MP over the last recent ETS2 MP... Let me try this again, going to uninstall then install the MP, brb.
  7. mwl4 says to change your current version of ETS2 to None as in opt out of all beta programs. I did this as well but it's not working. I tried restarting the computer, didn't work.
  8. ETS2 or the MP? I'm having the same issue as well.
  9. Well that explained why I couldn't get on ETS2 Multiplayer. Do we have an ETA for when we can be back on the server? Looking forward to this new update EDIT: I'm an idiot, you have to re-download the MP client. Do we uninstall the MP client we have now? Also it says that it requires game version but I'm checking steam and the only one closest to this is 1.22 public beta. An updated instruction for this would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
  10. Why is Rotterdam the most populated city in this game? There's not enough players in other areas like East Europe and South Italy.

    1. Inthernet


      It's the prettiest city and port in the game. =)

    2. DerAmpelmann


      No one knows. No one understands multiplayer. It's magic O_O

  11. I think I found the solution: http://forum.ets2mp.com/index.php?/topic/15271-game-change-detected-wont-spawn-where-last-saved-etc/ Along with saving the game every time I quit the game or DC, it might be either one of these two or a combination. Change the value of reset economy back to 0 for every profile. Hopefully this is a permanent fix.
  12. Hi guys, There has been times when I DC but I keep re-spawning back at my original garage. Apparently, my in-game friend told me that whenever he DCs, he is always back where he was last at when he DCed. Is there a fix for this? I'm tired of doing dead runs. It's not fun to end half way especially on a long-haul drive across Europe. Many thanks.
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