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Killua // Ireland ^_^

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Status Updates posted by Killua // Ireland ^_^

  1. One last trip on C-D road before going on holidays :D In a pink truck + trailer :lol: Actually looks ice tho :o

    My game did a worrying thing, parked on the grass and had to go out of the game for  few minutes but when I loaded back into my game it did not load me parked on the grass but loaded me further back on the road :o:o:(:( Anyone know why it did that?



    1. M.J.


      That's very bright. They should put a warning before status updates: "Please wear sun glasses" XD

    2. stilldre1976


      ill look out for you on c+d in the pinkest truck out there :D have a good holiday buddy ;)

    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
  2. Good Night :) 2am is early for me to go to bed :lol::P 

    Gonna be going on holidays 2moro so won't be active in game at all for the next 8 days/nights and depending on how good/bad the hotels wifi/internet is I should still be a bit active on the forums in the late evening to check notifications and have a look :P Will probably be on some time in the morning too :P

    Time for sleep :P:rolleyes:

    For now I'll leave you with these 2 gifs of Killua :D:wub:


    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Killua is 12 but according to the timeline by the end of HXH his 14 :P I think :P

      Thx :)

  3. Anyone know of any pink trailer or have any? :lol: Want one :P for the LOL's :lol:


  4. Red trucks + trailers day :P my fave colour :D:wub:



    In the middle of an Admeeeeeen sandwich :lol::mellow:@Djinsomnia @Louie G TFM




    1. [China-L F](036)CYR

      [China-L F](036)CYR

      :D@Killua // Ireland ^_^ :tmp:  The first truck on the train track is me, number (221)

    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
  5. Haven't looked at notifications the fourms since yesterday morning and there is now 63 notifications :o

    63 notifications in a day :mellow:

    1. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      I was going to say "That's what you get for following Krav" but to be fair, he has been mysteriously quiet lately. '-'

    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
  6. Forgot to post these earlier ;) Photos from IST Convoy :)


    Fast Cargo VTC - Nice to see a VTC showing up in big numbers at anther VTC's convoy :)


    As the IST Convoy was leaving the company convoy was arriving coming into the same depo :lol: Nice looking company :) Do like seeing company convoys in MP like that :) 


    @The Imaginative Lad o/ :)


    1. stilldre1976


      nice pics matey btw that Scottish guys truck looks awesome in those colors matching the trailer B)

    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      thx ^_^ ya it does doesn't it B)

  7. Well this is by far the worst I have ever seen Calais :o  Have never seeing it this bad before even at peak times :o Can't believe it was like this so late :o:o Was soooo laggy I couldn't really go forward in dev cam to see what was happening :unsure: Then my game crashed D: :(  Loaded an autosave in the service station ;) Then got rammed and had to f7 and while trying to get out I flew :lol:


    What a crazy night :lol: 42 notifications now too :o they can wait till tomorrow :P  time to go watch tv :P

    1. Fumiko


      Looks like you had fun LOOOL

    2. A Simple Cheeseburger

      A Simple Cheeseburger

      Lets have a moments silence for all the cows flung into the abyss that day :'(

  8. An admin is urgently needed outside Calais on EU2 - there is 200+ here and I have no clue what's going on but I'm guessing someone must be blocking

  9. Extremely sad to say I have left APL :(:( Its been an extremely hard and sad decision, I had been thinking about leaving for a while now and for the past week I've been pretty much thinking about it non stop. Not one bit happy to have left APL :(  :( and part of me does think I have made a mistake leaving but I am just not happy in APL anymore and haven't been for a while now. I guess I just finally reached that point where the inactivity (apart from a truckfest every so often) is just too much :unsure: Also the fact that so many have already left APL including nearly everyone I used to drive with and go to convoys with has also been on my mid for a while.

    I was in APL for almost a year and it was fantastic. It was my first experience being in a VTC and it was great, so much fun and I met some great people in my time in APL :)  Have had so many great times :) It used to be so good with APL weekly convoys, attending some convoys with other APL members, going to big events with APL (in the APL ts) slack and the APL ts used to be so active with plenty there commenting and chatting and also just drives with other APL members and company convoys/drivers :D:wub: Really enjoyed all those things but still having the freedom to use my own paint when ever I wanted (apart from APL events and other events APL attended)

    Its only in the last few months that its changed, all that stuff that I mentioned above hasn't been happening for the past few months with an awful lot of APL having left, apart from 2 truckfest and one convoy recently its been so inactive. I had my hopes up that APL convoys would start up again and things would get more active but sadly no sign of that happening :(:(

    Its extremely sad to see APL slowly dying :(:(

    I still do love APL and wish those still in APL the best of luck and finger crossed they can turn it around and stop it from dying. I will gladly be there to attend and support and future APL convoys and events.

    Wish this was not happening to APL and that I and everyone was still in it and it was active like it was a few months ago :unsure:

    Removing APL from my name everywhere was hard and seeing my name in game and on steam without it was hard too :unsure:

    I should mention that I am still part of the APL community - I've just left the VTC.

    Really is extremely sad to see my time in APL come to an end after almost a year :( Never expected the day I leave APL to ever come :(


    Sorry about the long post and probably a bit of a silly post too :unsure:


    1. Hz3rd


      Sad to hear @Killua // Ireland ^_^ I hope you find another happy community soon, :(

    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
  10. Another ATS Convoy :D Was great :) TFM was great 2, lots of good songs on :)

    but also in the past hour Beep Beep I'm a Sheep, Pink Fluffy Unicorns and Barbie Girl where all on TFM :o:lol:


  11. Well this was crazy :o Was there for about 5 - 10 mins and finally got through :D


    But then 5 mins into C-D road I got rammed and knocked over so had to f7 :( NOOOOOOOOOOO :(  Got stuck here again for another 10+ mins and then f7 cause going out soon :rolleyes: Don't know if his still there or not


    People where recording him so i'm guessing he'll get banned at some point :) 


    Also as you can see my name changed cause I got signed out of the forum :( Knew this day would eventually come :P

    1. stilldre1976


      Madness on there atm matey haha just seen mariio and hammer on duty tho so we should be ok B)

    2. Alex [ITA]

      Alex [ITA]

      That's a mess!

  12. WTF :o What happened my last status :unsure: Where's it gone? 

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      I'll be more careful in future :) I didn't think/realize anything was wrong with them (I probably should have -_-) It wasn't anything real or real blood or anything like that, was 2 clips of Killua from Hunter x Hunter ;) 

  13. I am soooooooooo indecisive :unsure: Really not good at making decisions :rolleyes:

  14. Impatience :P As we all know patience is a very lacking quality in MP drivers :lol:-_- not many have patience :wacko: I will put my had up and admit I can be impatient sometimes ;) but thats no surprise at all cause I'm kinda a impatient person (not all the time obviously) :lol: Patience is hard :unsure::rolleyes:


    What about you? ;) Are you patient are impatient

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      My patience usually runs out after being stuck behind someone going way below the speed limit for a while

      I have patience when in traffic jams and things like that cause I like that :D

    3. Artical DAN

      Artical DAN

      Being impatient gets me banned

    4. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      When I get impatient I still don't brake rules ;) I'll mostly just honk or flash a few times or type in chat:P

  15. 2 great convoys :D

    Did get a little bit annoyed with the 20mph speed  on the highway for a while at the first one -_- Sry :unsure:

    @Mirrland :)


    @RHG // SgtBreadStick #H64 :)


    @Mr Jakeeee #ForCorrine <3 :)


    Lost wifi near the end of the 7/7 convoy D: :(  ;_; Cause someone hit of the wifi thing and plugged it out -_-


    Had it back in time for TPG's Convoy :D


    Was in photo mode taking photos of my truck and saw this :o LOL XD :lol:



    Nice driving with Kinch at TPG Convoy :):D ex APL driver  :P


  16. (Working one this time) :)

    DZG's first Convoy months ago :D:wub: This is a friends (Welsh Vaders) twitch stream from DZG's first convoy months ago ;) DZG has now shut down :( I downloaded this stream because I was infront of him for a good bit This was before I added Killua to my name and before I joined APL when my name was just DavidOC93 :P (Didn't really know Vader back then tho)




    Convoy starts going at around 44 mins   



  17. Finally :D 10,545 miles :D My most driven truck :P This was the first truck I bought after joining APL on July 23rd 2016 :wub:



    Typical day on C-D road :rolleyes: Someone said on chat they were recording and another person  said he was streaming :) So I can see a ban in his future hopefully :D I couldn't record :(




    A very pink truck :P 


    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Maybe its just me but over the past few days tho I have seen trailers just randomly abandoned on the side of the road for no apparent reason and no sign of their trucks :huh: Yesterday near the railway crossing on C-D road there was a cow trailer just abounded on the grass and no sign of the truck anywhere :o Looked in dev cam while waiting for train to pass :P 

      and the other day after a convoy I saw 2 trailers abounded one on the footpath and one on the road :wacko:

      saw 2 more abounded in Brussels yesterday and another on C-D road the other day :rolleyes:


    3. LordBenji


      Ghost trailers?

    4. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      nope don't think so cause they had names and numbers above them ;)

  18. Great Convoy in France DLC :D Nice to drive there with the beautiful scenery and good roads :D I don't go in the France DLC much :P  too quite :unsure:




    I got 9,706 miles on that truck now :) One trip on C-D road will hopefully get it over 10,000 :rolleyes:

  19. Was just getting ready for a convoy later but with that lovely sky had to take a few screenshots :):wub:


  20. 9,706 miles driven :D So close to being my first truck with over 10,000 miles :D  This is the first ever truck I bought when I joined APL on July 23rd last year ;) I'm gonna drive this truck at a convoy tomorrow and then it will get over 10,000 miles :D (none of my cars have over 10,000 miles either) 

    While 10,000 miles doesn't seem like alot to me it is because I have hundreds of trucks :wacko::lol: most don't even have more then 2,000 miles :rolleyes: Only some of my APL ones have over 5,000 :P


  21. Happy Birthday :) Have a great day :)

  22. Nice to see some ATS Convoys again :) 2nd one this week :D 



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