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Veteran Driver X
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Mazokki last won the day on January 5 2015

Mazokki had the most liked content!

About Mazokki

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Northern Finland
  • Interests
    Trucking, snowmobiles, motorcycles.

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  1. I have no doubt that admins will kick/ban those people. But I also think that people should not be banned for something that they didnt know was forbidden. People may think that they are just entertaining others by playing some "cool tunes" through the CB. So instead of taking the "learn through punishment" approach, just add a couple new lines in the rules. PS. I know that admins are not stupid. I used to be one.
  2. Well I may want to keep it on to communicate with other people, but I dont want to listes other peoples music through it.
  3. Suggestion Name: No music through in-game "CB"Suggestion Description: This is not really a big problem yet, but I think there should be a rule that people are not allowed to play music through the in-game "CB".Any example images: Nope.Why should it be added?: It can get really annoying if lots of people start doing it. Thank you!
  4. Sgt. Pepper is streaming ATS Early Access!! http://www.twitch.tv/xsgtpepperx

  5. It is possible that someone spawned in your truck. Try to load a save that is dated before this accident. That way you can get your money back.
  6. Use correct format: http://forum.ets2mp.com/index.php?/topic/7-suggestion-format-needs-to-be-followed/And fix your attitude.
  7. Friday convoy: http://ets2c.com/view/16137/solawrath-wroclaw-sea-port Everyone is welcome to join.

    1. Clashin_Jon


      Dont think ill make it but ill be ther3 on Sunday

  8. Same. You can send me PM's all you want. Edit: No spamming though!
  9. MetaltigerSA mods dont cause crashes, so it would not solve anything if everyone downloaded them. The problem is that people keep changing the mods. For example they add black Raven wheels to trailers which causes crashes to those who dont have Raven dlc, like me. I would like to remind everyone that this is not allowed. "Unsupported Mods - Permanent Ban Using unsupported mods to cause game crashes."
  10. Use the correct suggestion format: http://forum.ets2mp.com/index.php?/topic/7-suggestion-format-needs-to-be-followed/ Just turn off "secondary vehicle lights" in your graphics settings or turn off "additional lights" in your multiplayer settings.
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