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Game Moderation Manager
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by Fezz

  1. amdin foto pls


    1. FayezTMP


      C3 English

  2. Fezz

    Hai Mr Stalker

    1. Azuly


      What are you talking about, Sir? :kappa:

    2. Fezz


      Visting my profile innit


    3. Azuly


      That's because you're very important :truestory:

  3. Congrats lad, very proud 🥳 ❤️


  4. I was thinking perhaps you felt left out, so maybe I'm stalking you now :troll:

    1. DevCallum


      No no no!!! **blocks** 🥸

  5. I see you stalking me 😉


    1. DevCallum


      The other way round 😉



    2. Fezz


      Shhh what he doesn't need to know won't hurt 😉


    3. DevCallum


      Defo not you deflecting there 😉

  6. Happy birthday stranger, hope you're keeping well ❤️


  7. Fezz

    Stalking me I see 👀

  8. Happy birthday lad ❤️


  9. Damn there's a name I haven't seen in months! Hope you're okay lad. 💕

  10. Aww, did you miss me that much you decided to rejoin again? :troll:

    1. .George


      cheeky, but I expected that sort of response 🤣

    2. Fezz


      Wasn't a no though 😉


  11. It's a little late, but better late then never. I'd like to say thank you to those that took the time to wish my happy birthday last week. 😊

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RedNub


      You're welcome, you deserved same like others


      Stay safe


    3. L-DR@GO


      Premium Fezz

      Always late 🤪

    4. Guest


      You're welcome

  12. Fezz

    Don't miss me too much :troll:

  13. Awesome work ❤️

    1. FayezTMP
    2. Lamb Sauce III

      Lamb Sauce III

      Cheers to both of you. Much appreciated!

  14. Happy birthday! ❤️


  15. Happy birthday ❤️

    Hope the family is keeping safe!


  16. Congrats! 😄


  17. Massive congrats, very well deserved :HaulieLove:

  18. Ooo cheeky follow ty sir


    1. ^Dominik^


      ooo it's my pleasure, Mr. Fezz

  19. OMG Haiiii 🙈

    1. Aek177


      OMG heyyyy 🫡

  20. Ayeeeee, happy birthday @Jagman 🥳

  21. Happy birthday! Enjoy another notification 🙈

  22. Stay Safe ❤️


  23. Baaai old trainee ❤️


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