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Status Updates posted by Noxii

  1. Got about 4 hours left at home before it's time to get back to work now, thought I'd go for a flight lasting about 3 hours and deal with some reports while in cruise, however I can't seem to get ChasePlane to run at the moment. FML, guess I'm stuck on the ground then... :(



  2. Trucking towards Nice with @Chris - TFM and ended up in a cozy little town in France. :)




    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Noxii


      Outside Limoges. :) 

    3. Digital
    4. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      I've passed that town sooo many times in Convoys and always said I must go there and take screenshots sometime

  3. This approach felt quite scary, felt like you were gonna smash the gear into the mountains any second. But I made it safely onto the ground with such an awesome parking that even the marshaller started dancing to "Hey Maccarena". B)




  4. The size of this aircraft is just gooood, she's such a beauty.




  5. I am still considering getting Call of Duty WWII, anyone able to tell me if it's good or not so far?

    I did play the beta in MP and from what I got from that is that the maps are still way too small and it's full of hackers. Any updates, larger maps, nice singleplayer, anyone wanna share some thoughts about that game?

    1. Lukas4544 [LTU]

      Lukas4544 [LTU]

      No. Dont buy it ! Campaign is too short. Zombies is horrible. Online is ****. Only 9 small maps, small amount of guns. Evearything is bad in this game online.

    2. Noxii


      Oh, such a shame because it at least looked beautiful in the beta.

  6. Mah godlike reaction time from yesterday outside Calais! B)



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ThatOvertakenPokeman


      lol. CD has things like that so that is a skill. @Chris - TFM banned for ramming :P

    3. LordBenji


      Nice close call :P I've had my share of those too...


  7. This has got to be one of the best songs EVER to be featured in a game! :wub:



    And on the plus side, the game is made by Swedes. B)

  8. Went a bit too fast down a highway exit yesterday but managed fine, pro driver. B)



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Noxii


      Ofc, snow is here now so that means drifting time. Once drifted around a left bend and could watch the logo on the side of my trailer in my right hand side mirror all the way around the bend. B)

    3. Mustafa[34]
    4. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
  9. Drove some cable to Le Havre from Dortmund with @Lorenita and @Chris - TFM and my god what an adventure it was, Chris always ending up in accidents and I got stuck in a ditch and everything, we even got our private escort vehicles at the end of the journey from @Bandero and @Sgt_Tailor. What's left to say that it was a fun night at least! :)



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Noxii


      Niiice, why did mine get in such a bad quality compared to yours? :(

    3. [T.G.E][01] Lorena*
    4. ScaniaFan89


      @Noxii If it wasn't for Chris's cat like reflexes there would have been another accident * wink * " Chris, i may lag..... " * wink * 

  10. Oy vey...



    1. Truckerpilot


      this is indeed one of the hardest thing tears you apart inside

    2. LordBenji
  11. Thinking about ordering pizza today, but hmm wonder which one I should choose. ^_^



  12. Haha I like the difficulty options in Wolfenstein 2.



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Noxii


      Just started, but I loved The New Order and The Old Blood. That guard dog thingy in the prison in The Old Blood made me crap myself....

    3. Positivetrucking168


      I wonder if it is possible that you could do some 1990s classic games, such as Wolf3D and Doom? 

    4. Noxii


      Meh I'm not a fan of those old games, Doom just makes me dizzy and it feels like you're running around in circles! :P

  13. Well I hate to say it but it sure does look like winter is here now... :(



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Noxii


      Ehm around easter or something, the worst part of winter is usually around end of February and March as the weather tend to be really bad during that time and it can change from snow and winter roads to rain and ice roads in a matter of seconds.

    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
    4. ScaniaFan89


      what i would give to sit next to you & enjoy the experience of that beast....do you ever take it to the redline? i would just to hear it roar 

  14. The importance of keeping a safety distance to the vehicle infront seems to be unknown to a lot of players... :D



    1. Positivetrucking168


      But just be careful that you don't cause a hazard for those behind you by travelling at an unreasonable speed. 

      About a three to four second gap is decent enough to prevent pile-on crashes.

    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
    3. LordBenji


      There was time where I was leaving a good gap in front, but Mr Impatient overtook me and stole that gap, leaving barely any safe space in between... :( 

  15. I can't help but feel a bit sorry for Monarch and what happened to them... :(





    Last picture is of approaching Arlanda over Stockholm.

    1. xBestBBx


      Truly sad. Same with Air Berlin. 

    2. Noxii


      Yup, end of an era.

  16. Finally back home and time to get some flying done! B)




  17. Is it just me thats totally obsessed with Sword Art Online? I mean I can't even count all the times I've watched it, I'm sooooo in love with everything about it that words can't even describe it. The music in it is beautiful, the landscape, the story and everything, kinda wish I could live in that world. I mean just look at it, its like ugh and Kirito and Asuna are just so PERF....



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      I don't watch alot of anime (there are sooo many :o) but the main anime I watch is Hunter X Hunter (my fave show ever :wub:) ;) Thats where Killua comes from ;):P 

    3. Noxii


      Will try to have a look at that one later then :)

    4. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      ^It can quite violent tho, I must watch more of Sword Art Online sometime (watched a trailer ;))

  18. Parked for the night now in Norway's northernmost city Alta, going back home on Saturday and get a week off yaaaayyy party party! :)



  19. Yaaaay delayed departure from 17:00 until 01:00 which also means delayed arrival from 03:00 until 11:00, oh happy days... :(



    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Noxii


      Haha well welcome to planet earth Pokeman, just check my previous status updates here and you'll see for yourself! :P

  20. I wish SCS would implement more versions of doubles such as this one for example and fix the old crap Scania that's in the base game to be something similar to this one...



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Noxii


      Have you ever been in a real Scania of newer model? I doubt you would say that if you had cuz there's soooo many things wrong with the base Scanias in the game such as look both exterior and interior, lights on some of them, sounds of the engine, indicators and other things. Those are just a few things that bugs me as I drive one daily in real life I know how things are supposed to sound and look and therefore it bugs me a lot in the game, that much that I feel that I can't even drive them in game as they are right now :P Also I miss the sideskirts on 6x2 and 6x4 versions too since thats available in real life from the factory.

    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Well it is a game, its not going to be exactly like real life :rolleyes: and nope I've never been in a truck in real life (well was once when I was a child for a few mins - my uncles 0 but can't remember what it was and he hasn't been a truck driver for years now)

      I love both Scanias in game :D:wub: My fave trucks and I don't see anything wrong with them :P




    4. AenMx


      Hello there! I'm forbidden, I do not know what I'm doing, I want proof of it! as soon as possible thank you good work good days 1 day passed nicknmae Aenmx

  21. Brace yourself, winter is coming...



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pereira-153


      While you're in the cold I'm in the heat and here in the city it's doing 40 degrees.

    3. Noxii


      Wanna trade? :P I don't want the cold because it gets icy and I always turn in to Bambi on ice....

    4. Pereira-153
  22. Night patrolling the streets of Rotterdam and surrounding area! B)



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