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Veteran Driver II
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by djoh

  1. djoh

    TMP Bans

    Collisions are disabled on arcade server, so why not?
  2. Update your post to match the suggestion format as per suggestion rules, else it won't be considered. I also support this idea.
  3. 2 naughty people :shakesfist:
  4. What I've seen on event servers, seems to be just a joke. And if you can not understand jokes, well.. Can't do anything about it, can we?
  5. and I just said that is impossible.
  6. what limit? 10km/h? that's the most crazy thing I've hear.
  7. ... then why did you suggest that?
  8. The fact that this is similar to suggestions about the "/report" command, and many of those were declined, I think this one will be declined too. + this one doesn't follow the format required to be approved.
  9. This is not possible due to the fact that cars are added by TMP, not SCS.
  10. Entering 2FA on each login is the main method of protecting your account. If you want to use 2FA yet not be restricted in length of the login session - disable it. Longer session with 2FA is the same as you not having 2FA at all, so anyone can get on your account despite you having 2FA enabled.
  11. Suggestion Name: Dynamic in-game report priority Suggestion Description: Dynamic in-game report priority depending on amount of submitted reports. Any example images: None Why should it be added?: Imagine a situation: a player goes AFK, his truck rolls on the road and they block everyone else. The chances of report system actually helping in that moment is minimal - there are 100 active reports on average on Sim1. The only choice is just to wait for a Game Moderator to come to the scene, but this can take some time too. With this system, the more people report that specific player, the higher the initial report will be in the report list, so the chances of that report actually helping will be much higher. While this might be abusive (I have no idea how but who knows ), I don't think it will hurt that much. DISCLAIMER Props to @Coolieboy in this post. (Tbf I thought of this earlier, but just saw that post so I think it would be nice to mention them)
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