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Veteran Driver III
 TruckersMP Profile
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About CorrKer

  • Birthday 01/07/2002

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Some Beach!!
  • Interests
    Classic Cars, and Computers
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Arizona: Phoenix
  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: Dover
  • Known languages
    English is my main

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1954 profile views

CorrKer's Achievements


Rookie (2/13)

  • One Year On
  • Getting Noticed
  • First Post
  • One Month Later

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  1. May your social media pages be filled with birthday wishes from people you’ve never met, haven’t seen in years or genuinely couldn’t care less about.

  2. Happy Womb Emigration Day!

  3. Happy birthday to an oldie, but goodie!

  4. Very Nice Great Success !

  5. Forget about the past you can’t change, the future you can’t predict and definitely forget about the present because I didn’t get you one. Happy birthday!

  6. Its a shame its not something they could release even if it was on a dedicated server, it would be so much fun with a few friends
  7. Congrats 

    1. Bhagyesh


      Thank You! :HaulieLove:

  8. kPArnQn.png


    Thank you for the Drive today Buddy

    1. WarSniperr


      No problem mate, Been lovely❤️🚚

  9. congrats


  10. thank you for the follow

  11. Before photo of the Norðurfjörður death road (Iceland) 




    After photo of the Norðurfjörður death road (Iceland) 


    spacer.pngre photo of the Norðurfjörður death road (Iceland) 

  12. Thanks for the follow :HaulieLove:

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