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Everything posted by Fast-rider

  1. Hello there! Has your issue been solved? Your confirmation of the status of your issue helps us keep the forum organized! I await your return! Kind Regards, Fast-rider TruckersMP Support
  2. 2 is way too much, you can do 1 again now
  3. Wieso ich genommen wurde ist mir bis heute noch ein Rätsel. Die wissen wohl was, was ich nicht weiß
  4. Aktualisiert: TruckersMP Launcher: ➜ Version für ETS2: ➜ Version für ATS: ➜
  5. Hello there! Since you solved your issue, I will go ahead and move this topic to solved topics. If you have anymore issue in the future, feel free to contact us again. Kind regards, Fast-rider TruckersMP Support //Locked and Moved to Solved
  6. Jetzt sind wir die 2 Ahnungslosen 3
  7. AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! So, jetzt hab ich mal geschriehen, jetzt war es wieder lauter
  8. Fast-rider


    Hello there! Has your issue been solved? Your confirmation of the status of your issue helps us keep the forum organized! I await your return! Kind Regards, Fast-rider TruckersMP Support
  9. Haven't posted here for a long time now, so here a pic with @Caramba2412 (left) and @Lamb Sauce III (right):HaulieLove:


  10. Happy birthday :HaulieLove:

    1. Juliia


      Thank you Nub Rider ! ❤️

  11. Hallo @reissdorf, Da dieses Thema nun bereits seit mehr als einer Woche inaktiv ist werde ich dieses nun schließen und in "Ungelöst" verschieben. Solltest du weitere Fragen oder Probleme bezüglich TruckersMP haben, so zögere bitte nicht ein neues Thema zu eröffnen. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Fast-rider TruckersMP Support //Locked and moved to "ungelöst"
  12. Hallo @LilzHello, Da du bestätigt hast, dass dein Problem gelöst wurde, werde ich dein Topic schließen und in den Bereich "gelöst" verschieben. Sollten erneut Probleme, Fragen oder Anliegen auftreten, so kann ohne zu zögern ein neuer Beitrag oder ein Support Ticket erstellt werden. Eventuell hilft auch ein kurzer Blick in unser Knowledge Base System weiter: https://truckersmp.com/knowledge-base Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Fast-rider TruckersMP Support //locked and moved to "gelöst"
  13. Hello there! Has your issue been solved? Your confirmation of the status of your issue helps us keep the forum organized! I await your return! Kind Regards, Fast-rider TruckersMP Support
  14. Aktualisiert: TruckersMP Launcher: ➜ Version für ETS2: ➜ Version für ATS: ➜
  15. Suggestion Name: VTC Application System - Add "Canned Messages" System Suggestion Description: Add a System to the VTC Applications, where "Pre-set" messages, that have been defined by the VTC owner (or anyone elses VTC Roles having the permissions) to set up messages for their VTC, that HR Staff or anyone dealing with applications can use. This could also be implemented for the window when you remove (kick) somebody out of a VTC. Any example images: Not needed. Why it should be added: This is probably something that would be more used by only bigger VTCs (verified or validated) as they get more VTC Applications. Many VTCs use the applications forms which are available to be set up on a VTC page. Whereas it would a a cool idea to implement a system, where you, for example, can easily use a message in a VTC application (like a accepted/declined, some details are missing, etc.) as an application comment, that can be easily accessed and used for the comment function on VTC Applications for VTC Staff. Those message shall of course NOT be pre-set messages by TruckersMP, but being set up by the VTC owner/staff itself. I am aware that smaller VTCs won't need this feature that much, however, I do believe that bigger VTCs who work with this application form system would have an advantage with it. Of course, when selecting such a message, the message should be able to be adjusted before sending, if a point needs to be added by HR Staff. Furthermore, this could also be implemented when kicking people out of a VTC, where you are able to write a message as a reason for the removal. Thank you for reviewing this suggestion. Any feedback (positive or negative) or an addition to the original suggestion is greatly appreciated.
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