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Veteran Driver IV
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by m4gu3ll

  1. Happy birthdayyyy!! ❤️ ? 

  2. Happy birthdayy!! ❤️

  3. Ale jak to Fabuś ma urodzinki? Wszystkiego najlepszego ❤️ 

  4. Woaaah Nodyyy ❤️ Congrats :HaulieLove:

  5. Remember guys.. 
    Your Heart was created in 9 months.. Don't let anyone hurt it in 1 day..


  6. Congratulations brooo <333

  7. Rest in Peace Speedy ❤️ ?

  8. Happy birthdaayyyy!! 708042562631368765.webp?size=40&quality=736601506656288808.webp?size=40&quality=884353361607024661.gif?size=40&quality=l

  9. Happy birthdayyy! ? :love: ❤️ 

  10. Nubio Coolio, whyy ? 
    See ya again bro

  11. Its veeery old picture from 09.03.2021.


  12. Al het beste! ? :HaulieLove:

  13. Happy birthday!! :HaulieLove:? :love:

  14. Maybe not from TMP, but very beautiful pic for me ?


  15. #NoEdits

    1. Changas!


      woww, It's really good!!!, and a good hashtag, I'll use it more often with your permission...?

    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Fantastic photo, so beautiful ??❤️:HaulieLove:

  16. Happy birthday!! ❤️??

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