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Veteran Driver IV
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About ke4re1

  • Birthday 04/16/2001

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Community Answers

  1. Happy Birthday!!🎂🎉

  2. Happy Birthday! 🥳

  3. Congraz Pink Team!!!

    1. Almeida.


      Thank you so much .Alan :HaulieLove:

  4. Hey, @LocusT256 I think this guide may point you in the direction: https://truckersmp.com/knowledge-base/article/10 It is worth noting that: Q: Why can I only create 10 reports? A: The Game Moderation Team is being asked to rate the quality of the reports. This is being used to help get rid of the majority of useless reports that currently come through the system. The more good reports you submit, the more you will be able to report in the future. The more bad reports you submit, the less you will be able to report, to the point where you are no longer able to. Q: I have reached my limit on the report system, what must I do? A: You must wait for some of your reports to be dealt with. Once some of your reports have gained positive points from a Game Moderator, you will have a higher report limit. I think it will be helpful for you. Besides, if you have any other questions, feel free to look up the Game Moderation category in the Knowledge Base. Kind regards, Alan
  5. Happy Birthday! 🎉

  6. Happy Birthday 🎉

  7. Happy birthday! 🎉

  8. Happy birthday !

  9. Happy birthday ! :HaulieLove:

  10. Happy Birthday 🎂 

  11. Happy Birthday!!

  12. Happy day of birth! :kappa:

  13. Happy Birthday! 🥳

    1. ke4re1


      Thanks mate 

  14. Oye happy birthday 🎂

    1. ke4re1


      Oye! Appreciate it

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