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Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by Miles!

  1. Gaming Evolved sucks so bad it's the pure reason I'm buying a nVidia card now. Goodbye AMD you suck

    1. Miles!


      I'm only using it cause of play TV which was your suggestion

  2. I have to deal with this all the time -_-

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Darth Wazawai

      Darth Wazawai

      I'd sleep threw that dispute being a light sleeper XD

    3. Miles!


      I live next to a mental asylum, which houses mass murderess and serial killers, so that alarm is for when they escape. It's really broken and goes off at random

    4. MrHarv98
  3. Why do PC stores advertise Windows 10 as a key feature? its free lol

    1. stilldre1976


      lol ive done 3 laptops this week to reformat to win7 on brand new lappys with win10

    2. Titanic4


      Erm, only upgrade from win7, 8, 8.1 to Windows 10 is free until July 29, 2016. It still costs money depending on edition.

    3. FedeE656


      I have Windows 10!!

      If you upgrade from Windows 7, 8 or 8.1 is free !!!! Look here: https://www.microsoft.com/it-it/windows/windows-10-upgrade

  4. Why does the post have "Private" written on it? It it not kinda obvious already? I high doubt the postman is allowed to read out post if Private isn't written on the top of it..

    1. [VIVA] Savage Frog

      [VIVA] Savage Frog

      dunno :D but 90% of mine have private written on it, obviously each post is private... lol :P

  5. Ah they patched my black license plate glitch :(

    1. Creatured


      in the netherlands we also have earthquakes now that is due to the gas drilling

  6. Whats the server settings? EU 2 still all NCZ? Been over a month since I've played....

    1. AbbieGator


      EU1 and EU2 have the same configurations. Both collison enabled, speedlimiter at 110km/h outside cities and 60km/h within.

    2. Miles!


      Ohh okay thanks

  7. My first GTA V video :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. [ S.PLH ] Warrior

      [ S.PLH ] Warrior

      Fly simulation 2.0 :P

    3. Inthernet


      Pfft. The human eye can only perceive 24fps. :P j/k, nice dancing.

    4. Miles!
  8. Woah

    1. Miles!


      I just got back in, the road was blocked becuase there was a car on fire. Only news page about it doesn't mention the fire tho :(http://www.964eagle.co.uk/news/local-news/1589086/young-man-suffers-serious-head-injuries-following-camberley-accident/

    2. dogidog


      another normal day in Russia ...

  9. I feel like I work in a damn callcenter sometimes, and THIS is a good day, Usually its more + Other messaging services -_-http://i.gyazo.com/d912164fbdfa171ed7c5fd9337365d7f.png

  10. *Loads GTA V for first time*.... 10 messages like "OMFG IS IT GOOD????" Well if you let me get past the bloody load screen then maybe I can give you an answer -_-

    1. Kalido


      Does it still have the obligitory 30 minute load time on PC? (Porbably not 30 but it feels that long)

    2. Miles!


      Yeah, It forces you to read every 3 minute slide of information before you can get into an online game -_-

  11. TRIPLE KILL, Rockstar just got 3 consecutive game releases killed in a mass failure -_-

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kalido


      This and other instances have shown me to wait a few days after a release of a hyped to the max title

    3. AbbieGator


      At least you didn't get your game stolen from you like some streamers did.

    4. Creatured


      Looks like i will be waiting for a hotfix or can i just transfer my caracter

    1. Kalido


      A funny video and console v pc flame war in the comments love it

  12. USPS has taken 4 days to get my order from Seattle WA to Kent WA. 4 days and it hasn't even left the country yet, What are they sending it by hot air balloon or something? ffs

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Dave


      Yeah, that's a probability with international orders. They go through so many hands of different countries with varying standards. Depending on what it is customs actually physically checks the contents and reseals it, especially Australia's customs as they're so strict with what comes into their country.

    3. Miles!


      Yeah I heard! I watched a couple episodes of a show about Australias customs and woah they really thoroughly check everything

    4. HeyI'mAmethyst


      No, they're sending it via snail (Hence the term 'Snail Mail').

  13. The wheels on the truck go round and FATAL ERROR

  14. Gonna try making bread today, You are all welcome to come to my funeral.

    1. delboyspencer


      Baking bread caused the great fire of London lol

    2. jx_23


      Great Britain, Great Fire

    3. Miles!


      Only a few burns, tastes pretty nice

  15. I literally just restarted steam because it was slow, Now it re-opens in Russian. http://i.gyazo.com/78eee8ae6817429090cfd5a4ef1cd88b.jpg FFS STEAM URGHH

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. AbbieGator


      Miles, drop me a PM if you want help fixing this.

    3. Miles!


      Its all fixed now, thanks for the offer :P

      No idea why this happens lol, but I have memorized the click path to language change lol

    4. Creatured
  16. Well that eclipse sucked, what a load of balls I wasted my lunch break super early to see that

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Dave


      I couldn't actually look at it for too long, I tried so many times but it literally burns right through the retina to the optic nerves. So getting the 'perfect' shot was almost impossible. It did partially darken up here in the north east of Northern Ireland, but not a lot.

    3. HeyI'mAmethyst


      I couldn't see it, even if I wanted to. Why? I was sat other side of the classroom from the window in maths. Even if I sat at the window, the blinds were down, so I couldn't see it anyhow. Grrr I hate maths...

    4. RadioactivePotato


      Our teacher let us out when it started! and i saw it, so cool!

  17. Sometimes when I get bored, I phone places I don't work at and tell them I can't make it today.

    1. Pieter


      ahahaahah LMAO xD

      Would be so cool to hear those phone calls :D

  18. Are you serious? People like this really **** me off, If he had the decency to ask then I probably would have said yes, but just demanding a trade offer for free stuff, Idiots... http://i.gyazo.com/77d8565f0528b915ea3c30b91180f83e.png

    1. Creatured


      i dont trust the trading system and i tell people like that to f off or get blocked

    2. Miles!


      The trading system is fine, it doesn't bother me at all, its just peasants who send me trade requests asking for free stuff, like, do they actually expect me to go "Hmm, I will loose 3 things and gain nothing, Yeah great deal, Accept!"

  19. ***** STEAM! 5 day community market ban just for adding funds to my account. Screw them seriously

    1. Creatured


      damnit gaben!

    2. Artiem


      I had to wait a whole month to acces market when I added funds.. The "ban" ended yesterday.

  20. Payday 2 anyone?

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