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Retired Legend
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Status Replies posted by Jeroen

  1. Guest

    Guest    Jeroen

    I read in your BLOG post that you will leave the project manager role. I'd like to say that I'm sad and surprised. You've truly been a staff member who listens to every part of this community and solves problems. Thank you for everything you do.  I wish you success in your future life. It was great seeing and getting to know you on this platform. 


    1. Jeroen


      In theory, yes. I will primarily concentrate on analyses. From my perspective, this area has not received adequate attention and recognition within our team, and my goal is to address that gap. In practice, I have already been performing some of these tasks in my current position, so in that sense the main difference would be a reduction in my level of responsibility and authority. The real difference lies in that I will have the ability to focus more rather than having to deal with the various other responsibilities that come with being a project manager.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. Guest

    Guest    Jeroen

    I read in your BLOG post that you will leave the project manager role. I'd like to say that I'm sad and surprised. You've truly been a staff member who listens to every part of this community and solves problems. Thank you for everything you do.  I wish you success in your future life. It was great seeing and getting to know you on this platform. 


    1. Jeroen


      Thanks, my pleasure. I hope to having contributed something positively and will continue to aim to do so once I transfer to my new role, I'm not leaving entirely 😁

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. Guest

    Guest    Jeroen

    Hello Jeronimo 😉 have a great end of day ! 

  4. So today was the Dementia uk charity event and one again i did more media :) 


    so here are some of the photo's i hope you like them! :)



  5. Congratulations!

  6. Congrats! ?❤️ 

  7. Congrats to the promotion ? !

  8. Congrats on the promotion Jeronimo! ❤️


  9. Congratss buddyy ❤️


  10. Something is cooking... Stay tuned for more information soon. ?



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