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[VIVA] Matty

Veteran Driver IV
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by [VIVA] Matty

  1. Congrats boss man. ❤️


    Very happy for ya!


    1. Jake_F


      Thanks so much! I'm really looking forward to the future!! ❤️

  2. Late to the party, but congratulations on joining the Event Team Andy!

  3. FHfhLNzWYAIJux5.thumb.jpg.888937916341a107026ba055a9796890.jpg


    Hope you all had a great day with your families & friends!

  4. Feeling so happy and blessed. Here's to 5 more years of Viva! ?




  5. Many congratulations on your new position! ❤️

  6. Many congratulations ❤️

  7. Keep the faith! These things are always opportunities to re-evaluate and come back stronger than before. It's character building. ❤️


    Wishing you luck and see you on the road.


  8. Congrats on the promotion! ❤️

    1. SvartWolf


      Thank you Matty! ?♥️

  9. Congratulations on your new position Velo! ❤️

  10. Appreciated as ever! ?
  11. Thanks for the follow Vicc!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. [VIVA] Matty

      [VIVA] Matty

      For sure man. I know we keep saying it! I have been massively busy lately. Nice to keep passing you on TMP though!

    3. Vicc


      Yeah exactly that! We'll find a way ?

    4. [VIVA] Matty

      [VIVA] Matty

      Indeed we will!

  12. Healthy competition is always nice! I think the devs would need to be careful not to reverse-engineer official multiplayer sourcode though as that might be stepping too much on SCS' toes.
  13. Thank you for the follow!

  14. Happy Birthday Mike!! ?

  15. Thanks for the follow mate ?

    1. Philii


      Thank you for the follow too! ?

  16. Thanks for the follow!

  17. Thanks for the follow ?

  18. Appreciate the follow buddy ❤️

  19. Did someone say hugs? Sign me up already!
  20. Love the idea of fallback accessories making the experience less jarring for players missing DLC. TMP always looking out for everyone, really appreciate the effort.
  21. Thanks for the follow cenution! I hope you're doing well!

    1. centurion.


      Thank you too! ❤️ I'm doing good, hope you too!

  22. Thanks for the follow Pedro! I hope you're doing well 

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