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Veteran Driver III
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About jjmartin

  • Birthday 07/03/2003

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  1. Fun times at RLC convoy this evening!!spacer.png

    1. MarkON


      I'm glad to see happy players ?

      Happy Trucking?:tmp:

  2. Had a wonderful time at RLC convoy this evening 


    1. .Pedro.
    2. MarkON


      I'm glad you had a nice time on the TruckersMP server.


      Happy Trucking and see you on the road!

  3. On Friday at Phoenix I hosted a convoy where we all got hocked up with HCT trailers for a challenging drive down the Kirkenes Quarry road i did enjoy attempting to turn those tight corners. Thanks to all who attended!!


  4. Had a great time this evening attending Harmony Convoys Pride Edition convoy in support of pride month. Was great to see many others from the community in attendance. spacer.png

    1. .Pedro.


      Nice photo ❤️

  5. spacer.pngspacer.pngspacer.pngHad a wonderful time yesterday attending the Real Ops V11. it was great to see so many people attending and was amazing to see what TMP manged to do with the roadworks and diversions etc. 

    1. .Pedro.


      Nice photo ❤️

  6. Thanks for the follow!

  7. Had a great time attending Wolves monthly event this evening. Looking forward to heading to iceland next month


  8. Had a wonderful time this afternoon attending the Oceanside Logistics monthly convoy. spacer.pngspacer.pngspacer.png

  9. Yesterday at Phoenix we hosted our monthly convoy and it was a great drive around Scotland was great to see so many of you there ?


  10. Happy 7th birthday TruckersMP Had a great weekend attending the events that were put on and were great to see the whole community come together for this milestonespacer.pngspacer.pngspacer.png

  11. Today at Phoenix we went out on a journey through some of the toughest roads in Iceland and had a incredible time working our way trough the snowy roads. 




    1. S o n i

      S o n i

      Always a challenging but fun route ?

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