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[CESC]01Carltru ^[ARG]^

Veteran Driver V
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Everything posted by [CESC]01Carltru ^[ARG]^

  1. I have returned, but this update did not like me very much, but I imagine it is to stop so much crazy about C-D

  2. A few routes to say goodbye to this great year 2018 :D



    Happy New Year to all


    Hello friends!
    You are invited to a friend's route that will take place tomorrow 29/12/2018.
    time: 22h20 Arg -2h Colombia -3 Mexico.

    Time in Spain 3h00 am. 30/12/2018.
    Note: Here only Spanish is spoken

  4. Cuándo conducís por la vía C-D, es algo muy emocionante, pero yo creo que necesita algo más de emoción como una vía alternativa (hablo de otra ruta del ban), pero con más curvas y un poco de cuesta ¿ qué opinas sería emocionante? - Para mí reencantado estaría.

    fellow truckers:)


    1. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      good morning and have a nice day :) 

    2. Blodreiina
    3. Leon Baker

      Leon Baker

      Good Afternoon ^^

  6. This guide is really well done and very clear, it will be very useful for beginners
  7. This guide is really well done and very clear, it will be very useful for beginners
  8. This guide is really well done and very clear, it will be very useful for beginners
  9. This guide is really well done and very clear, it will be very useful for beginners
  10. This guide is really well done and very clear, it will be very useful for beginners
  11. This guide is really well done and very clear, it will be very useful for beginners
  12. This guide is really well done and very clear, it will be very useful for beginners
  13. Thanks for thinking about us, great work
  14. thanks for doing a great job
  15. very beautiful
  16. thanks for the info and work!
  17. It was a great job, the wait was very necessary, now I enjoy it and I feel happy thank you.
  18. the colors leave me freaking out, I hope to paint it blue drugged
  19. good job, happy step of your ideas!
  20. It looks very beautiful, but I understand that it has many limitations
  21. It looks beautiful
  22. I really want it to come out, I'm freaking
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