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Veteran Driver VI
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by Athir*

  1. Hello TMP, How are you all?

    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Hello ?? I'm good, you? ?

  2. So, If i said, "I am back"
    is it false? -_-
    after long days, back again.
    i have some problem with my net connection,that's why i cant play actively. 


    1. Lonelychild


      welcome back:troll:

    2. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      Welcome back mate :) 

  3. Hello Guys!
    I am back after 1 month.
    How are you all??? 

    1. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      welcome back mate :) 

    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      hello, welcome back :) i'm good, how are you? :)

  4. ME: Let me explain who i am!
    My Mom:You are a truck Driver :( 

    Me: WTF?

    My Mom: WTF= Welcome to facebook?

    Me: :o xD 








  5. Hi All Mate's.
    I am back again....  :) how are you all?
    i hope well. am i right?

  6. Good night Truckers.
    Have a nice dream!

  7. Some Gaming Motivational Speech. 
    Hello Truckers,
    Firstly, Take My Love,
    Come to the Main Point,
    Every Day (When I feel Free) I go to Calais - Duisburg Road for play.
    Every day someone hit me,rammed me or use slang language.
    i have total 100+ videos with evidence.
    but i do not make report against them.
    but why?
    because, its only a game.
    if anybody rammed you,use slang language or go with wrong lane, you can say to him/her for maintain his/her lane.
    i think they hear you if they not maintain your speech then you can submit a report against him.

    you have to understand that,
    everybody is human being and they play ETS2/ATS for entertainment they brought this game with money, if you report against someone if they banned for permanent then he get entertaining?


    So my main point is,
    Firstly you have to say him/her for his/her fault, if they don't hear your speech and make that thing again then you can use report option, otherwise not. its request :)


    and Admins are also human being so, if you submit reports,appeal or feedback then please be patient, because they have their own life,own work,family,education and etc...
    "Waiting is the main solution for every good news :) "



  8. Convoy Heartbeat under the heart.
    We are from BST VTC.

    Feel Free To React :)





  9. Good Night Truckers,
    God Bless You All.
    Have a sweet dream :)

  10. Pray For my Mom and Dad.

    they are sick from last week.

    and its the reason my inactivity.



    1. AdaBey


      I hope they be better soon, I will pray for them.

    2. Athir*


      Thanks My Dear

    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      hope they get better soon

  11. ATS Moment.
    Feel Free To React... :) 






    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
    2. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      nice photos and trucks :wub:

  12. That Moment,
    When Everyone Wait for me but i came and go font :P 


    1. Scania LTD l Top Bloke

      Scania LTD l Top Bloke

      What a convoy xD the coordination must've been intense 

    2. Athir*


      @Top Bloke (AUS) Thanks. But its not a convoy its our daily meetup

    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Woah :o Now that is a fantastic photo and brilliant looking convoy :wub::love:

  13. Thank you for the follow Mate.
    I feel Lucky :) 

    1. Computerpro


      No problem ;) :mlg_doge:

  14. Good Night.
    Have a Sweet Dream All.

    Time: 3:42 AM -_- 

  15. Thanks For The Follow Mate :) 
    God Bless You.

    1. Ady Man

      Ady Man

      Thanks same to you

  16. I am Sorry For my Late....

    Happy Birthday :( again so sorry for late :( 

    1. -VOYVODA-


      thank you so much mate , you are very kind ♥ 

    2. Athir*


      Love You Mate ...
      Have a nice night and thanks for follow,....

  17. The First Meet with Akoa Brother in ATS.
    He is very Honest and Hard Working GM :) 

    Love You Brother @Akoa <3 




    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Athir*


      Yes. I am agree with you. also he is a honest admin too. @[Solar] D4NNY

    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
  18. Thanks For The Follow :) 

    1. [S.PLH]TomasWittmann


      Thanks For The Follow  u2 ;)

  19. That Moment,
    When Scania Lover Drive DAF! :P 

    If You Want, You Can Rate It.


  20. Ahhh #Sea_Beach 
    Feel Free to React and Question..


    1. BubbleMuscles


      এতো রিয়াক্ট দিয়ে কি মুরি খাবা :lol:
      রিয়াক্ট দেন রিয়াক্ট দেন করো কেন:P

    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
    3. Athir*
  21. Good Afternoon Guys!
    Have a Nice Day To all :wub:

  22. Not A Convoy, But Our Daily Meetup...

    Feel Free To React And Comment <3
    Noone react me lol xd :P 





  23. I am Back Again In the road...

    1. AdaBey


      Welcome Back! ^^

    2. Athir*
    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Great Photo and Scania :wub: Welcome back :)

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