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Subtle [HKG]

Veteran Driver VII
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Status Replies posted by Subtle [HKG]

  1. LMAO RIP, I swear the sun makes us brits go insane


  2. While everyone in UK complaining it's too hot, I'm still enjoying the cool, fresh aircon air


  3. While everyone in UK complaining it's too hot, I'm still enjoying the cool, fresh aircon air


  4. :D:D Which one is your favorite?  :D  :P They are in order of when I bought them starting with the first one :) How many do you have? :P


  5. Hola!! Mariio. Te podrías mirar mi ban appeal  es que es muy importante y como eres el único admin español que conozco creo que lo entenderás. Gracias de Antemano :) 

  6. How can I be a admin ?


  7. How can I be a police officer ?


    i made this report last night and got declind today with it been  Only a kickable offence so the admin says so im wanting to know how can it be only kickable 

  9. Hi LaxZ,

    are we allowed to make a paintjob for our company,


  10. zmaster1985, good afternoon!


    I have a request for a report and the individual hid their identity. I would like to know the number of the id that he was playing serve and that would be with a video as evidence.
    Because what he did is very serious indeed.
    He also disrupt the train of my company he was in a car with a trailer.


    This is the video
  11. TSR 100 Ton Convoy earlier pretty disappointed really :( Had been looking forward to it and the challenge and was enjoying the start of it but quit after 30 minutes (noting to do with TSR tho - they were great) quit because of someone else, disappointed to have missed the rest of it. How did the rest of the Convoy go? 

  12. New Update released for TruckersMPCheck ;)

  13. New Update released for TruckersMPCheck ;)

  14. New Update released for TruckersMPCheck ;)

  15. while everyone's enjoying the beginning of summer holidays, but i'm still sitting in my own room, studying boring stuff.....

    I can only use this to describe the situation...


  16. while everyone's enjoying the beginning of summer holidays, but i'm still sitting in my own room, studying boring stuff.....

    I can only use this to describe the situation...


  17. while everyone's enjoying the beginning of summer holidays, but i'm still sitting in my own room, studying boring stuff.....

    I can only use this to describe the situation...


  18. while everyone's enjoying the beginning of summer holidays, but i'm still sitting in my own room, studying boring stuff.....

    I can only use this to describe the situation...


  19. while everyone's enjoying the beginning of summer holidays, but i'm still sitting in my own room, studying boring stuff.....

    I can only use this to describe the situation...


  20. it's nice to know exams are finished but find it boring now that school has finished 

  21. it's nice to know exams are finished but find it boring now that school has finished 

  22. Hi whats up ? I have a problem because you have banned me but I did not do anything, and it's my first day, I'm very disappointed ...


    Thanks you for quickly answering me.

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