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Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by Kalido

  1. can someone explain briefly if anything important is bough up in the speed limiter protest? honestly cbf reading 80 posts :/

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. konfig0


      Nah, you will win inthernet because of your epic signature :3

    3. Inthernet


      Haha and dang, I forgot to put a sarcam smiley on the above comment. :)

    4. Kalido


      it's driving the community apart (pun ;P) ohh well hopefully a conclusion comes and everyone becomes happy-ish again

  2. Want to test your patience? Download a mod which increases traffic density in SP, I have been sitting in a traffic jam for literally 10 minutes!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. FirestarteR93


      even better: EP w/ no admins and 4000 people online(2014's summer)

    3. XD Memes
    4. AbbieGator


      Dude, I've had to sit in a traffic jam for like 10 minutes on normal traffic conditions... Bad intersection.

  3. Well that is annoying I quite like some of rammsteins music but 90% of the time a video is removed in Australia -_- "This video contains content from UMG_MK, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds."

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kalido


      I don't upload publicly I'm talking about browsing other users videos I have never had issues untill today

    3. HeyI'mAmethyst


      Try Hola. I use it to watch music not available in the UK, and to unblock sites at school :3 http://hola.org/

    4. AbbieGator


      Spotify is your friend.

  4. I hope with the livestock cargo they will actually add sound to it like cows mooing or sheep baaing

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kalido


      :o yeah that would be bad
    3. FirestarteR93


      Only if we could get the smell of the animals xD

    4. AbbieGator


      Ohh hell no Fire. That's a terrible idea. Those things stink like literal shit.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kalido


      well the nvidia graphics card/chip stopped working so to me that is broken, integrated is useless

    3. Creatured


      how did that happen that the chip disabled itself

      i think there is something in the bios what does that

    4. Kalido


      I don't know I know bare minimum when it comes to computers all I know about this problem is re-installing the drivers a couple of times fixes it

  6. Why can't people quit debating and follow these wise words https://youtu.be/gbrbUfYSt0E

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Miles!
    3. scaNIaCK


      It's the phenonemon known as 'keyboard warrior' I think. I like a good discussion but only while it stays civil.

    4. Kalido


      Don't get me wrong I like a good debate, but that's the thing a good debate I worded that wrong originally

  7. I am getting very curious about what other people see when I drive, is anyone willing to follow me for a short trip (200km maybe) and record it so I know for myself?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Inthernet


      Perhaps I could do it, seeing you're from a similar (Australia) timezone.

    3. Miles!


      Yeah Ill do it

    4. Kalido


      alright thank you guys pm me on the forums when you can, it'll be a change for me from avoiding players to driving with them hahah, I'll be on for about 5 or so more hours it's 7:40 pm now (I sleep during the day bad habit but more people are on at night)

  8. I wish this http://i.imgur.com/8D52eCx.png was possible in MP along with an offroad map :3

    1. Kalido


      I've been playing alot of offroad maps that have all sorts of obstacles and road deformations, so I figured it fits. Plus I like them ^_^

    2. Kalido


      I think it just stays stationary :( mostly don't really check as I'm mostly too focused on not hitting oncoming traffic or massive stacks if haybales left on the road

    3. Kalido
  9. 122 players on EU1....I know the servers are usually quite around this time but not THAT quite.

    1. XD Memes

      XD Memes

      Mix of Australians return to school and Europeans sleeping, I guess.

    2. Kalido


      wait the school holidays are over? thank god above

  10. 900km down in my 125ton haul...another 1k to go coffee may be needed hahah

    1. Kalido


      take 5 mins to make a coffee....server is full joys of ets2mp

    2. Kalido


      done, I am no endurance driver so that was tiresome

  11. noo!! I can't log into the main page to download the update, password reset isn't working either D:

    1. Kalido


      ok nevermind I got it finally didn't realise I actually had to go back to my email hahah

    2. Takumi Fujiwara 86
  12. So happy the power cord for my driving force gt came today I went for a short delivery a real nice change, force feedback however doesn't seem to work :(

    1. Kalido


      nevermind got the force feedback working :D

    2. Inthernet
  13. Holy moly 1.17 is awesome not only does it look so much better but it runs better on my laptop :D Anyone else notice the trucks feel a bit lighter?

    1. konfig0


      Suspension ;)

    2. jezzer206


      the driver sniffs, the gears grind when you lift the clutch to quickly the list goes on

  14. I don't know why, perhaps I just get on during low pop periods or just pick the most baron routes but I don't really come across players... :/

    1. Kalido


      and the one time I do come across people on the roads I'm sent into the railings because someone didn't want to slow down to miss the turn-off

    2. AbbieGator


      Well, consider the time frame of England. If it's past midnight in England, there's almost no players online.

  15. has the australian/asian server been closed? been awhile since I have checked in but the past few days it has been closed am I just too late/early?

    1. Trucking Australia

      Trucking Australia

      It is currently offline. So it hasn't been deleted but it has been turned off.

    2. Kalido


      ahh alright thanks guess I'll have to brave the eu servers hahah

  16. allo, been a long time since I last checked in so was hoping someone could give a short run down on if there are any dlc not compatible with the current version of ets2mp pretty sure daf is too new to be updated yet

    1. Rev.


      All DLC's are supported however the game version is only supported up to 1.27 on ETS2.

    2. Kalido


      okie dokie thanks, figured the current game version was incompatible for a bit as usual but thanks regardless :D

  17. Speed limiter or no speed limiter I just want to drive, if I do drive there is gonna be a large amount of reading to do :P

    1. konfig0


      +1, just drive along, visit some people ;)

  18. Some people man, insulting admins is not the way to go.

    1. Creatured


      yes it is.... if you want a perm ban

  19. 800 players so not exactly empty, amsterdam to london and back through ep not a single incident....wut o_o I though that area was a hot zone

  20. Hey there people

  21. woohoo 100 posts

  22. quite enjoying the change, still follow speed limits in town/country roads but it's nice to just put the foot down on the freeway, gives me an excuse to pull out the scania again :P

  23. nice peaceful roads, unless ofcourse you go to high pop areas but otherwise soothing

  24. Does anyone know how to reset your triplogger password? I forgot mine so I can't download the latest version :/

  25. So I decided to edit 3 of my trucks together into one something I've not done before.... http://i.imgur.com/0VN7rno.png

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