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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by Astarte

  1. At this current moment in time, you cannot edit Reports you have already submitted as far as I know.
  2. That feeling when the admins look at your profile O_O

  3. #NewInternetHype

  4. New PC is finally finished....hello 60 fps in convoys

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Astarte


      I have 16GB Ram and a Gigabyte GTX 970 Twin Turbo Overclocked

    3. McFreshi


      ^TruckBro. The 16 Gigs are not even used due to 32-bit. Only 4gb.

      @Speedz. Welp. They don'T help u in any way :P

    4. MrHarv98


      you wont get 60 fps in ets2mp no matter how much power ur pc and gpu has

  5. If you are on EU #1 your truck is limited to a maximum of 90 km/h or around 67 mph on highways and 37mph in towns. If you want to go faster EU #2 does not have any speed limits. Hope this answers your question
  6. I take it you play on the server EU #1 this server has a maximum speed of around 110 km/h which is around 68 MPH in towns your truck is limited by the server to 37MPH to allow your truck to reach higher than 57MPH on the highway you must disable your trucks speed limiter in gameplay settings. If you wish to go faster you must use EU #2 as it has no speed limits. Hope this helps SpEeDz
  7. Got my new psu today..hmm...yeah turns out needed new motherboard and case cause of the terrible parts acer use :( more money spent

    1. jx_23


      Hopefully I dont have this problem :D Will see on 24.

    2. videogamer


      that's why i didn't get a store bought pc

    3. Astarte


      I kinda regret it now wish I had built my own in first place

  8. That moment when you have to use an angle grinder on your pc case to make room for the new GPU and PSU XD

    1. Clashin_Jon
    2. stilldre1976


      Welcome to the world of modding bro

  9. Hey rhsCZ, I'm not sure what is causing this so I would possibly suggest trying to reinstall ets2mp, this may or may not work, but try it and post a reply back if it has worked if not I will look into this further. Happy Trucking SpEeDz
  10. Moving house tommorow :D , but might not have internet till 4th January ;-;

  11. To use any mods you have to first enable them in single player before going onto multiplayer. Also the only mods allowed on multiplayer are listed here : http://forum.ets2mp.com/index.php?/topic/6812-allowed-mods/. Hope this helps you! SpEeDz
  12. This gif should show you how to downgrade. Hope it helps
  13. Should be fun I will hopefully make it
  14. Hey Ivanjeli815 I would suggest trying this as it may be your ETS2 on steam rather than ETS2MP: - Right click on Euro Truck Simulator 2 in your steam client then select properties, Go to the 'BETAS' Tab and In the Drop Down Menu Select 'Public_Beta - 1.22 Public beta' and allow it to download. - Once the download is completed do this again but this time select "NONE - Opt out of all beta programs" and then allow it to download! Hopefully this will fix your issue.
  15. I believe you have to have ETS2 on Steam to use the Multiplayer, sorry.
  16. In my opinion this would not be a good thing to add into MP for a few reasons: 1. We have the blue dots to show any player on ets2mp. 2. If people know they are near an admin they will behave untill the admin passes meaning trolls would get away with more in my opinion 3. Road Traffic Collisions or Traffic Jams can already be spotted when you see multiple blue dots stopped on the map. -1 From me
  17. I believe this is the application form for TFM, https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1oqBaXIZC-afAgGrTpWvSSTDN_7tmjBmdw5jvCVB-TNc/viewform?c=0&w=1
  18. Getting a new GTX 970 Twin Turbo, 60fps in convoys here I come! :D

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Astarte


      Acer Predator

    3. Boydy


      you still wont get 60 fps, its the servers not your game, you will still take a massive hit with over 30 trucks

    4. Takumi Fujiwara 86

      Takumi Fujiwara 86

      so wait they are putting turbos on GPUs now? Also you wont be at 60 fps if you hit that 3.5gb vram. You'll be more at like 2

  19. - You can use your side lights or normal lights using "L" - If you want to use your high beams press "K" - If you have extra lights on the front of your truck, you need to enable them by pressing "F4" and selecting "Front Auxiliary" and "Roof Auxiliary" Hope this helps costi19994
  20. Hey epicxgaming1, I too had this issue earlier and to fix it you need to boot up ETS2MP and when it says "Could not validate game version, do you want to try again", click 'yes' and the game should boot straight up. Hopefully this should resolve your issue, if this does not work, I will look into it further.
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