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Senior Support Manager
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Everything posted by Ali.

  1. Welcome to the best team ;) #TeamPink :wub: 

  2. Hello, The last reply to this topic was 2 days ago which now means I will move it to the appropriate section. If you still need anymore help - please create a new topic or contact us by submitting a support ticket: https://www.truckersmp.com/support //moved to unsolved
  3. Hello, This topic has not been inactive for a further 2 days, there I will have to move this topic to appropriate unsolved section If you still need any help, create a new topic or contact us by submitting a support ticket: https://www.truckersmp.com/support //moved to unsolved
  4. Hello, Since this topic has been inactive for a further 2 days, I will have to move this topic to appropriate section. If you still need any help, create a new topic or contact us by submitting a support ticket: https://www.truckersmp.com/support //moved to unsolved
  5. Hello, As this ticket has now been inactive for another 2 more days, it means I will have to move it to the unsolved section //moved to unsolved
  6. Ali.

    Log In Issue

    Hello, Due to further inactivity on this topic for another 2 days, it will now be moved to the unsolved section. //locked + moved to unsolved
  7. Hello, As this topic has been inactive for a further 2 days, I will now be moving it to unsolved. Don't hesitate to create a new topic in the future if you need any further help or contact the Support team directly - https://truckersmp.com/support/ //locked + moved to unsolved
  8. Ali.

    Falsche Farbe !!!

    Hallo, da deine Frage beantwortet ist, werde ich das Thema jetzt schließen und zu gelöst verschieben //geschlossen und zu gelöst verschoben
  9. No, I meant can you tell him to open the game in Single player and then once it's open - try to link it whilst it's open.
  10. Hello @Bagge Can you please ask your friend to clear their browsing history and then try to link their game. It may also help if they run the game in single player and then try to link their game. I look forward to your response
  11. Da von dir noch kein Zeichen kam, ob dein Problem gelöst wurde, oder nicht, werde ich das Thema aufgrund von Inaktivität (7 Tage) schließen. Bei weiteren Fragen oder Problemen kannst du gerne ein neues Thema aufmachen. //Verschoben zu Ungelöst.
  12. Ali.


    Thema inaktiv. Solltest du weiterhin Probleme oder Fragen haben, dann kannst du hier im Hilfebereich ein neues Thema erstellen. https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/forum/216-hilfe/ //Thema geschlossen und verschoben zu ungelöst
  13. Hallo. es sind nun insgesamt 9 Tage vergangen, als die letzte Antwort zum Thema hinzugefügt wurde. Deshalb wird der Beitrag vorübergehend geschlossen. Bei weiteren Fragen, kontaktiere gerne unseren Support über https://truckersmp.com/support/ oder erstelle einen neuen Post. //wegen Inaktivität geschlossen und zu Ungelöst verschoben
  14. Hallo, Da das Thema nun einige Zeit inaktiv war, verschiebe ich dies zu ungelöst. //locked and moved to ungelöst
  15. Hello, As this topic has been inactive for 3 days, I will now be moving it to inactive. Don't hesitate to create a new topic in the future if you need any further help or contact the Support team directly - https://truckersmp.com/support/ //locked + moved to inactive
  16. Had a great time in London, hope everyone is having a great weekend :3 

    @Savage. :wub:



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lonelychild
    3. [D.G.T]Asierrayo[ES]


      Great picture! :lol:


      Pd: Hope you have a great weekend too ^^

  17. Hello, As this topic has been inactive for 3 days, I will now be moving it to inactive. Don't hesitate to create a new topic in the future if you need any further help or contact the Support team directly - https://truckersmp.com/support/ //locked + moved to inactive
  18. Ali.


    Hello, I am happy to hear that your question has been answered so thank you for marking the best answer. Don't hesitate to create a new topic in the future if you need any further help or contact the Support team directly - https://truckersmp.com/support/ I will now be moving this topic to the most appropriate area on the forums. //locked + moved to solved
  19. Hello, The last reply to this topic was 2 days ago therefore it will now be moved to the unsolved area of the forums //moved to unsolved
  20. Hello, Since your topic has now been inactive for a further 2 more days, I will have to move it to unsolved. If you still have any questions about this , feel free to DM me or our support team members, we can then reopen the topic //moved to unsolved
  21. Hello, Since this topic has been inactive for 2 more days , i will move this topic to Unsolved Topics. //Moved to Unsolved
  22. Hello! Due to the activity on this topic for a further two more days, it will be moved to unsolved //moved to unsolved
  23. Hello, As this topic has been inactive for a further 2 days, I will now be moving it to unsolved. Don't hesitate to create a new topic in the future if you need any further help or contact the Support team directly - https://truckersmp.com/support/ //locked + moved to unsolved
  24. Da das Thema nun einige Zeit inaktiv war, verschiebe ich dies zu ungelöst. //locked and moved to ungelöst
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