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Everything posted by JJay

  1. Hey, Please, tell use what graphic mod did you tried to apply to the game. Perhaps, if you tell us more about the issue, we will try to help you. // Moved to Help
  2. Konwój się odbył. Mam nadzieję, że wszystkim się podobało. // Zamykam i przenoszę do Minionych Imprez i Konwojów
  3. // Moved to Game Suggestions / New Suggestions
  4. Olá, A nossa equipa de desenvolvedores está a trabalhar para conseguir trazer uma atualização compatível o mais brevemente possível. // Movido para a Discussão em Português -> Ajuda
  5. Hey, We are aware of the current update to ETS & ATS and are working on getting the multiplayer mod supported for the latest version as soon as possible. Steam beta settings: ETS: temporary_1_34 - 1.34.x for unsupported mods ATS: temporary_1_34 - 1.34.x for unsupported mods You can find a guide on how to downgrade your game to still be able to play the mod here: Kind Regards JJay // Moved to Help
  6. Hey, Read those topics. They will help you with your issue. If not, let us know and we will try help you in other way. And also watch this video: Kind Regards JJay
  7. +1 from me. Very good idea As you said it will help us to keep the account safety.
  8. Dear @Luke041104 First of all thanks for your suggestion but it has been suggested in the past. Similar topic has been opened to discussion. Check here: Today I have to reject your suggestion due it has been suggested in the past. If you have more suggestions do not hesitate to create a topic about them. We would like to see what ideas have you got. If you want to know more or you have questions do not hesitate and contact with me via private message. Kind Regards JJay Rejected
  9. Hey, Check the topics below. They will help you with your issue. Also you should watch this video: Kind Regards JJay
  10. Jak na tą chwile tego nie zrobisz, jeśli już chcesz to na Singlu, bądź nowej wersji multi jak wyjdzie...
  11. JJay

    Poland Rebuilding

    Witaj @FeasT* Zerknij tutaj, znajdziesz tam wszystkie informacje, których potrzebujesz. Możesz również zajrzeć na forum SCS Software i poczytać na temat Poland Rebuilding. Wymagane DLC: Going East Scandinavia Vive La France Italia Wymagane mody: ProMods 2.33 Pozdrawiam JJay
  12. Hey iBruno, Your suggestion is quite good but in my opinion it's unfair to allow Veteran Drivers to enter faster to the server. I agree with you szykaro23. You're completely right. It's very unfair. Don't worry, it will never happen. We're here for you.. for the people and we don't want to block someone way to join to the server because he is not a Veteran Driver. In my opinion it should be rejected, but it's only my opinion and you don't have to agree with me. This thread discriminate other people, but that's only my opinion. People who have a Veteran Driver shouldn't think that they're better that other. If they think, that they are better, I think something is wrong with them. Kind Regards JJay
  13. Dear @simba20145 First of all thanks for created this suggestion. Suggestion is pretty good but I have to reject it. Add a new car has been suggested many times in the past. You can read this topic to know more: "In addition to the above-mentioned things, the following ideas were already proposed:" Real life time clock near the tab Ability to scroll in the chat Adding certain chat channels for companies, etc. Clicking names to report people Sync random events Sync rain Ability to see who reported you and when Reconnect button and changing servers without having to restart the game Adding new cars for everyone/staff Ability to make your own radio Ability to request Game Moderators for an event Creating private servers Adding AI traffic to servers VR support If you have more questions do not hesitate and contact with me via private message. Thanks for your understanding and have a wonderful day. Kind Regards JJay // Moved to Add-On Suggestions -> Rejected Rejected
  14. Old but gold... :wub:







  15. Witaj @Kubaw_PL Przeczytaj ten wątek: Jedynym rozwiązaniem w tej sytuacji jest zgłoszenie się do SCS Software. Jeśli uzyskasz wystarczającą ilość odpowiedzi daj mi znać, a wtedy będę mógł zamknąć wątek. Pozdrawiam JJay
  16. Hey @letsdothis800 I have to move this topic to Help. There Support Team help you and thanks them you will solve the issue. TruckersMP supports graphic mod, like: That's all what I remember. In Help section Support Team will give you more informations. Kind Regards JJay // Moved to Help
  17. Hey @NoFFe It's nice to see that you suggest things which we can add to the game but your suggestion should be created obeying the suggestion format. I have to reject your suggestion due to the fact that we cannot do that. Please, follow the suggestion format next time. You should remember that we've got knowledge base article and you can find there as what do you need. Also you can find the topic about downgrading You can read about downgrading here: https://truckersmp.com/knowledge-base/article/26 More useful guides here: https://truckersmp.com/knowledge-base Kind Regards JJay // Rejected
  18. JJay

    Forerunner mods

    Hello there, It's nice to see that you use suggestion section but you have to follow the suggestion format. That's great to read your suggestion but it should looks like other on the forum. Now I have to reject this suggestion but remember that you can create a new one in anytime obeying the format suggestion. You can read more at the link below: You can check how other suggestions look, check the link below: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/forum/550-new-suggestions/ We'll wait for your suggestions, so If you have more ideas do not hesitate and create a new suggestion obeying the suggestion format. Kind Regards JJay // Rejected
  19. Konwój się odbył. Zamykam i przenoszę do Minionych Imprez i Konwojów // Zamykam i przenoszę do Minionych Imprez i Konwojów
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