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Status Updates posted by LaxZ

  1. Hey guys, I'm live mixing some good stuff. So if you want some EDM, Techno - https://www.twitch.tv/laxz_/


  2. Live with some Techno :P 


  3. Some statement about that video: It's about to celebrate the new year. To stop everything you do and feel the moment that there's again a new year starting. Some people even are working on new years eve. That Video just should show that you should stop things you doing. Just to show respect to the people who are working on new years eve. I think we do this far too rarely. Maybe some people start thinking about it now.



  4. I think you guys know what comes next.... Who's ready for the Christmas Convoy Aftermovie? ??



  5. Real Operations V8 Aftermovie, don't forget to watch the premiere starting in 1 hour ;)



  6. Soo, who's ready for the Real Operations V8 aftermovie? :P

  7. Just created a new Video for the TMP Channel! Go check it out 


  8. Have fun with 1 Hour and 17 Mins: 


    1. Kid Fabi
    2. Fading


      Wow this video must've taken you years to mak... nevermind just read the title :troll:

  9. New video!



  10. New video with VIVA Trucking and Fast Cargo!



    1. Carrera18


      YES! a nice new video we were waiting for. Thanks.. :wub: :tmp:

    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
  11. New video! 



  12. Real Operations V2 "Aftermovie" :P 


    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
    2. Fumiko


      Nice vid :wub:  but it really looks like it only happened in like one place "/

  13. Viva Trucking is back! Check out our latest promo video! 



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. novice
    3. v8Smokin


      @[VIVA] Quad What's happening to those that are already drivers for the company?

    4. [VIVA] Quad

      [VIVA] Quad

      Visit www.vivatrucking.com and read our press center post.

  14. New Video!



    1. Penguin


      Unless your banned ofc :P 

  15. I'm back with a new video! 


    1. Baldemar TR
    2. -VOYVODA-


      Woow that is wonderful !!! Suddenly I thought is it real ?? :) very successful thanks for your effort mate 

  16. New video!



    1. Fading


      Looks gooud. I think I have a mod that might improve your SP cinematics tho ;)

  17. Check out my new video!



    1. AmerraRich


      This is awesome man keep up the hard work!!!! :)

    2. AmerraRich


      there you go man i subed


  18. New video! :)



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fading


      Look at 40 seconds.

    3. Creatured


      well not my fault laxz is too lazy to turn off steam notifications when recording


    4. LaxZ


      Thats right! :D 

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