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Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by ImOllie


    New date finally confirmed, check out this teaser we released yesterday

  2. News at 6PM in the Blue Eyes Discord Server

    Join: https://blue-eyes.net/discord

    We'll see you there ;)

  3. Remember to tune into TruckersFM for the latest news on the real operations event!

    Updates every 15 minutes from the news team so you know where to go, or indeed where to avoid!


    See you at 4



    1. Guest


      Really Very helpful touched Thanks. :tmp:

  4. ?️ A lot of news has just been posted on the Trucky blog! ?


    Verified discord bot, photo competition, and the new website!
    All this and more in our latest article which you can now read here: https://truckyapp.com/blog/trucky-recap


    Why not let us know what you think of the NEW site design on Twitter? ? ?



  5. My view this evening



  6. ? IT'S TIME TO WIN! ?


    Trucky have just announced a photo competition on their website.

    There's a chance for THREE of you to win some free stuff!


    Read more: https://t.co/cfxgCeKw01


    Good luck!

  7. Very happy with this one

    HQ: https://flic.kr/p/2iY9zFy


    EHH 1


    1. Owen.


      Very nice :D 

    2. MrJakeeee
    3. Guest


      Wow Awesome ^_^ :tmp:

  8. Happy Birthday!

  9. Finally finished this 2,807 mile job from the UK to the top of Norway on ProMods.







  10. Are you a budding Developer looking for a new project to feature on your portfolio?

    This opportunity may interest you.



  11. First time it's been out this year, still running! :D



    1. Darie_sofer


      Nice car.  Only good roads to have with her without incident

    2. Spig_Xiao Zhu

      Spig_Xiao Zhu

      WoW,The tiny mini is cute!:wub:❤️

    3. TeamAudi_Dongkyu_EM
  12. Pit stop before the Official Convoy today, will we see you there?

    Details: https://truckersmp.com/blog/198



  13. We've done a thing!



    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      that is fantastic photo editing ?:wub:

    2. EHHVTC l HandCuff

      EHHVTC l HandCuff

      best ETS edit i have ever seen.

  14. And it was all going so well



  15. stay hydrated gamers

    1. ImOllie


      remember to drink water david!! @David E. :kappa:

  16. Today marks one year since I joined the Media Team.

    It's been one hell of a journey, I've created a lot of content which I'm sure you've all seen at some point in time.


    My biggest achievement in the Media Team was certainly the Make-A-Wish Christmas Convoy Trailer.

    Currently sat on 24,500 views, that's my most viewed video, ever.

    On top of that, there's 1,640 likes on the video, that's insane.




    There's things I'd change in the past, but I'm still here, still creating content for you lovely people, and I hope you're liking not only what I'm creating, but my teammates too.


    It's been a fairly turbulent time over the past year for the Media Team, I've been under 4 managers in the time I've been in the team, but we're now settled with two great people who I believe will lead the team far!

    @David E. and @G4M3P1X3L


    Anyway, that's about it for this soppy note, just to say thank you for the support the community has shown to my work.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ImOllie
    3. Spig_Xiao Zhu

      Spig_Xiao Zhu

      Great job, I love your videos and pictures!

      I watch it on youtube whenever I have time!

      it's actually very good!

      Keep going!


    4. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
  17. This was my first edit using Photoshop as opposed to old software, finally decided to make the switch 

    Thanks @G4M3P1X3L for the pointers ?


    Stealthy Volvo


  18. oh and another thing

    *yes i was listening to initial d, dont judge me*



  19. Tried something new with this one..


    Sarah 2


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