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[TSRVTC] Janty

Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by [TSRVTC] Janty

  1. That Duisburg Service Station is an aboustle   disgrace, and to make it even worse theres not one admin to be seen throughtout server

  2. Bed time for me now, good night and god bless truckers.

  3. happy birthday bro have a gooden

  4. Good few hours at go karting, came first over all, i am some driver boys!!

  5. Im off for tonight, good night and god bless everyone!

    1. Merengue4ever


      Good night and God bless you !   :)

    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
  6. Just back from pellet gunning, i can tell use that its pretty sore haha, roll on a bit of petrol go karting tomorrow nothing better:)))

    1. Hz3rd


      Go karting, oooo sounds exciting. Have fun! :)

    2. [TSRVTC] Janty

      [TSRVTC] Janty

      been a few times some crack it is mate i enjoy it and i will good man cheers.

  7. Afternoon Truckers, anyone up for a drive pm me why not.

  8. off to bed now, good night god bless everyone, still neckard from haulage 64 lol

  9. Yayyy, glad to say i dont over 52+ hours at Haulage 64 this year, being event leader, Tail, CC and also convoy lead great opportunity. Huge Thank you goes out to  to the FSE for working as a team and getting there, also great to see many people there. Also a great big thanks to the 2main people of Haulage 64, use did amazing job and you kept us right, without use we wouldnt have finished. @McGamer  @.::Cheetah::. #Wish64


  10. Haulage 64 Currently at Cardiff, next route at half 1 leaving from Cardiff to Dover, why not join in for the last few hours. 


    More info twitch.tv/flagshipevents




  11. Haluage 64 is Arriving in Birmingham, next route at Half 10 Uk time is from Birmingham to Cardiff more info visit here: https://haulage64.com/event


    also tune into the twitch: twitchtv/flagshipevents


    also wanna become wishmaker here is the place to become one: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/haulage2017

  12. Haulage 64 Convoy is Currently having a break at Newcastle Uk, get urselfs on and show ur support around 100people here. More info this is the pace to visit



  13. Thanks for the follow cheers man.

  14. The Haulage 64 Convoy next stop will be in around 1hour and half, they will have an half n hour break at "ESBJERG" then of course they will be driving for another 2hours then another break, make sure use join in for the last day or so its been great so far for any more info just go on here (https://haulage64.com/event)

  15. Hello guys quick update on H64, ive had 4hours sleep in me, ive hold on its been great convoy so far for a great cause, now up at half  7 to continue the rest, for any information visit  https://haulage64.com/event.

  16. Welcome Back Nathan, long time no see cya about pal

  17. opps your back, welcome back once again pal

    1. ItzKieren


      Thank you Janty!

  18. Welcome hope to see u back on ur feet soon

  19. well done on getting admin! dont stop now

  20. well done on getting IGA worked hard to get that! dont stop now

  21. Well done, on becomming Community Manger pal, keep up the good work!

  22. Happy Bithday Pal! Enjoy, have a gooden

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