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Veteran Driver VI
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by Trucker[PL/EN]

  1. Tak , na TruckersMP można grać na Grand Utopii wspólnie i korzystać z modyfikacji z warsztatu steam ? Świetna alternatywa, tylko pozazdrościć ? Trzeba poczekać , jeśli mowa o modyfikacji która działa jako multiplayer. W przypadku oficjalnego multiplayera się nie czeka.
  2. This error pops up when I try to log in to game. Please fix it.
  3. To wideo z pierwszej wersji multiplayera, przy najnowszej nie ma dostępu do funkcji "Konwoje" z zmodowanym profilem.
  4. Oficjalne multi od SCS nie wymaga od ludzi DLC mapowych. Osoby dołączające do sesji będą jechać przez pustkę w przypadku gdy ktoś nie ma DLC mapowego. W tym wypadku trasy będą ustalane od tego kto nie ma jakiego DLC mapowego.
  5. How can I modify fuel tank through save editing? I only know that I need to do something with fuel_relative value but I idk exactly what and how.
  6. Strasznie ciężko jest zdobyć osiągnięcie "Wzdłuż rzeki Snake" z tego względu że trasa z Kennewick do Lewiston bardzo rzadko się pojawia.
  7. Devs are currently working on sound engine for TMP
  8. I did the same but I had to use quotes "" (in profile.sii and profile.bak.sii) in order to profile to show up in the game but when I did that I can not use Steam Cloud anymore. game freezes up when I hit apply button
  9. Suggestion Name: Change color of in-game commands Suggestion Description:Dark blue commands like /p change to red color Any example images:none Why should it be added?: Red color for some comands will be visible for anyone either way during day and night. Current dark blue color is not as visible as red color during a night
  10. Who should post ads? Creator of company or anyone?
  11. Na stronie K&P miejsce startu to Dover, tutaj w poście jest Lyon Które miejsce?
  12. SCS launched event so current game version is 1.31.2 TMP supports only 1.31.1 so we have to wait more
  13. Why a car should have a function in game which simulates delivering goods with trucks? It's pointless, I'm disappointed of how TMP works now Let's start a new era of "Cars with Caravans MP"
  14. How can you be so sure that there actually was ISP leakage? We are just a players and we shouldn't know what happens in Upper Staff
  15. So you're afraid that someaone may leak some information about staff. You see, I can not see these "clear rules" because they are internal. Are they still clear? It seems like staff is covering themselves with rules which aren't visible If you're afraid of "someone leaking information" then say so and don't hide with "riots of Polish community"
  16. and TruckersMP was created in 2014, your reply says as it's from 2017 so for about 3 years we lived without ISP and it worked. Why isn't it working now? Because of yours "privacy of policy"
  17. @konfig0 But there wasn't somethink like ISP before, why is it now? If you have internal rules why don't you make them public? Also I dont't think that staff would do anything with personal information, sorry but you're covering yourself with GPDR
  18. What's wrong with sharing info from internal Discord about a game? I suppose these are not personal information or anything like that.
  19. Thank you Pinguin for that I can't reply on users status upgrade, why can't I disscuss?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. El1teZombiezHD


      Please bare in mind this is the opinion and point of view of myself and I am not apart of the TruckersMP Team at all.


      For me, I don't care about language, race, country or whatever, I judge and see a person as a person, not from their nationality, the language they speak or anything else.


      It is the staff members own problem and own choice if they leave or get kicked for breaking internal policies.


      I call the case volatile because someone somewhere is going to get angry, be destructive and dig themselves into a big hole.


      Personally, I think the whole incident is petty and people need to get over it.




      [Retired TruckersMP Staff Member]

    3. Prototype


      Status updates were disabled for every user and it wasn't forbidden or targeted just for Polish members. 

    4. Penguin


      It doesn't matter who made TruckersMP. This is an international community, and no language is more important than the other.


      You weren't silenced because you were Polish, you were silenced because you kept going on once we've told you to stop.

  20. Ktoś coś wie na temat nowego fixa z głosowań? Byłbym wdzięczny za odpowiedź
  21. When will be released new /fix? I mean this from voting
  22. ten uczuć kiedy z igły robią widły
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