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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/24/24 in all areas

  1. @TreesFamilyMember Report Moderator ➜ Retired Team Member (left)
    48 points
  2. @JJay Support + Community Moderator (language Forum Moderator) ➜ Support + Community Moderator (full Forum Moderator)
    29 points
  3. @Anthony Report Moderator ➜ Game Moderator
    26 points
  4. @Kaday Player ➜ Game Moderation Trainee @UFFriskey Player ➜ Game Moderation Trainee
    13 points
  5. @Blizzy87 Community Moderator Trainee (Discord) ➜ Community Moderator (Discord)
    11 points
  6. 6 points
  7. petit pause de la soirée
    6 points
  8. @Caernage Report Moderator ➜ Retired Team Member (left)
    6 points
  9. @Bеаn Game Moderation Trainee ➜ Report Moderator
    6 points
  10. 5 points
  11. 5 points
  12. does any chance i can get banned for this
    4 points
  13. Hello @Xiao Zhe, Thank you for asking us a question on here Our last Support Team recruitment was in March 2023 - and since then the Support Team has been thriving with the everyday queries across all of our platforms. We tend to base our recruitments when we are struggling with workload - and since then our supporters are highly motivated and workload is managed relatively well across most of our languages that are supported, therefore we do not see it reasonable to hold a recruitment when things are running relatively smoothly. We may be looking to expand into languages which are not yet supported or languages which are in high demand from our players. These languages include: Turkish Czech / Slovak (looking to expand into) Polish Russian Portuguese I hope this answers your question, however at the moment we are in a relatively good position as far as team members go and current workload. However we may be seeking additional support in the languages above over the coming periods.
    4 points
  14. CD Road isn't a simulation. Traffic Jams & Vehicle E-Sports isn't a simulation. Can the server be returned to what a simulation is? Enforced speed limits on every road. Using the city script, but applying it map wide. A better punishment system like IRL has. Increased fines, license suspensions. Applying a ban duration only keeps the server safer from 1 player. Doesn't deter anything. Deterring bad driving behaviors. Yes, it's a game. Still, you don't drive like this with your IRL vehicles.
    3 points
  15. @HoneyBadgerTR Good Night
    3 points
  16. 3 points
  17. I enjoy trucking with Friends rather than a VTC or alone. Alone is pretty boring, sometimes I do it when I'm bored and want to interact with people. With my VTC, I don't know many people and when I want to drive or can drive is usually when everyone is asleep. So, I will drive with my NA people who are awake and whom I talk to every day!
    3 points
  18. @Whitelodge Senior Event Manager ➜ Vice Project Manager
    3 points
  19. The first question: I remember the good old days when it was possible to drive on the Kirkenes road with double/triple trailers. And I understand perfectly well why they are not allowed there now. However, why not remove this restriction on the arcade server? After all, there will be no collision anyway, and if someone gets stuck on one of the turns with a double/triple trailer, it will only be his problem. He will not be able to block the path of other players. The second question: Obviously, the in-game reporting system does not properly handle the number of reports that players create every day. Why not improve this, for example, as follows: implement a cumulative system (at the moment you can only send one report about a player who violated the rules, after which you will see a notification that the report on this player has already been sent) and add the ability to sort reports not by the date they were created, but by the number of sent messages about a specific player. Thus, more attention could be paid to those players who systematically violate the rules and, moreover, enter the game in order to harm other players. The third question: Why not add automatic detection of speedhack usage to the game with automatic sending of a player report that significantly exceeds the speed limited by the server? For example, I suppose it should be suspicious when a player in simulator 1 is driving at about 200 km/h. I'm not saying that such players should be automatically banned, because any player can accidentally get under textures as a result of an accident and falling there at high speed. But I suggest implementing a more intelligent system, which, for example, at the first significant speeding by a player, will mark this player as suspicious, and when this system works again (or if the player is moving at a speed significantly higher than allowed on the server for a long time, and it is obvious that he would not be able to do this. just speeding up when descending the mountain road) automatically create a report with a demo recording, which will show exactly what happened. At the same time, those players who just fell through the textures move at speeds sometimes above 300-500 km/h. It is impossible to drive a car adequately on the road at such a speed due to the special physics engine of the game, so I think it will be easy to create a system that can distinguish those who use speedhacks from those under textures.
    2 points
  20. The in-game avatar has been cancelled for a long time, can we still see it in the game in the future?
    2 points
  21. As anyone who's been in a populated area knows, VTC advertisements run rampant. And they involve adding someone on Discord. All it's really doing is just spamming the chat. Can the overtaking criteria for a populated area be applied to VTC advertisements? They can't do it when the players nearby exceeds a number.
    2 points
  22. A while back there was some promising discussion on AI vehicles being implemented into the game. I don't believe there have been any updates since so I'm wondering if that's still going on or if work on that has been halted.
    2 points
  23. 2 points
  24. 2 points
  25. Isn't it the tragic fate of a trucker to understand the limits of himself and his truck far from home?
    2 points
  26. Taxation Office Building in Barcelona, Spain
    2 points
  27. @Voltera Event Team --> Retired Team Member (left)
    2 points
  28. @Patrik322 Game Moderator + Community Moderator (Language Discord) ➜ Retired Team Member (left)
    2 points
  29. 2 points
  30. Do you prefer to cruise on TruckersMP by yourself or do you prefer to cruise within a/your VTC? Let me know down below!
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. Thank you for your follow.
    1 point
  33. Thanks for the photo @Stormboi.
    1 point
  34. I'm curious as to how many Game Moderators are connected to the server each day. Back in the Fall of 2023, a new moderation strategy was teased, saying there would more GM's present. All that's done is conceal bans and hasn't really done an increase to GM's being present. TAB submitted reports time out (i am aware there's 100+ reports on a given day; maybe there is a way to automate that system), and incidents on CD usually have to wait 30 mins to an hour for a resolution or having the trolling player F7.
    1 point
  35. We Are Here! https://www.twitch.tv/35taco TEAM
    1 point
  36. Long roads are better with a crowd. Just like in the family car.
    1 point
  37. Much prefer with people. I have played allot in the last decade alone and in VTC's with people of the past. With a group of you who all have the same chemistry, it makes for a fantastic atmosphere and the drive seems it only lasts a few minute when in fact, you spent the last 3 hours talking smack and laughing your way to your destination. Good times
    1 point
  38. Am a lone wolf!!. But, I usually come across someone who wanna truck with me . Yeah, we do deliveries together then we become friends Am not a fan of VTC But, I will truck together if am invited. I still have group of friends I truck with,some of them are from different VTC we just come together to truck together Just am a bit on a low key this days because my laptop is bad.. But, I will definitely come back trucking when I have fixed it
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. congratulations brad
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. The new Tirsan trailer do be mint
    1 point
  45. 1 point
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