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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by Kazzoom12

  1. Speculation and anticipation is the best motivator and the best form of advertisement. A competitor is in the best interest of the trucking sim community. Also this is just MY opinion.
  2. It's not ok to advertise other mods? So what your saying is it IS right to take away peoples right to knowledge of other choices and to dictate what people can and can't say?
  3. @heyhococo Oh ok I didn't realise, thanks. I'll just go play the other Multiplayer trucking game..... oh wait there isn't one because they won't release the code to anyone else
  4. An April fools joke that runs onto the 3rd of April? The only joke is how TMP is handled in general . I cant wait for HGVMP to be released to shake things up a little. Ridiculous
  5. It's funny. I'm pretty sure only yesterday they said The speed limiters will remain active for an unknown period and are not intended to be temporary. I'm not sure what their definition of not temporary is but i'm pretty sure its more than 48h
  6. @Krewlex It was removed so quick because all the cry babies were complaining on the forum.
  7. Looks like the kiddies won again
  8. Ah yes @MaxOMax The good times when all that could possibly go wrong was being 1h 30 mins late (real time) for your ferry at Europoort
  9. I also agree with @andy Suter & @Aestrial Personally I always have the truck limiter turned on and mostly choose external jobs anyway but if the sacrifice I and we other simulator drivers have to make to be able to play on a populated server is for others to drive a little faster than us, I'll take it...... but only a little faster developers "hint hint"
  10. I see a lot of people who are not in favour of the speed limiter arguing if you don't want to speed or if you want to play a truck simulator as a simulator then  go to EU1. I see your point partly but I would argue, the whole point of TMP is to drive with other people or in other words multiplayer. With the population of EU1 usually at most 1/3 that of EU2 why would we choose to play a multiplayer game with nobody else? I would happily join a server that was limited to 90 kph and had 0 collision zones if it was populated but it isn't. Therefore we have to either find a way to fully populate both servers for the interests of both simulator players and those who want to have (want of a better word) "Fun" or find a middle ground for both to co-exist on one server. I believe this is a step in the right direction. Would I go further? Probably, perhaps 120 - 130 kph to satisfy both parties but we all know you can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time. This is just one humble players  (who gets on with things and doesn't complain) opinion. What do the rest of you guys think?  

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kazzoom12


      Yes I am aware. What did I say to make you think otherwise? 


    3. DJ Jefferz

      DJ Jefferz

      I just read it incorrectly

    4. Kazzoom12


      No worries :)

  11. I see a lot of people who are not in favour of the speed limiter arguing if you don't want to speed or if you want to play a truck simulator as a simulator then go to EU1. I see your point partly but I would argue, the whole point of TMP is to drive with other people or in other words multiplayer. With the population of EU1 usually at most 1/3 that of EU2 why would we choose to play a multiplayer game with nobody else? I would happily join a server that was limited to 90 kph and had 0 collision zones if it was populated but it isn't. Therefore we have to either find a way to fully populate both servers for the interests of both simulator players and those who want to have (want of a better word) "Fun" or find a middle ground for both to co-exist on one server. I believe this is a step in the right direction. Would I go further? Probably, perhaps 120 - 130 kph to satisfy both parties but we all know you can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time. This is just one humble players (who gets on with things and doesn't complain) opinion. What do the rest of you guys think?
  12. Does anyone know if the mobile barrier model has been added into ATS multiplayer yet? Last time I checked it was a normal trailer floating 10 feet behind the truck. 


  13. Are there plans to implement the new mobile barrier cargo as it currently shows just a single trailer which rubberbands when moving. On other peoples screen I might add. It shows up normally on mine. Thanks
  14. Kazzoom12

    ATS 1.4

    Que the It's ready when its ready comments.
  15. Please refer to my 2nd previous status update







    again :)

    1. Aestrial


      I'm going to take a wild guess and say this will be locked :P

    2. Kazzoom12


      Start the stopwatch :lol: Admins don't like my radical opinions :D

    3. FirestarteR93


      More likely that they don't like that a simple joke turned into arguing....

  16. Please refer to my previous status update @El1teZombiezHD

    1. El1teZombiezHD


      Not really, im closing it to stop an argument, like i am with this



  17. Is removing the ability to converse the only way to solve an discussion that's not heading in your favour? 

    1. Digital


      Not heading in your favour? The topic broke the forum rules. We already explained enough on how to proceed with the complaint.

    2. Kazzoom12


      Fair enough. Can we start a topic that discusses staffs' decisions and critique them? This would not be off  topic or is that against the rules too? Something needs to be done. There are far too many complaints about staff/admins. Is it a coincident? Perhaps an internal review is needed. 

    3. Digital


      In all honesty, and I'm not trying to push away your opinion but most of the complaints I see regarding admins are entirely not their fault, they're enforcing the rules correctly.


      As long as the topic is civil, breaks no forum rules or insults the staff then it should be okay. But I can bet some responses will direct you to the feedback mailbox for a formal complaint.


      I'm also open to discussing this with you in PM if you wish to complain/vent, I'm happy to listen to what you have to say. :)

  18. In the words of Drill Queen; 


    I was born depressed
    And a big black shadow looms suppressed
    And I trip around it
    Trip around it
    I was born clever
    And I don't suffer fools
    I jib as I trip around it...
    Trip around it...
    Trip around it...
    Trip around it...

  19. In the words of the late Freddie Mercury; 


    Another one bites the dust
    Another one bites the dust
    And another one gone, and another one gone
    Another one bites the dust
    Hey, I'm gonna get you too
    Another one bites the dust

  20. @Julien78 It would be a lot easier to have this conversation if you wouldn't keep locking what is basically my opinion. You know who else aren't entitled to their own opinions? People who live in North Korea. Now. Do you think I'm stupid? Do you think I realise this isn't a democracy but a dictatorship? The amount of posts wanting cars to be removed are plentiful and all have been ignored. You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to realise that its never going to happen. HOWEVER this is no reason to stop people voicing their opinions. Right back to the point. Have ALL the issues with the server EU2 been resolved? If not they you should've not stated otherwise. Is there some sort of training you have to undergo when representing this mod? If not then i suggest implementing some. If there is then I suggest a review is in order. Don't worry I will be sure to contact [email protected] with my ideas. Oh and by the way I'm not your "mate"


    You stole Fizzy-Lifting Drinks! You bumped into the ceiling, which now has to be washed and sterilised, so you get... NOTHING!!! You LOSE! GOOD DAY, SIR!

  21. The amount of people that say the feedback email replys' are useless and solve nothing,  and the developers have wasted a lot of time on the car that could have been spent better improving the mod or finding a better way of dealing with trolls, rule breakers, or peoples problems rather than fobbing them off with that blasted email address. @Julien78 You should have been more specific In your post. Technical problems with the server have been fixed i'm sure but what about the non technical problems? The trolls, have they gone now? They are a problem. If you are going to professionally represent something then you need to be clear about what you say which you have not been. Also did i blame you in any way? Did I say Julien, This is all your fault? No, and did I ask you to contact a CM for me? Also no. Please do not say things which are false. This has not or in now way intended to be a personal attack on anyone but a generalisation on the competence of the upper echelons of this mod.  Now you or one of your 'Friends' can lock this one too now. 


    Have a good evening

    1. Kibatsume


      Ok mate. Wipe it all and restart from 0.

      If you have any problem with the mod, any complain to do, taking in consideration that the suggestion "remove thoes cars" has been rejected. Send an email to [email protected]. (And please don't say me that it's useless because it takes time, i can't do anything for that and i'm sure head staff is working on to improve it).



  22. @Julien78 You said the problems regarding eu2 have been solved. I was mealy pointing out that you are incorrect. It seems you have taken my opinion with dissaprovement, tried to silence me and also wanting to fob me off with the standard with the feedback email which isn't worth the virtual paper it is written on. Good evening. 

    1. Subtle [HKG]

      Subtle [HKG]

      send a email to [email protected] if you have any complaints or feedbacks.Locked.

    2. Creatured


      and the cars aren't getting removed after how long they have been in development for.

    3. Kibatsume


      I said that problems regarding eu2 has been solved because we had problems with that server. You came up with you're car thing before even knowing what it was about.

      I don't really know what you want us to do. There is a thing called feedback email that permits you to send a feedback directly to cms & pms. No,you prefer to post about it on my profile (since there have been too much posts about it on the forums) I won't contact a cm for you because you don't like cars. I'm not able to do nothing else for you exept giving you the feedback email. If this don't fits you I'm sorry. But don't blame me for something that i can't change even if i would, and don't blame me for giving you the correct way to act.

  23. I assume he is maybe talking about the new company paint schemes, that match the company icon you choose when setting up a profile, that scs announced yesterday. Or being able to apply paint dlc's to the car itself. I'm not sure as I don't drive the car, it's a truck driving game.
  24. If only SCS would implement older used trucks for when you start up your companies.
  25. I think it's funny how you find driving at 'only' 90kph is a problem. I drive that speed all the time.
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