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Veteran Driver IV
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by Catonaut

  1. I like that, but as someone wrote before, the cooldown should NOT be added for auto kicks, but only for moderator kicks. If I get kicked for high ping or wrong accessory there's no need for a cooldown
  2. That discussion about this intersection is very old. Interestingly nothing happened till now. To the topic: Well we don't actually need a full cloverleaf. You can take the current intersection and just mirror copy it. Doesn't matter what and how TMP staff will do, as long as the crossing from inbound and leaving drivers stops. Meaning the red arrow in the second picture would be already enough to fix the traffic congestion
  3. you know, TMP staff already added the Truckersmp logo as an accessory to place on the sides of your trailer. So I'd say they could add arrows and the text the same way as the logo as an accessory aswell, so you can choose anytime you want to put them on or not
  4. I like the idea of a toll-booth Duca road. Would be funny for an aprils fool. pay everytime when entering and leaving a totally crazy big amount of money :D. Enter the road? pay for it leave the road? pay for it enter gas station? pay for it leave the gas station? pay for it drive over the level crossing? pay for it You can make that bigger: the road has various speed limits. put a flash for every new speed limit on the side. you're too fast? pay for it. you're too fast again? pay for it but moooore. But back to the topic. I don't really care what solution it will gonna be as long as traffic doesn't get too stuck and players can't rush through the gas station and rest stop. The french version like @Low Horsepower Truck and @blabberbeak suggested the most.
  5. I agree with that. While th idea is good, I think rtoaundabouts slow the traffic down too much. I can already say aswell that palyers try to leave and enter the gas station the wrong way. That needs to be pevented also. How about something like this (see the attached image). A loop at the beginning at at the end and the gas station in the middle (while remodeling more paarking lots would be cool, especially for longer trucks)?
  6. Hey guys, the new changed rest stop on the DU CA road is quite good, but I noticed that many drivers overtake, while others drive in the middle road, fast through the gas station and get back on the main road. See pic: https://imgur.com/a/5RNDwET My suggestion would be to add a S-curve with a wall behind (for reasons) at the beginning of both directions when entering the rest stop so players are forced to brake and enter slowly instead of rushing through. Is just bad when you park, get rammed and then reported for blocking the way but it's not you fault. Why it should be added? Well to avoid accidents and reporting of the wrong players Cheers
  7. For the next aprils fools I'd like to have a max speed limit at 30 kph for trucks and 20 kph for cars. Would be so funny so see the rage in chat of all these racing drivers. But as you said, the minimum requirement of 6 months membership sound quite good, but there are players who already have many hours in SP, can drive very good, stick to the traffic rules and then have to wait 6 months aswell to play. They'll loose interest quite fast in joining. Sounds like we need something like a trest track to see how drivers behave
  8. Suggestion Name: As the title says Suggestion Description: I know TMP staff might already be working on how to rebuild Calais like Duisburg to increase traffic flow. There have been even topic and suggestions on how to do that. My suggestion would be to only replace the repair shop like in the following pic: https://imgur.com/a/Tp41mCY It is basically the most congested place in the city. So if we replace it and make it like adrive through I would say you can increase traffic flow quite good. You could also try first to close the exit from Calais intersection heading down to Calaiss, so players have to enter form the harbor but can exit straight from the city to the intersection. Why is it needed? Well as written before to increase traffic flow becaue almost everyone needs to go over one single crossing. Cheers, Flo
  9. Instead of requiring 6 moths of membership to drive a car I think it would be better to incerease the minimum driving hours for the game itself. Right now you only need 2 hours of driving to enter TMP. How about increasing this to 50 or 100?
  10. Hello, as the title says, I'd like to make the suggestion to increase the amount of parking lots on the new DU-CA rest stop. In the following pic you can see, that even with not many players on the server the rest stop gets already a bit crowded: https://imgur.com/a/LnInMgQ I would even place two spots toghether to have the length for HCT trailer if possible. Cheers Flo
  11. I'm also looking forward for the NL and BE rework. but I odon't think players will switch the road from Duisburg to Calais to another. Have a look at the added alpine road in Austria over the big mountain. It was popular for two weeks fter it cam out. Now you're happy to find at least 5 other players on it. My guess would be that Duisburg - Calais will remain (because other roads are either too short or in a DLC), only the road between it will change.
  12. I like the lowbeds too and long trailer combos. Sadly the 10 axle is not allowed. Would be cool to use it at least on promods becasue exept Kirkenes the Map is almost empty. But it's funny that in the Rules it still says that Special Transport Trailers are not allowed, but on the other hand, 2 out of 3 are allowed to be used (the 6 axle lowloaders like the one in your last picture) in the game.
  13. Hello together, as you know, ETS 2 allows long trailer combos up to 3 parts. Therefore the 3 following trailer combos are the most common ones: https://imgur.com/a/gBaDypB (They can vary in style and type like dryvan, container, flatbed, logs, etc.). We've got the B-double with an additional load carrier B-Triple classic HCT So my question to you would be: If you drive/or wanted to drive one of those (for whatever reason), which combo would you choose/are you driving and why (maybe why not the other ones)?
  14. My idea for the Calais Intersection would be a "normal" 4 way highway cross like the ones which got redesigned by SCS in the latest game updates. The remodeling of Duisburg went very good. The traffic thers is now much better than it was before. So it would be cool (if TMP staff isn't alreday working on it) to remodel the city of Calais aswell like Duisburg with one way entry and exit and bigger roads in the city itself
  15. Does this mean, Calais intersection, where trucks coming from east like Duisburg and the trucks coming from Calais, will be rebuild, so they don't cross each other any longer, meaning they get of the highway and can turn right to Calais instead of going over the bridge first like it is still today?
  16. Suggestion Name: New mod manager in the new TMP Launcher Suggestion Description: As we all know there have been many requests for various mods to be added to the MP. In almost every case the TMP staff had to say no, because the mod would be required by every player to actually work. Now let me explain my suggestion: Instead of everyone needing to look up the mod in the steam workshop, TMP staff add them into the new TMP Launcher by adding a mod manager. How should that work? Players can make suggestions (better none that affect for example the truck in hope noone has to recreate his truck due to a mod crash) on what mods to add, for example the VAK trailers by Kast. Now, TMP staff can test this mod on an additional server in order to look and dicuss, if the mod works, is suitable and stable. If yes, they add it to the mod manager. So before a player can now log in, he must synchronize the mod manager in order to play (in the beginning it might be better to start with only trailer mods). The trailer is now purchaseble in the game and every player is still free to use these mods or not (Just like the mod vehicles TMP patrons can use). In order to make sure the mods are still supported, TMP might add the modders to the staff to react faster for example when a new version is launched. Any example images: Sadly nope Why should it be added?: I think it will slightly increase the amount of players to the game due to the fact many don't use the MP becaue they are not supported
  17. How does it come that the same cargoes have a different weight between ETS2 and ATS according to the 2 tables: For example the milling maching is slightly heavier in ETS2. In ETS2 the transformer has a weight arount 47 tons, in ATS it's 56. Are there any special reasons for this?
  18. Well this helps all players that are already aware of this road and drive (almost) correct. But kid players won't care about these tips in anyway. But thanks for putting them together
  19. I think that by removing or remodelling too much on this road players might leave and search for another one. The fact it's not a 2 lane road is one of the things it makes it special. Yes Duisburg remodeling and the intersection near Brussels had to be done due to much traffic but I don't think removing the railroad crossing is nessesary. maybe make the time until the next train arrives a bit longer so more players can pass which will also help lowering traffic jams. The biggest rework that actually has to be done is the Calais intersection, because that's the last point where both driving directions cross each other between Ca and DU
  20. Suggestion Name: New easy redesign for the Calais intersection Suggestion Description: For me the easy way to rearange the Calais intersection is to mirror it, cause right now the trucks coming from DU to CA are crossing the trucks going from CA to DU. With mirroring the intersecton the crossing mostly ends and the traffic flow will increase Any example images: Current: https://imgur.com/5TQBABX Future: https://imgur.com/sZLyI7r Why should it be added?: as already said to decrease accidents and increrase traffic flow without using a new giant intersection
  21. Suggestion Name: see title Suggestion Description: Yes I know the title isn't new and yes I know there have already been many suggestions for the special transport (ST) trailers. But mine is a bit different: Many moderators already mentioned due to some reasons (e.g. AI supporting cars) ST can't be done in MP. There are 3 ST trailers: the 2+4 lowloader, the 2+4 extended lowloader and the 3+7 ax lowbed. The 2+4 lowloaders are already allowed (the TMP support told me I can use them) and you don't get kicked after attaching it to your truck (just the trailer, no cargo). The only trailer you get kicked due to the rules is the 3+7 lowbed. I'd like to get it allowed aswell. Don't get me wrong, just the trailer, not the cargos. TMP staff can change the settings to get players kicked when using a ST cargo, like it was at the beginning when 1.39 started (where only the cargo counted as a kick). The reason why I'm saying this is, that via save editing you can do "normal" jobs from the Heavy Cargo Pack with all 3 trailers and the cargos fit pretty well without interrupting anything. Next point for the allowance is Rule no. 3: When you can't handle your trailer you'll be kicked or banned until you removed the trailer or mod. So in the end TMP staff stiil has the ability to say no to every player driving with these trailers. Following by a decreasing number of players (as I've seen it the last days since the SCS MP release). On highways I can say from my pov I'm mostly alone, maybe 2 to 3 other players on average Any example images: too big to upload Why should it be added?: Cause the lowloaders are already allowed (I've had almost no problems with other drivers, just some company exits were a littlebit narrow) and a little challenge (they even allow the loco to be transported due to the more axles, which the 4 ax extended is not capable of (only via save editing). If you're unsure my suggestion would work, why not make a 3 month trial or something like that to see if traffic is really worse than now or maybe not even noticable. Kind regards Flo
  22. SCS forgot the extended version of the 1+4 lowloader. The short version doesn't really make any sense to me, but the long would be able to carry the loco due to the one more axle. The normal 4 ax ext can't do that. Just funny, SCS modelled a cargo for a specific trailer, but that trailer can't transport the cargo...
  23. Suggestion Name: new interchange for Calais entry Suggestion Description: Therefore the interchange still causes traffic jams even with added stop lights, I guess many other players already gave new looks as a suggestion. My version would be to take the road coming from Calais under the bridge and mirror the on and off ramps on both sides, so the cars going to Calais coming from the left and not right. While trucks heading to Duisburg take a 270 degree right turn to get over the bridge. That would in my opinion be a goo choice, cuase you don't need to recreate a whole new interchange with, which gets a lot bigger than the existing one Any example images: too big to upload ? Why should it be added?: to decrease traffic jams and increase traffic flow
  24. Suggestion Name: The RSR, the Rolling Stone Race Suggestion Description: Therefore everyone drove at least once along the Kirkenes Quarry Road, why not make a race on it. Player drive a Truck with a 6x4 chassis, a good engine (truck and engine the same for every player) and a non modified 4+2+4 HCT dryvan. Automatic gearbox is a must. You start at the beginning of the road, drive all the way to the stone mine, turn around in there and get all the way back. You can use differential, but reseting on the road, for example because you fell off a cliff, is only allowed once by a watching admin. The fastest one wins. Any example images: Nope Why should it be added?: Because races are cool and this one is, I think, not just go full throttle to win, but also a bit strategic
  25. Hello, in the last days I had the idea of the following: Suggestion Name: Searchbar in the "players near to you" overlay Suggestion Description: adding a bar or field to be able to write in the name or the number of any player near me, e.g. for reporting, muting, etc. Any example images: no Why should it be added?: when seeing a player, that is e.g. ramming, hacking, using foul language, etc. currently you have to stop and scroll sometimes through to whole "players near to you" list. That gets worse, when your in Duisburg for example with sometimes 120 players or more. The list even "moves" when player come or leave "your" area. I can happen, that the player you want to report leaves it, before you found his name or number, so you have to report him here on the website. Therefore it would be much easier and of course faster to type the players number or name in the searchbar and immediatly get only his name and number to report or mute him. EDIT: ok I don't think this might be added due to the history button. Would be cool to see, what will be easier to use. Regards, Flo
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